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BookCostet-Tardieu, Francine (2016)
Les minorités chrétiennes dans la construction de l'Egypte moderne: 1922-1952
Paris: Karthala. Histoire des mondes chretiens. 184p.

Periodical issueCODESRIA, Dakar (2014)
See this publicationSpecial issue on higher education leadership and management
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 12 #1. 150p.

Periodical articleTexier, Fernand (2009)
La diversité culturelle en francophonie: le cas de l'Université Senghor d'Alexandrie
Mondes et cultures. Volume 69. p. 110-116.

BookCochran, Judith (2008)
Educational roots of political crisis in Egypt
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 233p.

Periodical articleYount, Kathryn M. (2008)
See this publicationGender, Resources across the Life Course, and Cognitive Functioning in Egypt
Demography. Volume 45 #4. p. 907-926.

Periodical articleYousef, Hoda A. (2008)
See this publicationReassessing Egypt's Dual System of Education under Isma 'Il: Growing 'Ilm and Shifting Ground in Egypt's First Educational Journal, Rawdat al-Madaris, 1870-77
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 40 #1. February. p. 109-130.

BookAssaad, Ragui; Barsoum, Ghada F. (2007)
Youth Exclusion in Egypt: In Search of 'Second Chances'
Washington, D.C.: Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution. Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper #2. 43p.

Conference paperCivantos, Christina E. (2007)
Reading and Writing the Egyptian Woman Intellectual: Nabawiyya Musa's 'Ta'rikhi bi-Qalami'
Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 17-20, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tucson.

Periodical articleDancer, Diane; Rammohan, Anu (2007)
See this publicationDeterminants of Schooling in Egypt: The Role of Gender and Rural/Urban Residence
Oxford Development Studies. Volume 35 #2. June. p. 171-195.

Periodical articleHalim, Asma Mohamed Abdel (2007)
See this publicationFrom Bagadadji to Abu Hashim: new approaches to combat female circumcision
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #114. p. 719-725.

Periodical articleLabib, Nargis; Radwan, Ghada; Mikhail, Nabiel; Mohamed, Mostafa K.; Setouhy, Maged El; Loffredo, Christopher; Israel, Ebenezer (2007)
Comparison of Cigarette and ater Pipe Smoking among Female University Students in Egypt
Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Volume 9 #5. p. 591-596.

Periodical articleAttar, Samar (2006)
See this publicationThe Fascination of an Egyptian Intellectual with Europe: Taha Husayn and France
Arab Studies Quarterly. Volume 28 #1. Winter. p. 13-32.

Periodical articleDeeb, S.; Badii, M.; El-Begawey, M.; Ali, K.; Mahdi, E. (2006)
See this publicationTissue microarrays and their use for preparation of reference slides for educational purposes in histology and histopathology
African Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 13 #3-4. July-December. p. 66-69.

Dissertation / thesisMillet, Denna K. (2006)
Education and Women's Political Empowerment in Diverse Islamic Socio-Political Contexts: A Comparative Study of Egypt and Iran
Honors Thesis: Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. 109p.

Periodical articleSenghor, L.S. (2006)
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #spécial. 1er semestre. p. 393-396.

BookSouami, Taoufik; Verdeil, Éric (eds.) (2006)
Concevoir et gérer les villes: milieux d'urbanistes du sud de la Méditerranée
Abstract presentParis: Économica. Villes. 229p.

Periodical articleAli, M.; Pett, C. (2005)
A Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Initiative for Young Sudanese Refugees in Urban Egypt
The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 40 #2. p. 192-200.

BookAmin Abou El-Zahab, Khaled Z.M. (2005)
Fiscal decentralization and poverty: a cross-sectional analysis and a case study of Egypt
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 410p.

Periodical articleLangohr, Vickie (2005)
Colonial Education Systems and the Spread of Local Religious Movements: The Cases of British Egypt and Punjab
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 47 #1. February. p. 161-189.

Periodical articlePeridy, Nicolas (2005)
Toward a Pan-Arab Free Trade Area: Assessing Trade Potential Effects of the Agadir Agreement
Developing Economies. Volume 43 #3. September. p. 329-345.

Periodical articleSayed, Fatma H. (2005)
Democratizing development: integrating local communities in the provision of basic education in Egypt
African Administrative Studies. #65. p. 89-106.

Periodical articleAmin, Sajeda; Al-Bassusi, Nagah H. (2004)
Education, Wage Work, and Marriage: Perspectives of Egyptian Working Women
Journal of Marriage and Family. Volume 66 #5. December. p. 1287-1299.

BookBarsoum, Ghada F. (2004)
The Employment Crisis of Female Graduates in Egypt: An Ethnographic Account
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. Cairo Papers in Social Science Volume 25 #3. 121p.

Conference paperFoster, Angel (2004)
What are Physicians Learning about Reproductive Health? Exploring Medical Education in Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona.

Conference paperHerrera, Linda (2004)
A Girls' Game? Egyptian Education between Globalization and Islamization
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC.

Conference paperHozayin, Russanne (2004)
Agentic Potential and Literacy Achievement among Adolescent Girls in Upper Egyptian Villages: Assessing Program Impact
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona.

Conference paperKamal, Hala (2004)
Discourses on Women's Education in Late 19th Century Egypt
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 20-23, 2004, San Francisco, California. Tucson: University of Arizona.

Book chapterKhamis, Sahar (2004)
Multiple Literacies, Multiple Identities: Egyptian Rural Women's Readings of Televised Literacy Campaigns
In: Sakr, Naomi (ed.). Women and Media in the Middle East: Power Through Self-Expression. London/New York: I.B. Tauris. Library of Modern Middle East Studies #41.

Periodical articleMoro, Leben N. (2004)
See this publicationLivelihood Opportunities for Sudanese Refugees
Forced Migration Review. #20. May. p. 32.

Dissertation / thesisOdongi, Eunice (2004)
Integrating Gender into the Agricultural Extension System as a Method of Reducing Vulnerability of Women to HIV/AIDS: Focus on Vihaga District Kenya
M.A. Thesis: University of Professional Education, Deventer, Netherlands. 80p.

BookRussell, Mona L. (2004)
Creating the New Egyptian Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity in Egypt, 1863-1922
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 237p.

BookZaalouk, Malak (2004)
The pedagogy of empowerment: community schools as a social movement in Egypt
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. 196p.

BookNorth South Consultants Exchange (NSCE) (2003)
See this publicationImpact Study of the New Horizons Program in Egypt
Washington, D.C.: USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)/Development Experience System (DEXS).

Dissertation / thesisSusilastuti, Dewi Haryani (2003)
See this publicationWomen's Education, Work and Autonomy: An Egyptian Case
Ph.D. dissertation: Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 112p.

BookAbu-Ghaida, Dina N. (2002)
Family background and labor market outcomes in Jordan and Egypt
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 155p.

Periodical articleCostet-Tardieu, Francine (2002)
Un projet de réforme pour l'université d'al-Azhar en 1928: le mémorandum du shaykh al-Marâghî
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #95-98. p. 169-187.

BookElGarrai, Omer A. (2002)
Problems and prospects of human rights education in Arab Islamic region: Egypt as a case study
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 259p.

Periodical articleFleischer, Gerd; Waibel, Hermann; Walter-Echols, Gerd (2002)
Transforming Top-Down Agricultural Extension to a Participatory System: A Study of Costs and Prospective Benefits in Egypt
Public Administration and Development. Volume 22 #4. October. p. 309-322.

Periodical articlePerrin, Emmanuelle (2002)
Éduquer les éducateurs: les revues pédagogiques égyptiennes de l'entre-deux-guerres
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #95-98. p. 337-354.

Dissertation / thesisAbugideiri, Hibba E. (2001)
Egyptian Women and the Science Question: Gender in the Making of Colonized Medicine, 1893-1929
Ph.D. dissertation: Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 536p.

Periodical articleAhmed, A.C. (2001)
Islamic mission in Sub-Saharan Africa: The perspectives of some 'ulamâ' associated with the al-Azhar University (1960-1970)
Die Welt des Islams. Volume 41 #3. p. 348-378.

Periodical articleAllam M.F.; De Irala-Estévez J.; Fernández-Crehuet, Navajas R.; Serrano del Castillo, A.; Hoashi, J.S.; Pankovich, M.B.; Liceaga, J.R. (2001)
Factors Associated with the Condoning of Female Genital Mutilation among University Students
Public Health. Volume 115 #5. September. p. 350-355.

Periodical articleRussell, Mona (2001)
See this publicationCompeting, Overlapping, and Contradictory Agendas: Egyptian Education under British Occupation, 1882-1922
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Volume 21 #1-2. p. 50-60.

Dissertation / thesisThomas, Rebecca L. (2001)
Empowering School-Age Girls and Young Women in Egypt: Evaluating the World Bank's Education Sector Strategy
M.A. Thesis: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. 125p.

Periodical articleArabsheibani, G. Reza (2000)
Male-Female Earnings Differentials among the Highly Educated Egyptians
Education Economics. Volume 8 #2. August. p. 129-138.

Dissertation / thesisBelhachmi, Zakia (2000)
Al-Sa'dawi's and Mernissi's Feminist Knowledge With/in the History, Education and Science of the Arab-Islamic Culture
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 384p.

Periodical articleChanfi Ahmed, Abdallah (2000)
Entre da'wa et diplomatie: Al-Azhar et l'Afrique au sud du Sahara d'après la revue Madjallat al-Azhar dans les année 1960 et 1970
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #14-15. p. 57-80.

BookGeneral Consulate of Egypt; Cultural and Educational Bureau in Canada (2000)
Pioneer Women of Egypt: In Politics, Public Life, Science, Education and Art: International Women's Day
Ottawa: General Consulate of Egypt, Cultural and Educational Bureau in Canada. 54p.

BookGraves-Brown, Carolyn (2000)
Reflections of Women in Ancient Egypt: Women, Museums and Egyptologists
Swanzea, Wales: University of Wales Swansea, Egypt Centre. 49p.

BookSall, Ebrima (ed.) (2000)
Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series. 154p.

Book chapterSharawy, H. (2000)
Social Dimensions of Intellectual and Academic Freedom in Egypt
In: Sall, Ebrima (ed.). Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series.

BookUNESCO (1999)
Women as Educators, and Women's Education in E-9 Countries
Paris: UNESCO. 65p.

Periodical articleAbdul-Ghaffar, A.-S.; Dean, A.A.M. (1998)
Education and the challenge of globalisation: the Egyptian point of view
UNESCO-Africa: Quarterly Journal of the Regional Office in Dakar. #16. March-September. p. 97-102.

Periodical articleBarraclough, Steven (1998)
See this publicationAl-Azhar: between the government and the Islamists
Middle East Journal. Volume 52 #2. p. 236-249.

Conference paperLangsten, Raymond L. (1998)
Differential Education by Sex in Egypt. A Household Level Analysis
Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), April 1-3, 1998, Chicago, Illinois. Silver Spring.

Book chapterNaguib, Nora G. (1998)
Who's Absent from Egyptian Schools? An Update on Gender Differences in Education
In: Mahran, Maher and El-Zanaty, Fatma H. (eds.). Perspectives on the Population and Health Situation in Egypt: Results of Further Analysis of the 1995 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. Cairo: National Population Council/Macro Intern.

Book chapterShakry, O. (1998)
Schooled Mothers and Structured Play: Child Rearing in Turn-of-the-Century Egypt
In: Abu-Lughod, Lila (ed.). Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 126-170.

BookMoghadam, Valentine M. (1997)
Women, Work, and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa
Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 255p.

Dissertation / thesisRussell, Mona L. (1997)
Creating the New Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity in Egypt, 1863-1922
Ph.D. dissertation: Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 431p.

Book chapterBhushan, Indu; Sirageldin, Ismail (1996)
Education, Fertility Desires, and the Perceived Cost of Contraception
In: Sirageldin, Ismail and Al-Rahmani, Eqbal (eds.). Population and Development Transformations in the Arab World. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. p. 103-129.

Dissertation / thesisHopkins, Jenny (1996)
The Role of the Family in Learning to Work: Experiences of Egyptian Muslim Women
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. 251p.

Periodical articleIbrahim, Mostafa H.A. (1996)
A Study of the Relationship between Women's Education and Socio-Economic Status and Demographic Development in Selected Villages of the Assiut Governorate
Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 27 #3.

BookIbrahim, Mostafa H.A. (1996)
Associated Factors with Rural Participation in Local Development Projects in Selected Village Communities
Assiut, Egypt: Assiut University, Faculty of Agriculture.

Conference paperMontgomery, Mark R.; Lloyd, Cynthia B. (1996)
High Fertility, Unwanted Fertility and Children's Schooling
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population of Association of America (PAA), May 9-1, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana. Silver Spring, Maryland: PAA.

DVD / videoPijpers, Harmke; Bos, Froukje; Altorki, Soraya; Faisal, Toujan (1996)
Women in the Arab World
New York: Filmakers Library, Inc. VHS Videocassette. 1/2 Inch. Color. 25 Minutes.

Book chapterSoliman, Azza A. (1996)
The Status of Women in Egypt (National and Regional Inequities)
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 25th Annual Seminar on Population Issues in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1995. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #25. p. 412-461.

Book chapterAhmed, Ferial A.; Mohamed, Amany M.; Khalil, Mervat M. (1995)
Women's Education, Employment and Fertility in Egypt, 1991
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 24th Annual Seminar on Population Issues and the Challenges of the 21st Century in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1994. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #24. p. 219-242.

Periodical articleHalawa, M.; Bashay, M.F.; Eggleston, E.; Hardee, K.; Kafafi, L.; Brown, J.W. (1995)
Assessing the Impact of a Family Planning Nurse Training Program in Egypt
Population Research and Policy Review. Volume 14 #4. December. p. 395-409.

Conference paperPollard, Lisa (1995)
Making Babies, Making Mothers: State Education and the Creation of Egyptian Nationals (1889-1919)
Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), December 6-10, 1995, Washington, D.C. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.

Periodical articleStarrett, Gregory (1995)
See this publicationThe Hexis of Interpretation: Islam and the Body in the Egyptian Popular School
American Ethnologist. Volume 22 #4. November. p. 953-969.

BookAnonymous (1994)
Basic Education and Female Literacy in Egypt: Final Report
Cairo: Third World Forum. 97p.

Periodical articleCourbage, Y. (1994)
Demographic Change in the Arab World: Migration, Education, and Taxes in Egypt and Morocco
MERIP Middle East Report. Volume 24 #5-190. p. 19.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilization; Statistics (CAPMS) (1994)
Statistical Yearbook, Arab Republic of Egypt: 1952-1993
Cairo: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). June. 353p.

Conference paperHatem, Mervat F. (1994)
The Professional Discourses in Femininity in Nineteenth Century Egypt: A Comparative Study of Medical and Educational Texts
Paper presented at the Conference, Women in the Ottoman Empire: History and Legacy of the Early Modern Middle East, April 17-18, 1994, University of Maryland-College Park, College, Park, Maryland.

Periodical articleHonadle, B. W. (1994)
See this publicationMaking Social Science Research Applicable: The Case of Agricultural Extension Research in Egypt
Abstract presentPublic Administration and Development. Volume 14 #4. October. p. 365-375.

Conference paperRauniyar, Durga S.; Cornwell, Gretchen T. (1994)
Use of Maternal Health Care Services among Rural Egyptian Women: The Effects of Maternal Education
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), May 5-7, Miami, Florida. Washington, D.C.: PAA.

Dissertation / thesisRauniyar, Durga S. (1994)
The Relationship between Maternal Education and Child Health in Rural Egypt
Ph.D. dissertation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 226p.

Periodical articleSchleifer, A. (1994)
Muslim Women and Education: Historical Foundations and Twentieth Century Egypt
Muslim Education Quarterly. Volume 11 #3. p. 5.

Dissertation / thesisAl Deeb, Amal A. (1993)
Rural Women's Extension Needs in the Area of Minimizing Postharvest loss in Horticulture
M.S. Thesis: Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

Book chapterBadran, Hoda (1993)
Women's Human Rights: A Conditionality for Sustainability
In: Faris, Mohamed A. and Hasan Khan, Mabmood (eds.). Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1993)
Demographic Analysis of 1986 Census Data: Enlarged Sample
Cairo: CAPMAS. Population Studies and Research Centre. Three Volumes.

BookEl-Deeb, Bothaina (1993)
Women, Status, Fertility, and Family Planning in Egypt
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 59p.

Periodical articleMahgoub, Youssef M.; Hussein, Mounira A. (1993)
The Impact of Education on Fertility According to Region and Contraceptive Use
Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review. Volume 27 #1. June. p. 19-66.

Dissertation / thesisSmith, Morna O. (1993)
Desired Family Size and Desired Child Education among Recently Married Women in Egypt
Ph.D. dissertation: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. 268p.

Book chapterBadran, Margot (1992)
Expressing Feminism and Nationalism in Autobiography: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Educator
In: Smith, Sidonie and Watson, Julie (eds.). De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. p. 270-293.

BookBerkey, Jonathan Porter (1992)
The transmission of knowledge in medieval Cairo: a social history of Islamic education
Abstract presentPrinceton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Princeton studies on the Near East. 238p.

Periodical articleCochran, Judith (1992)
Western Higher Education and Identity Conflict: The Egyptian Female Professional
Convergence. Volume 25 #3. p. 66-77.

BookEgypt. Ministry of Social Affairs; International Labour Organization (ILO) (1992)
Training Rural Women in Income Generating and Basic Life Skills
Cairo: State Information Service Press. 6p.

Dissertation / thesisElgharbawy, Fathy M. (1992)
A Model for Analyzing the Educational Work Force System: An Application to Public Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Ph.D. dissertation: State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, New York. 273p.

BookHerrera, Linda (1992)
Scenes of Schooling: Inside a Girls' School in Cairo
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. 89p.

Dissertation / thesisHorber, Monica (1992)
The Impact of Islam on Women's Education in Egypt
M.A. Thesis: University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

BookMahgoub, Youssef M.; Hussein, Mounira A. (1992)
Regional Urban-Rural Differentials of the Educational Impact on Fertility in Egypt
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 31p.

Periodical articleMoharram, Sobhi (1992)
The Process of Controlled Decentralization in Egyptian Local Finance
Developing Economies. Volume 30 #4. December. p. 450-481.

Book chapterRussell, Mona L. (1992)
The Female Brain Drain, the State and Development in Egypt
In: Jabbra, Joseph G. and Jabbra, Nancy W. (eds.). Women and Development in the Middle East and North Africa. Leiden/New York: E.J. Brill. International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology. p. 122-143.

Periodical articleRussell, Mona L. (1992)
The Female Brain Drain, the State and Development in Egypt
Journal of Developing Societies. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 122-145.

Book chapterBerkey, J.P. (1991)
Women and Islamic Education in the Mamluk Period
In: Keddie, Nikki R. and Baron, Beth A. (eds.). Women in Middle Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 143-159.

Book chapterBittles, Alan H. (1991)
Consanguinity: Major Variables in Studies on North African Reproductive Behavior Morbidity and Mortality?
In: Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, August 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C.: Proceedings. Columbia, Maryland: Institute for Resource Development/Macro International, Demographic and Health Surveys. p. 321-341.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1991)
Census of Population Housing and Establishments 1986. Second Volume: Final Results. Complete Coverage - Population Characteristics. Total Republic
Cairo: CAPMAS. 370p.

Periodical articleFaust, Kimberly A.; Bach, Rebecca; Gadalla, Saad M.; Khattab, Hind A.S.; Gulick, John (1991)
Mass Education Islamic Revival and the Population Problem in Egypt
Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume 22 #3. Autumn. p. 329-341.

Book chapterGuhl, Nora L.; Sayed, Hussein A.A. (1991)
The Expansion of Female Education in Egypt: Evidence from Survey Data
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1990. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #20. p. 353-375.

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