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Search: su=Democracy and education
Found: 4 Record 1-4

Periodical articleJotia, Agreement Lathi (2011)
Educating for democratic engagement in Botswana's democracy: challenges of promoting democratic education
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 26 #1. p. 135-160.

Periodical articleAkuloba, M.A.; Mabururu, M.N. (2007)
Democracy in higher education institutions: an application of Dewey's instrumentalism
Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #2. p. 108-115.

Periodical articleMonaka, K.C. (2007)
Democracy and the education system of Botswana: towards linguistic pluralism
Marang: Journal of Language and Literature. #17. p. 43-51.

Periodical articleOcheng, M.T.K. (2006)
Curriculum and democracy: implication of the linkage on today's basic education curriculum
Nkumba University Education Journal. #1. March. p. 60-79.

Search: su=Democracy and education
Found: 4 Record 1-4

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