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Search: ge=European Union | ||||||||
Found: 11 | Record 1-11 |
Biondo, Karen Del (2020) | |
Moving beyond a donor-recipient relationship? Assessing the principle of partnership in the joint Africa-EU strategy | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 38 #2. p. 310-329. |
Odijie, Michael Ehis (2020) | |
EPA and sensitive products: the danger for industrial policy 'incoordination' | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 38 #4. p. 519-540. |
Kohnert, Dirk (2015) | |
Horse-trading on EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 42 #143. p. 141-147. |
Brink, Gustav (2014) | |
Anti-dumping and China: three major Chinese victories in dispute resolution | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 47 #1. p. 1-37. |
Debusscher, Petra; Hulse, Merran (2014) | |
Including women's voices? Gender mainstreaming in EU and SADC development strategies for Southern Africa | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 40 #3. p. 559-573. |
Kasule, Ssebunya Edward (2012) | |
Self-interest in African Regional Economic Organizations and lessons from the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations | |
ASPJ: Africa and Francophonie. Volume 3 #4. p. 47-66. |
Ohihon, Igboin Benson (2011) | |
Treatment of African slaves: a critical reflection of an unhealed wound | |
Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 43 #1. p. 131-151. |
Tshiyembe, Mwayila (2011) | |
Le partenariat Europe-Afrique: un point de vue africain | |
Géopolitique africaine. #41. p. 87-94. |
Vernochet, Jean-Michel (2007) | |
Le Darfour: de la crise humanitaire au choc pétrolier | |
Maghreb Machrek. #193. p. 55-77. |
Olsen, Gorm R. (2003) | |
Neo-Medievalism in Africa: Whither Government-to-Government Relations between Africa and the European Union? | |
Civil Wars. Volume 6 #2. Summer. p. 94-120. |
Keet, Dot (1996) | |
The European Union's Proposed Free Trade Agreement with South Africa: The Implications and Some Counter-Proposals | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 13 #4. August. p. 555-566. |
Search: ge=European Union | ||||||||
Found: 11 | Record 1-11 |
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