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Search: su=Skills development
Found: 30 Record 1-30

Periodical articleGilbert, Jane (2002)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Counselling Skills Training: Lessons from Lesotho
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 123-135.

Periodical articleMiheso-O'Connor, M.K. (2002)
The relationship between interactive teaching and the acquisition of high order thinking skills in mathematics classrooms: the Kenyan experience
African Journal of Education Studies. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 73-79.

Periodical articleNgware, Moses Waithanji (2002)
See this publicationGender Participation in Technical Training Institutions: An Assessment of the Kenyan Case
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 18 #1. January. p. 21-33.

Periodical articleMammo K. (2001)
The effects of multiple and single draft feedback on the writing skills of students
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 21 #2. December. p. 127-154.

Periodical articleMensah, E. (2001)
Instituting a scientific culture for national development
GIMPA Journal of Leadership, Management and Administration. Volume 1 #1. September. p. 28-45.

Periodical articleDemeke, Mulat; Wolday Amha (2000)
An Overview of Training Programs and Approaches for the Informal Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 16 #2. June. p. 95-115.

Periodical articleGoedeke, Sonja (2000)
Imbali Guidance Project: Facilitating Development among Guidance Educators in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 15 #1. p. 27-48.

Periodical articleAndesellassie G.-K. (1999)
Procedural principles of questioning techniques
Educational Journal (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 4 #8. January. p. 72-96.

Periodical articleKibera, W.L. (1998)
Reforming education in Kenya: pupils and teachers' assessment of a vocationally based curriculum
Papers in Education and Development. #19. p. 60-73.

Periodical articleMndebele, C.B.S. (1998)
Career guidance competencies for Swaziland agricultural, commercial, home economics, and technical studies teachers
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleOkere, M.I.O. (1998)
The acquisition and application of science process skills and technology by school pupils and workers in the informal sector in Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 2 #1. January. p. 95-110.

Periodical articleChiromo, A.S. (1997)
The role of the students teachers' observations in the development of their teaching skills during teaching practice
Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education. Volume 5 #3. September. p. 62-68.

Periodical articleTsira, E.M. (1997)
Writing effective paragraphs: focus on the paragraph
Lesotho Journal of Teacher Education. Volume 1 #2. p. 39-46.

Periodical articleHurry, J.K. (1996)
Recognition and accreditation of prior learning
Prosi. #327. avril. p. 6-8.

Periodical articleKishindo, Paul (1995)
Apprenticeship Systems and the Creation of Employment Opportunities
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 10 #2. p. 53-60.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Rössing advancement through training
Rössing. April. p. 6-11.

Periodical articleDebreay, O.; Hautcoeur, J.; Ory, C. (1994)
Essentiel pour les jeunes, le diplôme est encore trop rare
Économie de la Réunion. #72. juillet-août. p. 10-13.

Periodical articleMugandani, S.; Gwimbi, E.M. (1994)
Does specialising in science significantly influence proficiency in process skills approach to teaching environmental science by trainee (primary) teachers?
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 6 #3. November. p. 240-254.

Periodical articleAsante, K.K.; Lesabe, O. (1993)
Perceptions of selected agriculture educators towards the introduction of pre-vocational agriculture in Swaziland high schools
SIER Bulletin. #13. November. p. 32-43.

Periodical articleGakuru, O.N. (1993)
Empowerment through basic education
Basic Education Forum. Volume 3. April. p. 75-78.

Periodical articleMlekwa, V.M. (1993)
The political economy of literacy in a developing country, actors' views from one village in Tanzania
Journal of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE). Volume 7 #1. p. 25-36.

Periodical articleMulongeni, B. (1993)
Made in Arandis
Namibia Review. Volume 2 #1. January. p. 9-12.

Periodical articleNkiwane, L. (1993)
Possibility of introducing a practical in the textile industry for university home economics students
Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleSifuna, D.N. (1993)
Improving the effectiveness and appreciation of vocational and other non-formal educational programmes in Kenya
Basic Education Forum. Volume 3. April. p. 65-73.

Periodical articleDlamini, B.M.; Mogotsi, M.K. (1992)
Discrepancy scores for determining in-service needs: the case of agriculture teachers in Botswana
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 6. December. p. 17-28.

Periodical articleNjoku, O. (1992)
Vocational training of our fore-fathers: its lessons today
Abstract presentThe African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 19 #1-2. p. 27-40.

Periodical articleCarter, G.L. (1991)
Connecting thought and action: the potential of extension
Journal of Continuing Education and Extension. Volume 1 #1. May. p. 39-52.

Periodical articleKing, B. (1991)
The triumphs of Itjareng
Molepe. Volume 5 #24. July-August. p. 4-7.

Periodical articleOkere, M.I.O. (1991)
The design of scientific investigations by high school pupils and first year undergraduates
East African Journal of Education. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 64-72.

Periodical articlePhiri, A.G. (1991)
Science and technology in education, the case of the polytechnic
Journal of the University of Malawi. #4. August. p. 17-20.

Search: su=Skills development
Found: 30 Record 1-30

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