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Search: ge=Canary Islands | ||||||||
Found: 35 | Record 1-35 |
Santana-Pérez, Juan Manuel (2018) | |
The African Atlantic islands in maritime history during the Ancien Régime | |
International Journal of Maritime History. Volume 30 #4. p. 634-648. |
Everaert, John (2009) | |
De lokroep van de suiker: Vlaamse planters en handelaars op het Canarisch eiland La Palma (1508 - c. 1635) | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 55 #2. p. 135-162. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; Pichler, Werner; Rodrigue, Alain (2009) | |
The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 83-100. |
Fundación España Guinea Ecuatorial (2009) | |
Palabras: revista de la cultura y de las ideas | |
Madrid: Fundación España Guinea Ecuatorial. |
Morales, Alejandro González; Bosa, Miguel Suárez (2009) | |
The explanatory theories of the agrarian structures of Canary Islands | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #13. p. 27-37. |
Suárez Bosa, Miguel; Morales, Alejandro González (2009) | |
Farming structures, water and institutions in the Canary Islands | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #13. p. 11-25. |
Choplin, Armelle; Lombard, Jérôme (2008) | |
Migrations et recompositions spatiales en Mauritanie: 'Nouadhibou du monde': ville de transit... et après? | |
Afrique contemporaine. #228. p. 151-170. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; García Marín, Sergio (2007) | |
The Rock Art Site of Risco Blanco (Tenerife, Canary Islands) and the Saharan Horsemen Cycle | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 18. May. p. 69-84. |
Evers Rosander, Eva (2005) | |
Cosmopolites et locales: femmes sénégalaises en voyage | |
Afrique & histoire. #4. p. 103-122. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; García Marín, Sergio (2005) | |
The Canary Islands and the Sahara: Reviewing an Archaeological Problem | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 16. July. p. 55-62. |
Abu-Tarbush, Jose (2001) | |
The Presence of Islam in the Canaries: A Historical Overview | |
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 21 #1. April. p. 79-92. |
Flores, Carlos; Larraga, Jose M.; Gonzalez, Ana M.; Hernandez, Mariano; Pinto, Francisco M.; Cabrera, Vicente M. (2001) | |
The Origin of the Canary Island Aborigines and Their Contribution to the Modern Population: A Molecular Genetics Perspective | |
Current Anthropology. Volume 42 #5. p. 749-755. |
MacLeod, Donald V.L. (1999) | |
Tourism and the Globalization of the Canary Island | |
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 5 #3. September. p. 443-456. |
Pichler, Werner (1996) | |
The Decoding of the Libyco-Berber Inscriptions of the Canary Islands | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 8. p. 104-107. |
Balbin Behrmann, Rodriguez d.; Bueno Ramirez, Primitiva; Gonzalez, Anton R.; del Arco Aguilar, Carmen (1995) | |
The Zinete Stone | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 7. p. 39-50. |
Eddy, Michael R. (1995) | |
Politics and Archaeology in the Canary Islands | |
Antiquity. Volume 69 #264. September. p. 444-448. |
Hair, Paul E.H. (1995) | |
Was Columbus' First Very Long Voyage, a Voyage from Guinea? | |
History in Africa. Volume 22. p. 223-237. |
Pichler, Werner (1995) | |
The Decoding of the 'Latino-Canarian' Inscription from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 7. p. 116-118. |
Eddy, Michael R. (1992) | |
Historical and contemporary perceptions of the Guanches of the Canary Islands | |
Maghreb Review. Volume 17 #1-2. p. 124-140. |
Parsons, James J. (1981) | |
Human Influences on the Pine and Laurel Forests of the Canary Islands | |
Geographical Review. Volume 71 #3. July. p. 253-271. |
Gaudio, Attilio (1980) | |
Les Iles Canaries a la derive | |
Le mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 16 #190-191. p. 8-26. |
Mercer, John (1979) | |
The Canary Islanders in Western Mediterranean Politics | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 78 #311. April. p. 159-176. |
Margarido, A. (1968) | |
Les Îles Canaries entre l'Europe et l'Afrique | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. #33. p. 44-57. |
Diaz de Villegas, J. (1960) | |
Africa Atlantica: las riberas fronteras de canarias | |
Archivos del Instituto de Estudios Africanos. Volume 14 #52. p. 19-32. |
Zeuner, F.E. (1960) | |
Prehistoric Idols from Gran Canaria | |
Man. Volume 60 #3. March. p. 32-36. |
Walton, James (1957) | |
The Troglodyte Village of La Atalaya, Gran Canaria | |
Man. Volume 57 #4. April. p. 48-50. |
Robin, Jean (1955) | |
Moors and Canary Islanders on the Coast of the Western Sahara | |
The Geographical Journal. Volume 121 #2. June. p. 158-163. |
Sheldon, W.G. (1940) | |
Obituary - Margaret Elizabeth Fountaine | |
Entomologist. Volume 73. p. 193-195. |
Jensen, Soren (1934) | |
Agricultural Methods on the Canaries, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote | |
Economic Geography. Volume 10 #1. January. p. 99-108. |
Johnston, Alex (1925) | |
Sylviculture and Acclimatisation in the Canaries | |
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 24 #96. July. p. 322-327. |
Johnston, Alex (1920) | |
Future Role of Tenerife | |
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 19 #75. April. p. 189-195. |
d'Anvers, Charles (1919) | |
The Mysterious Islands | |
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 19 #73. October. p. 44-54. |
Anonymous (1910) | |
Outburst of the Peak of Teneriffe | |
Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. Volume 42 #4. p. 265-267. |
De Macedo, J.J. Da Costa (1841) | |
Ethnographical Remarks on the Original Languages of the Inhabitants of the Canary Isles | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 171-183. |
Arlett, W. (1836) | |
Survey of Some of the Canary Islands, and of Part of the Western Coast of Africa, in 1835 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 285-310. |
Search: ge=Canary Islands | ||||||||
Found: 35 | Record 1-35 |
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