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Search: su=communication
Found: 58 Record 1-58

Periodical articleKimotho, Stephen; Neville Miller, Ann; Ngure, Peter (2015)
See this publicationManaging communication surrounding tungiasis stigma in Kenya
Abstract presentCommunicatio: South African journal for communication theory and research. Volume 41 #4. p. 523-542.

BookMoity-Maïzi, Pascale (ed.) (2015)
Savoirs et reconnaissance dans les sociétés africaines
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 211p.

Periodical articleChasi, Colin; Omarjee, Nadira (2014)
See this publicationIt begins with you? An ubuntu-centred critique of a social marketing campaign on HIV and AIDS
Abstract presentCritical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 28 #2. p. 229-246.

Periodical articleGoodnight, Bradley (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationPerceived control and communication about sex: a study of South African families
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 13 #1. p. 31-36.

BookTrotter, Henry (ed.) (2014)
Seeking impact and visibility: scholarly communication in Southern Africa
Cape Town: African Minds. 246p.

Periodical articleTreffry-Goatley, Astrid; Mahlinza, Mduduzi; Imrie, John (2013)
See this publicationPublic engagement with HIV in a rural South African context: an analysis of a small-media, taxi-based edutainment model applied in 'Jiving with Science'
Abstract presentCritical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 27 #1. p. 112-126.

Periodical articleBastien, Sheri (2011)
See this publicationFear appeals in HIV-prevention messages: young people's perceptions in northern Tanzania
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 10 #4. p. 435-449.

Periodical issueGovender, Eliza M. (ed.) (2010)
Health communication in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Communication Research. Volume 3 #2. p. 205-366.

Periodical articleLebese, Rachel (2010)
The role of culture in sexual health dialogue: an issue in the fight against sexually transmitted infections including HIV and AIDS
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 9 #2. p. 238-252.

Periodical articleMika, Nyoni; Tsisti, Nyoni; Jinga, Tavuya (2010)
Cry, the beloved profession: a study of short-text messages service (SMSs) on the teaching profession
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 22 #3. November. p. 307-325.

BookTourneux, Henry; Métangmo-Tatou, Léonie (eds.) (2010)
Parler du SIDA au nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Dictionnaires et langues. 274p.

Periodical articleBastien, Sheri; Leshabari, Melkizedek T.; Klepp, Knut-Inge (2009)
See this publicationExposure to information and communication about HIV/AIDS and perceived credibility of information sources among young people in northern Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 8 #2. p. 213-222.

Periodical articleGodwyll, Francis Ebenezer; Ngumbi, Elizabeth Kaluki (2009)
See this publicationProblematic recipe: alternatives to public health education to reduce the HIV pandemic
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 73-90.

Periodical articleChengula, Apium L. (2008)
Psychosocial barriers to parent-youth communication on HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health: a case study of Magugu community, Babati, Manyara Region, Tanzania
Papers in Education and Development. #28. p. 83-101.

Periodical articleJosephi, B. (2008)
Journalism research and democracy: moving out of the western orbit
African Communication Research. Volume 1 #3. December. p. 385-404.

Periodical articleJegede, Ayodele Samuel (2007)
Cultural symbols in health communication in a Yoruba setting of Southwestern Nigeria
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 4 #1. p. 1-15.

Periodical articlePungi, L.J. (2006)
Enjeux épistémologique du média télévisuel en RDC
Revue africaine de communication sociale. Volume 1 #1. janvier-juin. p. 109-1128.

Periodical articleShivji, Issa (2006)
See this publicationFrom Neo-Liberalism to Pan-Africanism: Towards Reconstructing an Eastern African Discourse
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #61. p. 108-118.

Periodical articleZisser, Alison; Francis, Dennis (2006)
See this publicationYouth have a new attitude on AIDS, but are they talking about it?
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 5 #2. p. 189-196.

Periodical articleManyozo, Linje (2005)
The Practice of Participation in Broadcasting for Development Initiatives in Post-Independence Malawi
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 20 #1. p. 77-105.

BookOyeleye, Lekan (ed.) (2004)
Language and discourse in society
Ibadan: Hope Publications. 336p.

Periodical articleTaylor, Donald S.; Nwosu, Peter Ogom; Mutua-Kombo, Eddah (2004)
Communication studies in Africa: the case for a paradigm shift for the 21st century
Abstract presentAfrica Media Review. Volume 12 #2. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleAlemayehu T. (2003)
Communication experiences of pre-lingual deaf students in the special classes
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 23 #1. June. p. 95-123.

Periodical articleChipunza, L. (2003)
See this publicationStrategies for teaching large classes at university level: experiences from the communication skills centre
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 2-10.

Periodical articleBirara G. (2001)
The role of the mass media in the promotion of child rights
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 8 #2. June. p. 81-91.

Periodical articleKashorda, M. (2001)
Implementation of KENET project
Kenya Engineer. Volume 22 #5. September-October. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleOnabajo, Olufemi (2001)
Communication Modes in Non-Formal Education
Abstract presentHumanities Review Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 82-88.

Periodical articleTemple, A.C. (2001)
Theological significance of communication
Africa Challenge, All Africa Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 74-79.

Periodical articleAbega, M. (2000)
How can African written press contribute to the fight against fraud in Africa?
Nairobi Law Monthly. #78. January. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleHydara, D. (2000)
The role of the African media in the fight against fraud
Nairobi Law Monthly. #78. January. p. 17-19.

Periodical articleAmare A. (1999)
The S-E-M-D-R model of Schramm: description and application to mass communication in different social systems
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 6 #2. June. p. 61-73.

Periodical articleAmare A. (1998)
Communication theories and instructional practice: a limited-effects perspective
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 5 #2. July. p. 39-49.

Periodical articleKashongwe M.; Cishala M. (1998)
Information, éducation et communication: fondements de la lutte contre l'endémie tuberculeuse
Revue africaine de communication sociale. Volume 3 #1. janvier-juin. p. 139-148.

Periodical articleDalrymple, Lynn (1997)
See this publicationThe use of traditional forms in community education
Africa Media Review. Volume 11 #1. p. 75-91.

Periodical articleMasterman, Len (1996)
See this publicationMedia education worldwide: objectives, values and superhighways
Africa Media Review. Volume 10 #2. p. 37-51.

Periodical articleMusvosvi, D. (1996)
Classroom communicative competence
Journal of Adventist Thought in Africa. Volume 2 #1. November. p. 120-127.

Periodical articleBagui, G.J. (1995)
See this publicationThe substance of health communication education
Africa Media Review. Volume 9 #2. p. 38-57.

Periodical articleBertucci, M.-M. (1994)
Les productions écrites des élèves créoles de la Réunion: quelles stratégies de communication?
Travaux & documents (Université de la Réunion. Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines). #4. juin. p. 35-52.

Periodical articleJolibert, B. (1994)
Qu'est-ce qu''informer' veut dire?
Travaux & documents (Université de la Réunion. Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines). #5. October. p. 15-23.

Periodical articleKawuma, M. (1994)
How to give a medical lecture or talk
Makerere Medical Journal. Volume 30. February-Aug.. p. 25-26.

Periodical articleLugalambi, G. (1994)
An African university in communication education and training: a case of curricular dependence
Dialogue (Kampala, Uganda). Volume 1 #1. p. 37-40.

Periodical articlePratt, C.A.; Pratt, C.B. (1994)
See this publicationIntegrating nutrition education and communication programmes: nutrition assessment in Zomba, Malawi
Africa Media Review. Volume 8 #3. p. 110-124.

Periodical articleZewde, Bahru; Yimam, Baye; Chole, Eshetu; Pankhurst, Alula (1994)
See this publicationFrom Lund to Addis Ababa: A Decade of Ethiopian Studies (1982-1991)
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 27 #1. June. p. 1-28.

Periodical articleBraimoh, D. (1993)
Informal education through cultural communication process in a traditional Nigerian society
Journal of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE). Volume 7 #2. p. 39-43.

Periodical articleDjibao, P. (1993)
L'implantation de l'audio-visuel dans le perfectionnement
Administration, gestion, formation. #34. juin. p. 5-30.

Periodical articleKoné, H. (1993)
See this publicationRecherche en communication en matière de population: cas d'un projet de communication en planification familiale
Africa Media Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 51-71.

Periodical articleWaweru, G. (1993)
Factor patterns between three Kenyan languages and the solving of numerical problems amongst Kenyan mixed-ability form four students
SIER Bulletin. #13. November. p. 78-89.

Periodical articleAsres K. (1992)
See this publicationImplementing a development communication project: a descriptive study of the Communication Support to Health Project in Ethiopia
Africa Media Review. Volume 6 #2. p. 57-65.

Periodical articleMpofu, E. (1992)
The relationship between work space and organisational communication efficiency: a case study of Masvingo Education Region
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 4 #2. July. p. 201-220.

Periodical articleMukasa, S.G.; Backer, L.B. (1992)
See this publicationToward an indigenized philosophy of communication: an analysis of African communication, educational resources, and needs
Africa Media Review. Volume 6 #3. p. 31-50.

Periodical articleGatura, R. (1991)
African Council on Communication Education/Institute for Communication Development and Research (ACCE/ICDR): review of the Documentation Centre
Maktaba. Volume 11 #2. p. 31-33.

Periodical articleMaposa, F. (1991)
Problems within the dominant thinking in English language teaching in Zimbabwe today: the need for a new departure
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 3 #2. July. p. 198-204.

Periodical articleMoyo, C.T. (1991)
Teaching oral skills to first year university students: the UNISWA experience
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 4. June. p. 25-28.

Periodical articleBadejo, B.R. (1989)
See this publicationMultilingualism in Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa Media Review. Volume 3 #2. p. 40-53.

Periodical articleAnsah, P. (1988)
See this publicationIn search of a role for the African media in the democratic process
Africa Media Review. Volume 2 #2. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleBlake, C.A. (1988)
See this publicationCommunication development in Africa and its impact on cultural synchronization of Africa and its people
Africa Media Review. Volume 2 #2. p. 17-28.

Periodical articleChimutengwende, C. (1988)
See this publicationThe role of communication education in the development and democratization of African society
Africa Media Review. Volume 2 #2. p. 29-45.

Periodical articleDiagne, Pathé (1984)
Communication and education in Africa
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #11. p. 104-127.

Search: su=communication
Found: 58 Record 1-58

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