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Search: ge=Togo
Found: 38 Record 1-38

Periodical articleAdedzi, Kodzo Awoenam (2021)
See this publicationÉducation pour la santé de la reproduction et ses implications anthropologiques au Togo
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 55 #1. p. 21-37.

BookMoity-Maïzi, Pascale (ed.) (2015)
Savoirs et reconnaissance dans les sociétés africaines
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 211p.

BookSystème des Nations Unies au Togo, Lomé (2014)
See this publicationTogo: suivi des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement: 4ème rapport (2014)
Lomé; Système des Nations Unies au Togo. 93p.

BookGayibor, Théodore Nicoué Lodjou (ed.) (2012)
Cinquante ans d'indépendance en Afrique subsaharienne et au Togo
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 289p.

Periodical issueNtarangwi, Mwenda (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationParents' involvement in children's lives in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 37 #3. 208p.

BookTogo. Direction générale de la statistique et de la comptabilité nationale (2012)
Quatrième Recensement général de la population et de l'habitat - Novembre 2010: publication des résultats définitifs
Lomé: Editions l'Héritage.

BookFonkoua, Pierre; Marmoz, Louis (eds.) (2010)
La décentralisation de l'éducation en Afrique subsaharienne: avancées et hésitations
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains de recherche en éducation #7. 271p.

Periodical articleRoubailo-Koudolo, Svetlana (2010)
La citoyenneté en formation, entre tradition et réinvention: le cas du Sud du Togo
Abstract presentCahiers du CERLESHS. Volume 25 #35. p. 181-204.

BookAny-Gbayere, Sahou (2006)
Politique éducative et développement en Afrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. 170p.

Dissertation / thesisAdubra, Ayele Lea (2003)
Non-traditional occupations, empowerment and women: a case of Togolese women
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 202p.

Periodical articleLawrance, Benjamin N. (2003)
See this publicationLa Revolte des Femmes: Economic Upheaval and the Gender of Political Authority in Lome, Togo, 1931-33
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 46 #1. April. p. 43-67.

Dissertation / thesisAdubra, Ayele L. (2002)
Non-Traditional Occupations, Empowerment and Women: A Case of Togolese Women
Ph.D. dissertation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 203p.

Periodical articleLawrance, Benjamin Nicholas (2001)
See this publicationLanguage between Powers, Power between Languages. Further Discussion of Education and Policy in Togoland under the French Mandate, 1919-1945
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 41 #163-164. p. 517-541.

Book chapterEdem, Atayi M.A. (1999)
Promotion of Equal Access of Girls to Scientific, Technical and Vocational Education in Togo
In: Mariro, Augustin. Access of Girls and Women to Scientific, Technical and Vocational Education in Africa. Dakar: UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA).

Dissertation / thesisBauchspies, Wenda (1998)
Togolese Female Science Educators: Innovators, Bridges or Instruments?
Ph.D. dissertation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. 344p.

BookAinsworth, Martha; Beegle, Kathleen G.; Nyamete, Andrew (1995)
The Impact of Female Schooling on Fertility and Contraceptive Use: A Study of Fourteen Sub-Saharan Countries
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper #110. 69p.

Periodical articleDeliry-Antheaume, Élisabeth (1995)
L'élaboration de nouvelles politiques éducatives au Togo: réalité ou virtualité?
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 31 #3. p. 719-737.

Periodical articlePilon, Marc (1995)
Les déterminants de la scolarisation des enfants de 6 à 14 ans au Togo en 1981: apports et limites des données censitaires
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 31 #3. p. 697-718.

Periodical articleAdjo Quashie, Maryse (1994)
L'université du Togo
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #172. p. 162-173.

Periodical articleAhn, Namkee; Shariff, Abusaleh (1994)
See this publicationA Comparative Study of Socioeconomic and Demographic Determinants of Fertility in Togo and Uganda
International Family Planning Perspectives. Volume 20 #1. March. p. 14-22.

Periodical articleEguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (1994)
See this publicationPastoralism in Fulbe Folktales
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 34 #133-135. p. 461-471.

Periodical articleFluitman, F.; Oudin, X. (1992)
Skill acquisition and work in micro-enterprises: evidence from Lome, Togo
Education with Production. Volume 9 #1. November. p. 95-152.

Periodical articlePiot, Charles D. (1992)
See this publicationWealth Production, Ritual Consumption, and Center/Periphery Relations in a West African Regional System
American Ethnologist. Volume 19 #1. February. p. 34-52.

Periodical articleLange, M.-F. (1991)
Le choix des langues enseignées à l'école au Togo: quels enjeux politiques?
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 27 #3-4. p. 477-495.

BookDankelman, Irene; Davidson, Joan (1988)
Women and Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future
London: Earthscan Publishing Ltd. 210p.

BookFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (1988)
The Development of Village-Based Sheep Production in West Africa: A Success Story Involving Women's Groups
Rome: United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 90p.

BookYoung, Kate (ed.) (1988)
Women and Economic Development: Local Regional and National Planning Strategies
Oxford/ New York: Berg Publishing/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Studies in Development Theory and Policy. 231p.

Periodical articleFloriani, E. (1987)
Qui a peur de la philosophie?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #27. p. 67-72.

Periodical articleLange, M.-F. (1987)
Le refus de l'ecole: pouvoir d'une société civile bloquée?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #27. p. 74-86.

BookLejeune, Agnès; Andrien, Michel (1986)
Communication et nutrition: naissance d'un Réseau pour l'éducation nutritionnelle en Afrique, RENA
Abstract presentParis: A.C.C.T.. 203p.

BookRouveroy van Nieuwaal, Emile A.B. van; Rouveroy van Nieuwaal-Baerends, Els A. van (1986)
See this publicationMuslims in Mango (Northern Togo): some aspects: writing and prayer: some notes on a film
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #27. 66p.

Periodical articleAkakpo, Amouzouvi (1984)
The interaction of education, culture and communication in Africa: the Togolese experience
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #11. p. 138-146.

Periodical articleRivière, C. (1984)
Universités francophones d'Afrique: le diagnostic chiffré de l'enquête BIOS
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 19 #219-220. p. 116-132.

Periodical articleMiziyawa, Sadissou (1983)
The togolese experience in functional literacy
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #9. p. 181-191.

Periodical articleSprigge, R.G.S. (1969)
See this publicationEweland's Adangbe: An Inquiry into an Oral Tradition
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. Volume 10. p. 87-128.

Periodical articleComhaire-Sylvain, S. (1968)
L'instruction des filles à Lomé
Abstract presentProblèmes sociaux congolais. #82. p. 93-122.

Periodical articleDickson, A.G. (1950)
See this publicationMass Education in Togoland
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 49 #195. April. p. 136-150.

Periodical articleVischer, Hanns (1915)
Native Education in German Africa
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 14 #54. January. p. 123-142.

Search: ge=Togo
Found: 38 Record 1-38

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