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Search: su=National University of Lesotho
Found: 6 Record 1-6

Periodical articleSeotsanyana, M. (2007)
Perceived relevance of the National University of Lesotho's programmes: views of some of former students of the National University of Lesotho
Lesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 11 #1-2. December. p. 114-127.

Periodical articlePolaki, M.V. (2003)
Basotho first year university students' understanding of variability in a probabilistic context
Lesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 9 #1-2. December. p. 128-141.

Periodical articleMatlosa, K. (2000)
The brain drain
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 13 #7. April. p. 12-13.

Periodical articleThetela, M. (1999)
Lexical confusions in second language written production and their implications for teaching materials for vocabulary development in English for academic purposes: a case study of Lesotho
BOLESWA Educational Research Journal. Volume 16. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleAyaya, O. (1997)
Multi variate analysis of academic success factors among accounting and management students at the National University of Lesotho
BOLESWA Educational Research Journal. Volume 14. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleJegede, J.O. (1995)
University students perceived characteristics of effective instruction
BOLESWA Educational Research Journal. Volume 12. p. 56-63.

Search: su=National University of Lesotho
Found: 6 Record 1-6

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