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Search: su=diasporas
Found: 10 Record 1-10

Periodical issueMbambi Kungua, Benoît Awazi (ed.) (2015)
Les intellectuels africains au Canada: missions, figures, visions et leaderships
Abstract presentAfroscopie. #2015. 387p.

Conference paperMuchie, Mammo (ed.) (2014)
Unite or perish: Africa fifty years after the founding of the OAU
Abstract presentPretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 359p.

BookSilva, Carmelita; Fortes, Celeste (eds.) (2011)
As mulheres em Cabo Verde: experiências e perspectivas
Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde: Edições Uni-CV. Colecção Sociedade #4. 312p.

BookTomaselli, Keyan G.; Wright, Handel Kashope (eds.) (2011)
Africa, cultural studies and difference
Abstract presentLondon: Routledge. 190p.

Conference paperBabawale, Tunde; Alao, Akin; Onwumah, Tony (eds.) (2010)
New frontiers in the teaching of African and diaspora history and culture
Abstract presentLagos: Concept. 560p.

Dissertation / thesisAsubo, Lindey (2009)
See this publicationHet ontwikkelen en opstellen van voorlichtingsmateriaal ter ondersteuning van de diëtist, over de voeding van West-Afrikanen in Nederland
Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam. 51p.

BookAsubo, Lindey (2009)
See this publicationBasisinformatie over de voeding van West-Afrikanen in Nederland: voorlichtingsbrochure voor diëtisten
Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam. 44p.

Conference paperBabawale, Tunde (ed.) (2009)
Teaching and propagating African and diaspora history and culture = Ensino e divulgação da história e da cultura da África e da diáspora Africana
Abstract presentLagos: Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC). 924p.

Periodical articleLindley, Anna (2008)
See this publicationTransnational connections and education in the Somali context
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 2 #3. p. 401-414.

Periodical issueAnonymous (2006)
Cinquantenaire du 1er Congrès international des écrivains et artistes noirs = 50th anniversary of the 1st international congress of black writers and artists: 19-22 septembre 2006
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #174.

Search: su=diasporas
Found: 10 Record 1-10

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