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Search: ge=Canary Islands
Found: 35 Record 1-35

Periodical articleSantana-Pérez, Juan Manuel (2018)
See this publicationThe African Atlantic islands in maritime history during the Ancien Régime
International Journal of Maritime History. Volume 30 #4. p. 634-648.

Periodical articleEveraert, John (2009)
De lokroep van de suiker: Vlaamse planters en handelaars op het Canarisch eiland La Palma (1508 - c. 1635)
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 55 #2. p. 135-162.

Periodical articleFarrujia de la Rosa, A. José; Pichler, Werner; Rodrigue, Alain (2009)
The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 83-100.

PeriodicalFundación España Guinea Ecuatorial (2009)
Palabras: revista de la cultura y de las ideas
Madrid: Fundación España Guinea Ecuatorial.

Periodical articleMorales, Alejandro González; Bosa, Miguel Suárez (2009)
The explanatory theories of the agrarian structures of Canary Islands
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #13. p. 27-37.

Periodical articleSuárez Bosa, Miguel; Morales, Alejandro González (2009)
Farming structures, water and institutions in the Canary Islands
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #13. p. 11-25.

Periodical articleChoplin, Armelle; Lombard, Jérôme (2008)
Migrations et recompositions spatiales en Mauritanie: 'Nouadhibou du monde': ville de transit... et après?
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #228. p. 151-170.

Periodical articleFarrujia de la Rosa, A. José; García Marín, Sergio (2007)
The Rock Art Site of Risco Blanco (Tenerife, Canary Islands) and the Saharan Horsemen Cycle
Abstract presentSahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 18. May. p. 69-84.

Periodical articleEvers Rosander, Eva (2005)
Cosmopolites et locales: femmes sénégalaises en voyage
Abstract presentAfrique & histoire. #4. p. 103-122.

Periodical articleFarrujia de la Rosa, A. José; García Marín, Sergio (2005)
The Canary Islands and the Sahara: Reviewing an Archaeological Problem
Abstract presentSahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 16. July. p. 55-62.

Periodical articleAbu-Tarbush, Jose (2001)
See this publicationThe Presence of Islam in the Canaries: A Historical Overview
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 21 #1. April. p. 79-92.

Periodical articleFlores, Carlos; Larraga, Jose M.; Gonzalez, Ana M.; Hernandez, Mariano; Pinto, Francisco M.; Cabrera, Vicente M. (2001)
The Origin of the Canary Island Aborigines and Their Contribution to the Modern Population: A Molecular Genetics Perspective
Current Anthropology. Volume 42 #5. p. 749-755.

Periodical articleMacLeod, Donald V.L. (1999)
See this publicationTourism and the Globalization of the Canary Island
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 5 #3. September. p. 443-456.

Periodical articlePichler, Werner (1996)
The Decoding of the Libyco-Berber Inscriptions of the Canary Islands
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 8. p. 104-107.

Periodical articleBalbin Behrmann, Rodriguez d.; Bueno Ramirez, Primitiva; Gonzalez, Anton R.; del Arco Aguilar, Carmen (1995)
The Zinete Stone
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 7. p. 39-50.

Periodical articleEddy, Michael R. (1995)
Politics and Archaeology in the Canary Islands
Antiquity. Volume 69 #264. September. p. 444-448.

Periodical articleHair, Paul E.H. (1995)
See this publicationWas Columbus' First Very Long Voyage, a Voyage from Guinea?
History in Africa. Volume 22. p. 223-237.

Periodical articlePichler, Werner (1995)
The Decoding of the 'Latino-Canarian' Inscription from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 7. p. 116-118.

Periodical articleEddy, Michael R. (1992)
Historical and contemporary perceptions of the Guanches of the Canary Islands
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 17 #1-2. p. 124-140.

Periodical articleParsons, James J. (1981)
Human Influences on the Pine and Laurel Forests of the Canary Islands
Geographical Review. Volume 71 #3. July. p. 253-271.

Periodical articleGaudio, Attilio (1980)
Les Iles Canaries a la derive
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 16 #190-191. p. 8-26.

Periodical articleMercer, John (1979)
See this publicationThe Canary Islanders in Western Mediterranean Politics
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 78 #311. April. p. 159-176.

Periodical articleMargarido, A. (1968)
Les Îles Canaries entre l'Europe et l'Afrique
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #33. p. 44-57.

Periodical articleDiaz de Villegas, J. (1960)
Africa Atlantica: las riberas fronteras de canarias
Abstract presentArchivos del Instituto de Estudios Africanos. Volume 14 #52. p. 19-32.

Periodical articleZeuner, F.E. (1960)
See this publicationPrehistoric Idols from Gran Canaria
Man. Volume 60 #3. March. p. 32-36.

Periodical articleWalton, James (1957)
See this publicationThe Troglodyte Village of La Atalaya, Gran Canaria
Man. Volume 57 #4. April. p. 48-50.

Periodical articleRobin, Jean (1955)
See this publicationMoors and Canary Islanders on the Coast of the Western Sahara
The Geographical Journal. Volume 121 #2. June. p. 158-163.

Periodical articleSheldon, W.G. (1940)
Obituary - Margaret Elizabeth Fountaine
Entomologist. Volume 73. p. 193-195.

Periodical articleJensen, Soren (1934)
Agricultural Methods on the Canaries, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote
Economic Geography. Volume 10 #1. January. p. 99-108.

Periodical articleJohnston, Alex (1925)
Sylviculture and Acclimatisation in the Canaries
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 24 #96. July. p. 322-327.

Periodical articleJohnston, Alex (1920)
Future Role of Tenerife
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 19 #75. April. p. 189-195.

Periodical articled'Anvers, Charles (1919)
The Mysterious Islands
Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 19 #73. October. p. 44-54.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1910)
Outburst of the Peak of Teneriffe
Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. Volume 42 #4. p. 265-267.

Periodical articleDe Macedo, J.J. Da Costa (1841)
Ethnographical Remarks on the Original Languages of the Inhabitants of the Canary Isles
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 171-183.

Periodical articleArlett, W. (1836)
Survey of Some of the Canary Islands, and of Part of the Western Coast of Africa, in 1835
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 285-310.

Search: ge=Canary Islands
Found: 35 Record 1-35

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