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Search: su=ACP
Found: 8 Record 1-8

Periodical articleKeijzer, Niels; Negre, Mario (2014)
See this publicationOutsourcing a partnership? Assessing ACP-EU cooperation under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 21 #2. p. 279-296.

Periodical articleFontagné, Lionel; Laborde, David; Mitaritonna, Cristina (2011)
See this publicationAn impact study of the economic partnership agreements in the six ACP regions
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 20 #2. p. 179-216.

Periodical articleAbou, Kane Elimane (2009)
Vers une redéfinition des accords de pêche UE-ACP: d'un accord politique à un partenariat économique durable
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #1. p. 50-55.

Periodical articleFlint, Adrian (2009)
See this publicationThe end of a 'special relationship'? The new EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 36 #119. p. 79-92.

Periodical articleKongatoua Kossonzo, Augustin (2009)
L'impact de l'accord de partenariat économique (APE) sur l'économie centrafricaine
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 119 #869. p. 429-467.

Periodical articleDrieghe, Lotte; Orbie, Jan (2008)
Economische Partnerschapsakkoorden EU met ACP-landen: chaotisch onderhandelingsproces leidt tot hutspot van regelingen
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 62 #2. p. 93-97.

Periodical articleHaule, Romuald; Werema, Fredrick (2008)
EC-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and their economic impacts on developing countries
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 1 #1. p. 25-50.

Periodical articleStorey, Andy (2006)
See this publicationNormative Power Europe? Economic Partnership Agreements and Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 24 #3. p. 331-346.

Search: su=ACP
Found: 8 Record 1-8

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