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Periodical articleAsamoah, Moses Kumi; Mackin, Eva Esi (2016)
See this publicationPhD year 1 students' experience with the Educational Technology and Innovation Course
Africa Education Review. Volume 13 #2. p. 31-47.

Periodical articleBoakye, Naomi (2016)
See this publicationThe efficacy of socio-affective teaching strategies in a reading intervention: students' views and opinions
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 47 #3. p. 393-414.

Periodical articleBooyse, Celia; Chetty, Rajendra (2016)
See this publicationThe significance of constructivist classroom practice in national curricular design
Africa Education Review. Volume 13 #1. p. 135-149.

Periodical articleFullard, Allison (2016)
See this publicationUsing the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy to foster teaching and learning partnerships
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 82 #2. p. 34-44.

BookHoneyman, Catherine A. (2016)
The orderly entrepreneur: youth, education, and governance in Rwanda
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Anthropology of policy. 301p.

Periodical articleKleinveldt, Lynn; Schutte, Marietjie; Stilwell, Christine (2016)
See this publicationEmbedded librarianship and Blackboard usage to manage knowledge and support blended learning at a South African university of technology
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 82 #1. p. 62-74.

Periodical articleOkyere-Kwakye, Eugene; Nor, Khalil Md; Ologbo, Andrew C. (2016)
Technology acceptance: examining the intentions of Ghanaian teachers to use computer for teaching
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 26 #2. p. 117-130.

BookToure, Kathryn (2016)
Pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) by West African educators
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 220p.

Periodical articleChasi, Colin (2015)
See this publicationA philosophy for teaching in this strange place
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 12 #4. p. 618-631.

Periodical articleDavies Evans, Neil; le Roux, Jerry (2015)
See this publicationModelling the acceptance and use of electronic learning at the University of Zululand
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 81 #2. p. 26-38.

BookFam, Cheikh (2015)
L'école sénégalaise: faut-il totalement désespérer?
Paris: L'Harmattan. 137p.

Periodical articleHaimbodi, Frans N.; Kasanda, Choshi D.; Kapenda, Hileni M. (2015)
The effects of cooperative learning on the performance of grade 11 Mathematics learners in the Oshana educational region, Namibia
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 4 #1. p. 243-252.

Periodical articleLumbu, Simon; Smit, Talita Christine; Hamunyela, Miriam (2015)
Recycling errors in the language classroom
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 4 #1. p. 277-284.

Periodical articleMakalela, Leketi (2015)
See this publicationBreaking African language boundaries: student teachers' reflections on translanguaging practices
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 46 #2. p. 275-292.

Periodical articleMgquba, Sibusisiwe K.; Underwood, Peter G. (2015)
See this publicationEnhancing information research and learning skills through e-learning: the case of Monash University Library
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 81 #2. p. 39-45.

Periodical articleReda, Weldemariam Nigusse; Hagos, Girmay Tsegay (2015)
See this publicationThe practices of student network as cooperative learning in Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 12 #4. p. 696-712.

BookTalla Diallo, Mor (2015)
La didactique du conte: contribution pédagogique à l'étude du conte dans l'espace sénégalais
Paris: L'Harmattan. Palabres africaines. 163p.

BookThioune, Birahim (2015)
Manuels de lecture et initiation littéraire au Sénégal et en Guinée
Dakar: L'Harmattan. 305p.

Periodical articleAdu, Emmanual O.; Bayaga, Anass (2014)
Strategies for teaching and managing large classes in university
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 26 #3. p. 281-304.

Periodical articleKok, Illasha; Blignaut, A. Seugnet (2014)
See this publicationSnapshots of student-teachers' experiences of DVDs in a learner support programme in a developing ODL context
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 11 #4. p. 526-543.

BookMbazogue-Owono, Liliane (2014)
L'éducation à la prévention du Sida dans les classes de sciences: ce qu'en disent les enseignantes du secondaire au Gabon
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 397p.

Periodical articleNewman, Linda; Le Cordeur, Michael (2014)
Opvoeders se perspektiewe rakende die gebruik van die leesperiode en skoolbiblioteke in geselekteerde skole in die Noord-Kaap = Perspectives of teachers regarding the use of the reading period and school libraries in selected schools in the Northern Cape
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 54 #4. p. 805-819.

Periodical articleSnell, Heather (2014)
See this publicationToward 'a giving and a receiving': teaching Djibril Diop Mambéty's 'Touki Bouki'
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 127-139.

Periodical articleSuping, Shanah Mompoloki (2014)
Cultivating Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in in-service science teachers: addressing deficiencies of 'teaching as taught'
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 26 #2. p. 149-168.

Periodical articleAreaya, Solomon; Shibeshi, Ayalew; Tefera, Daniel (2013)
See this publicationReengineering postgraduate curricula and its mode of delivery: graduate students' views of modular course delivery at Addis Ababa University
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 71-100.

Periodical articleArua, Arua E.; Biakolo, Margaret (2013)
Teachers' knowledge, identification and remediation of writing problems in Botswana's government-aided primary schools
Marang: Journal of Language and Literature. #23. p. 75-90.

Periodical articleHyde-Clarke, Nathalie (2013)
See this publicationFacebook and public debate: an informal learning tool for the youth
Abstract presentJournal of African Media Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 131-148.

Periodical articleKagoda, Alice Merab; Katabaro, Joviter (2013)
See this publicationFunding teaching practice in two East African universities: its influence on the behaviour and practices of a supervisor
Africa Education Review. Volume 10. p. 117-133.

Periodical articleMakari, Eben K.; Kasanda, Choshi Darius (2013)
The use of contextualised teaching and learning in grade 11 and 12 mathematics classrooms in Gobabis, Namibia
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 2 #1. p. 73-86.

Periodical articleMashava, Rumbidzai; Chingombe, Agrippa (2013)
See this publicationTeaching practice and the quality dilemma: lessons from experiences of student teachers in Masvingo Province
Africa Education Review. Volume 10. p. 134-148.

Periodical articleMutekwa, Anias (2013)
See this publicationThe challenges of using the Communicative Approach (CA) in the teaching of English as a second language (ESL) in Zimbabwe: implications for ESL teacher education
Africa Education Review. Volume 10 #3. p. 539-553.

Periodical articleNhamo, Godwell (2013)
See this publicationMassive open online courses (MOOCs) and green economy transition: feasibility assessment for African higher education
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 101-119.

Periodical articleScott, Aletta (2013)
See this publicationTeaching practice at the University of Namibia: quo vadis
Africa Education Review. Volume 10. p. 149-158.

BookTabulawa, Richard (2013)
See this publicationTeaching and learning in context: why pedagogical reforms fail in sub-Saharan Africa
Dakar: CODESRIA. 200p.

BookAmadi, Martha N. (2012)
Rethinking teacher education in Nigeria
Lagos: Vitamin Educational Books. 276p.

Periodical articleChapman, Michael (2012)
See this publication'Pile-up!' Master's study in South Africa
Abstract presentThe English Academy Review. Volume 29 #1. p. 79-91.

Periodical articleChidakwa, Ceophas; Jonga, Wellington (2012)
Views of postgraduate distance educationstudents on the seminar presentation
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 24 #3. p. 311-321.

BookFouda, Essomba (2012)
Réforme, emploi et développement dans les systèmes éducatifs d'Afrique noire: le cas du Cameroun
Paris: L'Harmattan. Enseignement et éducation en Afrique. 221p.

Periodical articleGillespie, Kelly (2012)
See this publicationTeaching disruption: reflections from a Johannesburg classroom
Abstract presentCritical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 26 #1. p. 39-61.

Periodical articleOkemakinde, Timothy; Adedeji, Segun O.; Ssempebwa, Jude (2012)
Utilization of teaching resources and academic performance in technical colleges in Oyo State, Nigeria
Nkumba Business Journal. Volume 11. p. 95-101.

Periodical articleRuparanganda, Fenton; Mukundu, Cecilia K.; Munjoma, Geofrey (2012)
Students' perspectives on the effectiveness and advantages of the open distance electronic learning methodology (ODeL) over the traditional face to face learning methodology, 'two years on'
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 24 #3. p. 291-302.

Periodical articleRuparanganda, Fenton (2012)
The extent of the application of the constructivist perspective in the teaching and learning of biology at 'O' level in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 24 #3. p. 265-277.

Periodical articleTella, Adeyinka (2012)
System-related factors that predict students' satisfaction with the Blackboard Learning System at the University of Botswana
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 22 #1. p. 41-52.

Periodical articleVan Zyl, A.; Blaauw, P. (2012)
See this publicationAn integrated project aimed at improving student success
Africa Education Review. Volume 9 #3. p. 466-484.

BookAdeola, Aminat; Dosekun, Simidile (2011)
See this publicationWe are Nigerians: civics and history for primary schools
Lagos: Farafina. 27p.

Periodical issueEmenyonu, Ernest N. (ed.) (2011)
Teaching African literature today
Abstract presentAfrican Literature Today. #29. 154p.

Periodical articleEyeang, Eugénie (2011)
L'évaluation et l'autoévaluation dans la formation des élèves professeurs d'espagnol langue étrangère au Gabon
Revue gabonaise de recherche en éducation. #1. p. 39-58.

Periodical articleGoudiaby, Chérif (2011)
La didactique universitaire dans l'enseignement supérieur technique et professionnel au Sénégal
Abstract presentAcross disciplinary boundaries: humanities, social sciences and Anglophone literature. #2. p. 31-47.

Periodical articleJotia, Agreement Lathi (2011)
Educating for democratic engagement in Botswana's democracy: challenges of promoting democratic education
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 26 #1. p. 135-160.

Periodical articleKa, Aminata (2011)
Éducation environnementale et gestion participative des cadres de vie, école et milieu: du transfert du savoir au savoir-être
Abstract presentAcross disciplinary boundaries: humanities, social sciences and Anglophone literature. #2. p. 13-22.

Periodical articleKasembe, Raviro (2011)
Teaching science through the Science Technology and Society (STS) lens in Zimbabwean high schools: opportunities and constraints
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #3. p. 314-348.

Periodical articleKlaas, Anthony; Trudell, Barbara (2011)
Effective literacy programmes and independent reading in African contexts
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 42 #1. p. 22-38.

Periodical articleMoyo, Torerayi; Moyo, Stanzia (2011)
An evaluation of the 'new history' phenomenon
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #3. p. 302-313.

Periodical articleNyakudya, Munyaradzi (2011)
Interactive teaching methods in national and strategic studies in teacher training colleges: defeating the myopia of patriotic history and political expediency
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #1. March. p. 26-43.

Periodical articleOkere, Mark I.O.; Njue, Antony; Wachanga, Samuel W. (2011)
Effects of constructivist teaching strategy on secondary schools students' achievement in mole concept in chemistry in Meru South District, Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 10. p. 208-224.

Periodical articlePetersen, Nadine; De Beer, Josef; Dunbar-Krige, Helen (2011)
See this publicationUse of a simulation game for HIV/AIDS education with pre-service teachers
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 10 #1. p. 73-81.

Periodical articleRwodzi, Manuel; Muchenje, Francis; Bondai, Beatrice (2011)
Student teacher perceptions of the role of classroom mentors on attachment teaching practice: the case at Morgan ZINTEC College
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #3. p. 236-258.

Periodical articleBrown, Byron A. (2010)
See this publicationTeachers' accounts of the usefulness of multigrade teaching in promoting sustainable human-development related outcomes in rural South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 36 #1. p. 189-207.

Periodical articleGugler, Josef (2010)
See this publicationAfrican films in the classroom
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 53 #3. p. 1-17.

BookGuloba, Madina M.; Wokadala, James; Bategeka, Lawrence (2010)
See this publicationDoes teaching methods and availability of teaching resources influence pupils' performance? Evidence from four districts in Uganda
Kampala: Economic Policy Research Centre, Makerere University Campus. Research series #77. 55p.

Periodical articleKitta, S.; Tilya, F. (2010)
The status of learner-centred learning and assessment in Tanzania in the context of the competence-based curriculum
Papers in Education and Development. #29. p. 77-91.

Periodical articleLe Cordeur, Michael (2010)
Die interaktiewe leesbenadering: 'n alternatief vir tradisionele maniere van leesonderrig = The interactive approach to reading instruction: an alternative to traditional ways of teaching reading
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 50 #1. p. 104-118.

BookNational Open University of Nigeria (2010)
See this publicationPrimary school social studies curriculum and methods
Abuja: National Open University of Nigeria. 148p.

BookNgware, Moses (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationDoes teaching style explain differences in learner achievement in low and high-performing schools in Kenya?
Nairobi: African population and Health Center. APHRC working paper #44. 16p.

Periodical articleSamb, Moustapha (2010)
Le rôle de la radio face aux enjeux de l'éducation aux médias au Sénégal
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #40. p. 239-250.

BookSefa Dei, George J. (2010)
See this publicationTeaching Africa: towards a transgressive pedagogy
Dordrecht: Springer. Explorations of educational purpose 9. 130p.

Dissertation / thesisTadesse, Rediet Mesfin (2010)
See this publicationChildren engaged in child labor and classroom instructional practices: the case of four children in Addis Zemen first cycle primary school, Addis Ababa

Periodical articleTilya, F.; Mafumiko, F. (2010)
The compatibility between teaching methods and competence-based curriculum in Tanzania
Papers in Education and Development. #29. p. 37-56.

BookTouré, Abdoulaye (2010)
Les fonds documentaires de l'IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop, un trésor pour l'école: dossiers didactiques et fiches pédagogiques
Dakar: Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire Cheikh Anta Diop. Catalogues et documents. 137p.

Periodical articleVordzorgbe, Pius P.Y. (2009-2010)
The ethnic approach to music making: a case for music education in Ghana
Journal of Performing Arts. Volume 4 #1. p. 101-108.

Periodical articleAbabio, Bethel Tawiah (2009)
Identifying students' background and needs for effective teaching at the University of Cape Coast
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 2 #2. p. 1-27.

Periodical issueAdomako Ampofo, Akosua; Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (eds.) (2009)
Knowledge transmission in Ghana: alternative perspectives
Abstract presentResearch Review. 261p.

Periodical articleChitanana, Lockias (2009)
An assessment of the utilisation of computers as teaching and learning resources: a case study of selected Gweru urban schools
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 21 #3. November. p. 323-339.

Periodical articlePopoola, S.O.; Haliso, Yacob (2009)
Use of library information resources and services as predictor of the teaching effectiveness of social scientists in Nigerian universities
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 19 #1. p. 65-77.

Periodical articlePrah, Mansah (2009)
Advice columns as a teaching resource for gender and sexuality: experiences from the University of Cape Coast
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 15 #1. p. 171-185.

Periodical articleSanga, Imani (2009)
Teaching-learning processes in Muziki Wa Injili in Dar es Salaam
African Music Journal. Volume 8 #3. p. 132-143.

Periodical articleTatira, L. (2009)
An experimental study into the use of computers for teaching of composition writing in English at Prince Edward School in Harare
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 21 #1. p. 85-101.

Periodical articleTomaselli, Keyan G.; Dockney, Jonathan; Dawson, Sarah (2009)
Bumping into reality, brutal realism and Bafundi 2009: some thoughts on a student film festival
Abstract presentJournal of African Cinemas. Volume 1 #2. p. 225-234.

Periodical articleCarstens, Adelia (2008)
Preferred genres and rhetorical modes in the humanities and social sciences
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 39 #1. p. 49-65.

Conference paperDigneffe, Françoise; Lufunda, Kaumba (eds.) (2008)
Criminologie et droits humains en République démocratique du Congo
Abstract presentBruxelles: Éditions Larcier. 309p.

Periodical articleJita, L.C.; Mokhele, M.L. (2008)
See this publicationCapacity for (quality) instruction: a framework for understanding the use of resources to promote teaching and learning in schools
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 5 #2. p. 253-273.

Periodical articleLephalala, Mirriam; Pienaar, Cathy (2008)
An evaluation of markers' commentary on ESL students' argumentative essays in an ODL context
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 39 #1. p. 66-87.

Periodical articleLwehabura, Mugyabuso J.F. (2008)
Information literacy delivery in Tanzanian universities: an examination of its effectiveness
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 18 #2. p. 157-168.

Periodical articleStears, Michèle (2008)
Science education in a South African township: what type of science education do children respond to?
Africa Insight. Volume 38 #4. p. 27-43.

Periodical articleStears, Michèle (2008)
Children's stories: what knowledge constitutes indigenous knowledge?
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 7 #2. p. 132-140.

Dissertation / thesisBedeker, Marlies (2007)
Zeggen en doen zijn niet hetzelfde: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de toepassing van de pedagogisch-didactische principes van 'la pédagogie convergente' door leerkrachten op het platteland in Mali

Periodical articleGouws, F.E. (2007)
See this publicationTeaching and learning through multiple intelligences in the outcomes-based education classroom
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 4 #2. p. 60-74.

BookJansen, Jan (ed.) (2007)
De lessen van Namagan Kanté: zanddivinatie in de Mandé-bergen (Mali-Guinée)
Amsterdam: Aksant. Antropologie Academie. 88p.

BookMorrow, Wally E. (2007)
Learning to teach in South Africa
Cape Town: HSRC press. 223p.

Periodical articleSibanda, Thomas; Mtetwa, David; Zobolo, Alpheus (2007)
Mathematical ideas in some cooperative work activities of the Shangani people of southern Zimbabwe
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 6 #1. p. 51-63.

Periodical articleSifuna, Daniel N.; Kaime, James G. (2007)
See this publicationThe effect of in-service education and training (INSET) programmes in mathematics and science on classroom interaction: a case study of primary and secondary schools in Kenya
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 4 #1. p. 104-126.

Periodical articleSpencer, Brenda (2007)
Towards greater equality: power and role relations involved in response to student writing
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 38 #2. p. 299-315.

Periodical articleAdeogun, Margaret (2006)
The challenges of a modern tertiary education system: paradigm shifts for educators and information professionals in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 16 #1. p. 45-52.

DVD / videoBalde, Musa (ed.) (2006)
The ink road: teaching methods of Timbuktu
Abstract presentAlameda: Timbuktu Educational Foundation.

Periodical articleKandjeo-Marenga, Hedwig; Kapenda, H.; Lubben, F.; Campbell, B.; Gaoseb, N.; Kasanda, C. (2006)
See this publicationThe impact of MASTEP on the use of practical work in Namibian science classes
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 18 #1. March. p. 171-201.

Periodical articleKotze, Chrisna; Waghid, Yusef (2006)
Leerdergesentreerde onderwys en demokratiese burgerskapsopvoeding in primêre skole in Namibië
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 46 #4. p. 428-442.

Periodical articleMasese, Eric Rosana; Mulwo, Abraham Kiprop (2005)
Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS campaigns in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya
Abstract presentMila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 6. p. 43-50.

Periodical articleOgoye-Ndegwa, Charles (2005)
See this publicationModelling a traditional game as an agent in HIV/AIDS behaviour-change education and communication
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 4 #2. p. 91-98.

Periodical articleChipunza, L. (2003)
See this publicationStrategies for teaching large classes at university level: experiences from the communication skills centre
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 2-10.

Periodical articleKwari, Rudo; Mtetwa, David K.J. (2003)
See this publicationActive learning approaches in Zimbabwean science and mathematics classrooms
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 15 #3. November. p. 151-160.

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