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Found: 177 | Record 1-100 |
Costet-Tardieu, Francine (2016) | |
Les minorités chrétiennes dans la construction de l'Egypte moderne: 1922-1952 | |
Paris: Karthala. Histoire des mondes chretiens. 184p. |
CODESRIA, Dakar (2014) | |
Special issue on higher education leadership and management | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 12 #1. 150p. |
Texier, Fernand (2009) | |
La diversité culturelle en francophonie: le cas de l'Université Senghor d'Alexandrie | |
Mondes et cultures. Volume 69. p. 110-116. |
Cochran, Judith (2008) | |
Educational roots of political crisis in Egypt | |
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 233p. |
Yount, Kathryn M. (2008) | |
Gender, Resources across the Life Course, and Cognitive Functioning in Egypt | |
Demography. Volume 45 #4. p. 907-926. |
Yousef, Hoda A. (2008) | |
Reassessing Egypt's Dual System of Education under Isma 'Il: Growing 'Ilm and Shifting Ground in Egypt's First Educational Journal, Rawdat al-Madaris, 1870-77 | |
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 40 #1. February. p. 109-130. |
Assaad, Ragui; Barsoum, Ghada F. (2007) | |
Youth Exclusion in Egypt: In Search of 'Second Chances' | |
Washington, D.C.: Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution. Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper #2. 43p. |
Civantos, Christina E. (2007) | |
Reading and Writing the Egyptian Woman Intellectual: Nabawiyya Musa's 'Ta'rikhi bi-Qalami' | |
Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 17-20, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tucson. |
Dancer, Diane; Rammohan, Anu (2007) | |
Determinants of Schooling in Egypt: The Role of Gender and Rural/Urban Residence | |
Oxford Development Studies. Volume 35 #2. June. p. 171-195. |
Halim, Asma Mohamed Abdel (2007) | |
From Bagadadji to Abu Hashim: new approaches to combat female circumcision | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #114. p. 719-725. |
Labib, Nargis; Radwan, Ghada; Mikhail, Nabiel; Mohamed, Mostafa K.; Setouhy, Maged El; Loffredo, Christopher; Israel, Ebenezer (2007) | |
Comparison of Cigarette and ater Pipe Smoking among Female University Students in Egypt | |
Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Volume 9 #5. p. 591-596. |
Attar, Samar (2006) | |
The Fascination of an Egyptian Intellectual with Europe: Taha Husayn and France | |
Arab Studies Quarterly. Volume 28 #1. Winter. p. 13-32. |
Deeb, S.; Badii, M.; El-Begawey, M.; Ali, K.; Mahdi, E. (2006) | |
Tissue microarrays and their use for preparation of reference slides for educational purposes in histology and histopathology | |
African Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 13 #3-4. July-December. p. 66-69. |
Millet, Denna K. (2006) | |
Education and Women's Political Empowerment in Diverse Islamic Socio-Political Contexts: A Comparative Study of Egypt and Iran | |
Honors Thesis: Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. 109p. |
Senghor, L.S. (2006) | |
L'Egypte-Mère | |
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #spécial. 1er semestre. p. 393-396. |
Souami, Taoufik; Verdeil, Éric (eds.) (2006) | |
Concevoir et gérer les villes: milieux d'urbanistes du sud de la Méditerranée | |
Paris: Économica. Villes. 229p. |
Ali, M.; Pett, C. (2005) | |
A Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Initiative for Young Sudanese Refugees in Urban Egypt | |
The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 40 #2. p. 192-200. |
Amin Abou El-Zahab, Khaled Z.M. (2005) | |
Fiscal decentralization and poverty: a cross-sectional analysis and a case study of Egypt | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 410p. |
Langohr, Vickie (2005) | |
Colonial Education Systems and the Spread of Local Religious Movements: The Cases of British Egypt and Punjab | |
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 47 #1. February. p. 161-189. |
Peridy, Nicolas (2005) | |
Toward a Pan-Arab Free Trade Area: Assessing Trade Potential Effects of the Agadir Agreement | |
Developing Economies. Volume 43 #3. September. p. 329-345. |
Sayed, Fatma H. (2005) | |
Democratizing development: integrating local communities in the provision of basic education in Egypt | |
African Administrative Studies. #65. p. 89-106. |
Amin, Sajeda; Al-Bassusi, Nagah H. (2004) | |
Education, Wage Work, and Marriage: Perspectives of Egyptian Working Women | |
Journal of Marriage and Family. Volume 66 #5. December. p. 1287-1299. |
Barsoum, Ghada F. (2004) | |
The Employment Crisis of Female Graduates in Egypt: An Ethnographic Account | |
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. Cairo Papers in Social Science Volume 25 #3. 121p. |
Foster, Angel (2004) | |
What are Physicians Learning about Reproductive Health? Exploring Medical Education in Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt | |
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona. |
Herrera, Linda (2004) | |
A Girls' Game? Egyptian Education between Globalization and Islamization | |
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC. |
Hozayin, Russanne (2004) | |
Agentic Potential and Literacy Achievement among Adolescent Girls in Upper Egyptian Villages: Assessing Program Impact | |
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona. |
Kamal, Hala (2004) | |
Discourses on Women's Education in Late 19th Century Egypt | |
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona. |
Khamis, Sahar (2004) | |
Multiple Literacies, Multiple Identities: Egyptian Rural Women's Readings of Televised Literacy Campaigns | |
In: Sakr, Naomi (ed.). Women and Media in the Middle East: Power Through Self-Expression. London/New York: I.B. Tauris. Library of Modern Middle East Studies #41. |
Moro, Leben N. (2004) | |
Livelihood Opportunities for Sudanese Refugees | |
Forced Migration Review. #20. May. p. 32. |
Odongi, Eunice (2004) | |
Integrating Gender into the Agricultural Extension System as a Method of Reducing Vulnerability of Women to HIV/AIDS: Focus on Vihaga District Kenya | |
M.A. Thesis: University of Professional Education, Deventer, Netherlands. 80p. |
Russell, Mona L. (2004) | |
Creating the New Egyptian Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity in Egypt, 1863-1922 | |
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 237p. |
Zaalouk, Malak (2004) | |
The pedagogy of empowerment: community schools as a social movement in Egypt | |
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. 196p. |
North South Consultants Exchange (NSCE) (2003) | |
Impact Study of the New Horizons Program in Egypt | |
Washington, D.C.: USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)/Development Experience System (DEXS). |
Susilastuti, Dewi Haryani (2003) | |
Women's Education, Work and Autonomy: An Egyptian Case | |
Ph.D. dissertation: Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 112p. |
Abu-Ghaida, Dina N. (2002) | |
Family background and labor market outcomes in Jordan and Egypt | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 155p. |
Costet-Tardieu, Francine (2002) | |
Un projet de réforme pour l'université d'al-Azhar en 1928: le mémorandum du shaykh al-Marâghî | |
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #95-98. p. 169-187. |
ElGarrai, Omer A. (2002) | |
Problems and prospects of human rights education in Arab Islamic region: Egypt as a case study | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 259p. |
Fleischer, Gerd; Waibel, Hermann; Walter-Echols, Gerd (2002) | |
Transforming Top-Down Agricultural Extension to a Participatory System: A Study of Costs and Prospective Benefits in Egypt | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 22 #4. October. p. 309-322. |
Perrin, Emmanuelle (2002) | |
Éduquer les éducateurs: les revues pédagogiques égyptiennes de l'entre-deux-guerres | |
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #95-98. p. 337-354. |
Abugideiri, Hibba E. (2001) | |
Egyptian Women and the Science Question: Gender in the Making of Colonized Medicine, 1893-1929 | |
Ph.D. dissertation: Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 536p. |
Ahmed, A.C. (2001) | |
Islamic mission in Sub-Saharan Africa: The perspectives of some 'ulamâ' associated with the al-Azhar University (1960-1970) | |
Die Welt des Islams. Volume 41 #3. p. 348-378. |
Allam M.F.; De Irala-Estévez J.; Fernández-Crehuet, Navajas R.; Serrano del Castillo, A.; Hoashi, J.S.; Pankovich, M.B.; Liceaga, J.R. (2001) | |
Factors Associated with the Condoning of Female Genital Mutilation among University Students | |
Public Health. Volume 115 #5. September. p. 350-355. |
Russell, Mona (2001) | |
Competing, Overlapping, and Contradictory Agendas: Egyptian Education under British Occupation, 1882-1922 | |
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Volume 21 #1-2. p. 50-60. |
Thomas, Rebecca L. (2001) | |
Empowering School-Age Girls and Young Women in Egypt: Evaluating the World Bank's Education Sector Strategy | |
M.A. Thesis: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. 125p. |
Arabsheibani, G. Reza (2000) | |
Male-Female Earnings Differentials among the Highly Educated Egyptians | |
Education Economics. Volume 8 #2. August. p. 129-138. |
Belhachmi, Zakia (2000) | |
Al-Sa'dawi's and Mernissi's Feminist Knowledge With/in the History, Education and Science of the Arab-Islamic Culture | |
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 384p. |
Chanfi Ahmed, Abdallah (2000) | |
Entre da'wa et diplomatie: Al-Azhar et l'Afrique au sud du Sahara d'après la revue Madjallat al-Azhar dans les année 1960 et 1970 | |
Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #14-15. p. 57-80. |
General Consulate of Egypt; Cultural and Educational Bureau in Canada (2000) | |
Pioneer Women of Egypt: In Politics, Public Life, Science, Education and Art: International Women's Day | |
Ottawa: General Consulate of Egypt, Cultural and Educational Bureau in Canada. 54p. |
Graves-Brown, Carolyn (2000) | |
Reflections of Women in Ancient Egypt: Women, Museums and Egyptologists | |
Swanzea, Wales: University of Wales Swansea, Egypt Centre. 49p. |
Sall, Ebrima (ed.) (2000) | |
Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa | |
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series. 154p. |
Sharawy, H. (2000) | |
Social Dimensions of Intellectual and Academic Freedom in Egypt | |
In: Sall, Ebrima (ed.). Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series. |
UNESCO (1999) | |
Women as Educators, and Women's Education in E-9 Countries | |
Paris: UNESCO. 65p. |
Abdul-Ghaffar, A.-S.; Dean, A.A.M. (1998) | |
Education and the challenge of globalisation: the Egyptian point of view | |
UNESCO-Africa: Quarterly Journal of the Regional Office in Dakar. #16. March-September. p. 97-102. |
Barraclough, Steven (1998) | |
Al-Azhar: between the government and the Islamists | |
Middle East Journal. Volume 52 #2. p. 236-249. |
Langsten, Raymond L. (1998) | |
Differential Education by Sex in Egypt. A Household Level Analysis | |
Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), April 1-3, 1998, Chicago, Illinois. Silver Spring. |
Naguib, Nora G. (1998) | |
Who's Absent from Egyptian Schools? An Update on Gender Differences in Education | |
In: Mahran, Maher and El-Zanaty, Fatma H. (eds.). Perspectives on the Population and Health Situation in Egypt: Results of Further Analysis of the 1995 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. Cairo: National Population Council/Macro Intern. |
Shakry, O. (1998) | |
Schooled Mothers and Structured Play: Child Rearing in Turn-of-the-Century Egypt | |
In: Abu-Lughod, Lila (ed.). Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 126-170. |
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1997) | |
Women, Work, and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa | |
Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 255p. |
Russell, Mona L. (1997) | |
Creating the New Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity in Egypt, 1863-1922 | |
Ph.D. dissertation: Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 431p. |
Bhushan, Indu; Sirageldin, Ismail (1996) | |
Education, Fertility Desires, and the Perceived Cost of Contraception | |
In: Sirageldin, Ismail and Al-Rahmani, Eqbal (eds.). Population and Development Transformations in the Arab World. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. p. 103-129. |
Hopkins, Jenny (1996) | |
The Role of the Family in Learning to Work: Experiences of Egyptian Muslim Women | |
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. 251p. |
Ibrahim, Mostafa H.A. (1996) | |
A Study of the Relationship between Women's Education and Socio-Economic Status and Demographic Development in Selected Villages of the Assiut Governorate | |
Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 27 #3. |
Ibrahim, Mostafa H.A. (1996) | |
Associated Factors with Rural Participation in Local Development Projects in Selected Village Communities | |
Assiut, Egypt: Assiut University, Faculty of Agriculture. |
Montgomery, Mark R.; Lloyd, Cynthia B. (1996) | |
High Fertility, Unwanted Fertility and Children's Schooling | |
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population of Association of America (PAA), May 9-1, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana. Silver Spring, Maryland: PAA. |
Pijpers, Harmke; Bos, Froukje; Altorki, Soraya; Faisal, Toujan (1996) | |
Women in the Arab World | |
New York: Filmakers Library, Inc. VHS Videocassette. 1/2 Inch. Color. 25 Minutes. |
Soliman, Azza A. (1996) | |
The Status of Women in Egypt (National and Regional Inequities) | |
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 25th Annual Seminar on Population Issues in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1995. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #25. p. 412-461. |
Ahmed, Ferial A.; Mohamed, Amany M.; Khalil, Mervat M. (1995) | |
Women's Education, Employment and Fertility in Egypt, 1991 | |
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 24th Annual Seminar on Population Issues and the Challenges of the 21st Century in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1994. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #24. p. 219-242. |
Halawa, M.; Bashay, M.F.; Eggleston, E.; Hardee, K.; Kafafi, L.; Brown, J.W. (1995) | |
Assessing the Impact of a Family Planning Nurse Training Program in Egypt | |
Population Research and Policy Review. Volume 14 #4. December. p. 395-409. |
Pollard, Lisa (1995) | |
Making Babies, Making Mothers: State Education and the Creation of Egyptian Nationals (1889-1919) | |
Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), December 6-10, 1995, Washington, D.C. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona. |
Starrett, Gregory (1995) | |
The Hexis of Interpretation: Islam and the Body in the Egyptian Popular School | |
American Ethnologist. Volume 22 #4. November. p. 953-969. |
Anonymous (1994) | |
Basic Education and Female Literacy in Egypt: Final Report | |
Cairo: Third World Forum. 97p. |
Courbage, Y. (1994) | |
Demographic Change in the Arab World: Migration, Education, and Taxes in Egypt and Morocco | |
MERIP Middle East Report. Volume 24 #5-190. p. 19. |
Egypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilization; Statistics (CAPMS) (1994) | |
Statistical Yearbook, Arab Republic of Egypt: 1952-1993 | |
Cairo: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). June. 353p. |
Hatem, Mervat F. (1994) | |
The Professional Discourses in Femininity in Nineteenth Century Egypt: A Comparative Study of Medical and Educational Texts | |
Paper presented at the Conference, Women in the Ottoman Empire: History and Legacy of the Early Modern Middle East, April 17-18, 1994, University of Maryland-College Park, College, Park, Maryland. |
Honadle, B. W. (1994) | |
Making Social Science Research Applicable: The Case of Agricultural Extension Research in Egypt | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 14 #4. October. p. 365-375. |
Rauniyar, Durga S.; Cornwell, Gretchen T. (1994) | |
Use of Maternal Health Care Services among Rural Egyptian Women: The Effects of Maternal Education | |
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), May 5-7, Miami, Florida. Washington, D.C.: PAA. |
Rauniyar, Durga S. (1994) | |
The Relationship between Maternal Education and Child Health in Rural Egypt | |
Ph.D. dissertation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 226p. |
Schleifer, A. (1994) | |
Muslim Women and Education: Historical Foundations and Twentieth Century Egypt | |
Muslim Education Quarterly. Volume 11 #3. p. 5. |
Al Deeb, Amal A. (1993) | |
Rural Women's Extension Needs in the Area of Minimizing Postharvest loss in Horticulture | |
M.S. Thesis: Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. |
Badran, Hoda (1993) | |
Women's Human Rights: A Conditionality for Sustainability | |
In: Faris, Mohamed A. and Hasan Khan, Mabmood (eds.). Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. |
Egypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1993) | |
Demographic Analysis of 1986 Census Data: Enlarged Sample | |
Cairo: CAPMAS. Population Studies and Research Centre. Three Volumes. |
El-Deeb, Bothaina (1993) | |
Women, Status, Fertility, and Family Planning in Egypt | |
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 59p. |
Mahgoub, Youssef M.; Hussein, Mounira A. (1993) | |
The Impact of Education on Fertility According to Region and Contraceptive Use | |
Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review. Volume 27 #1. June. p. 19-66. |
Smith, Morna O. (1993) | |
Desired Family Size and Desired Child Education among Recently Married Women in Egypt | |
Ph.D. dissertation: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. 268p. |
Badran, Margot (1992) | |
Expressing Feminism and Nationalism in Autobiography: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Educator | |
In: Smith, Sidonie and Watson, Julie (eds.). De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. p. 270-293. |
Berkey, Jonathan Porter (1992) | |
The transmission of knowledge in medieval Cairo: a social history of Islamic education | |
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Princeton studies on the Near East. 238p. |
Cochran, Judith (1992) | |
Western Higher Education and Identity Conflict: The Egyptian Female Professional | |
Convergence. Volume 25 #3. p. 66-77. |
Egypt. Ministry of Social Affairs; International Labour Organization (ILO) (1992) | |
Training Rural Women in Income Generating and Basic Life Skills | |
Cairo: State Information Service Press. 6p. |
Elgharbawy, Fathy M. (1992) | |
A Model for Analyzing the Educational Work Force System: An Application to Public Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt | |
Ph.D. dissertation: State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, New York. 273p. |
Herrera, Linda (1992) | |
Scenes of Schooling: Inside a Girls' School in Cairo | |
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. 89p. |
Horber, Monica (1992) | |
The Impact of Islam on Women's Education in Egypt | |
M.A. Thesis: University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
Mahgoub, Youssef M.; Hussein, Mounira A. (1992) | |
Regional Urban-Rural Differentials of the Educational Impact on Fertility in Egypt | |
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 31p. |
Moharram, Sobhi (1992) | |
The Process of Controlled Decentralization in Egyptian Local Finance | |
Developing Economies. Volume 30 #4. December. p. 450-481. |
Russell, Mona L. (1992) | |
The Female Brain Drain, the State and Development in Egypt | |
In: Jabbra, Joseph G. and Jabbra, Nancy W. (eds.). Women and Development in the Middle East and North Africa. Leiden/New York: E.J. Brill. International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology. p. 122-143. |
Russell, Mona L. (1992) | |
The Female Brain Drain, the State and Development in Egypt | |
Journal of Developing Societies. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 122-145. |
Berkey, J.P. (1991) | |
Women and Islamic Education in the Mamluk Period | |
In: Keddie, Nikki R. and Baron, Beth A. (eds.). Women in Middle Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 143-159. |
Bittles, Alan H. (1991) | |
Consanguinity: Major Variables in Studies on North African Reproductive Behavior Morbidity and Mortality? | |
In: Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, August 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C.: Proceedings. Columbia, Maryland: Institute for Resource Development/Macro International, Demographic and Health Surveys. p. 321-341. |
Egypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1991) | |
Census of Population Housing and Establishments 1986. Second Volume: Final Results. Complete Coverage - Population Characteristics. Total Republic | |
Cairo: CAPMAS. 370p. |
Faust, Kimberly A.; Bach, Rebecca; Gadalla, Saad M.; Khattab, Hind A.S.; Gulick, John (1991) | |
Mass Education Islamic Revival and the Population Problem in Egypt | |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume 22 #3. Autumn. p. 329-341. |
Guhl, Nora L.; Sayed, Hussein A.A. (1991) | |
The Expansion of Female Education in Egypt: Evidence from Survey Data | |
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1990. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #20. p. 353-375. |
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