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Periodical articleElsby, Angus (2020)
See this publicationCreaming off commodity profits: Europe's re-export boom and Africa's earnings crisis in the coffee and cocoa sectors
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 47 #166. p. 638-650.

Periodical articleGuariso, Andrea; Verpoorten, Marijke (2018)
See this publicationAid, trade and the post-war recovery of the Rwandan coffee sector
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 12 #3. p. 552-574.

Periodical articlePiton, Florent (2016)
Cultures obligatoires, monétarisation et mobilisations sociopolitiques dans le monde rural à la fin de la colonisation: l'arrachage des caféiers du Mulera au Rwanda en octobre 1958
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 56 #224. p. 799-820.

Periodical articleRijsbergen, Bart van; Elbers, Willem; Ruben, Ruerd; Njuguna, Samuel N. (2016)
See this publicationThe Ambivalent Impact of Coffee Certification on Farmers' Welfare: A Matched Panel Approach for Cooperatives in Central Kenya
World Development. Volume 77. January. p. 277-292.

Periodical articleTchumtchoua, Emmanuel (2015)
Réglementation de la culture du café et résistance paysanne sur les hautes terres de l'Ouest-Cameroun dans l'entre-deux-guerres
Abá: revue internationale de lettres et de sciences sociales. #3. p. 212-245.

Periodical articleMhando, David Gongwe (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationAdaptation to changes in the coffee value chain and the price of coffee among producers in two villages in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
African Study Monographs. Volume 34 #1. p. 27-56.

Periodical articlePeterson, Derek R.; Taylor, Edgar C. (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationRethinking Idi Amin's Uganda
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 58-182.

Periodical articleSantos, Maciel (2012)
Borracha e tecidos de algodão em Angola (1886-1932): o efeito renda
Revista angolana de sociologia: RAS. #10. p. 49-74.

Periodical articleArslan, Aslihan; Reicher, Christopher P. (2011)
See this publicationThe effects of the coffee trademarking initiative and Starbucks publicity on export prices of Ethiopian coffee
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 20 #5. p. 704-736.

Periodical articleEast, Elizabeth A. (2011)
The framing of problems and solutions by NGOs, corporations and States: the case of Oromia, Ethiopia
Abstract presentThe journal of Oromo studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 131-156.

Periodical articleGodfrey, A.B. (2010)
The performance and dynamics of the liberalised coffee marketing system at grassroots in Uganda, 1990-2005
Mawazo. Volume 9 #1. February. p. 116-134.

Periodical articleHill, Ruth Vargas (2010)
See this publicationLiberalisation and producer price risk: examining subjective expectations in the Ugandan coffee market
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 19 #4. p. 433-458.

Periodical articleHyde, David (2010)
See this publicationUndercurrents to independence: plantation struggles in Kenya's Central Province 1959-60
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #3. p. 467-489.

Periodical articleMatheka, Reuben M. (2010)
Farmers' revolts in Central Kenya in the 1990s
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 9. p. 73-98.

Periodical articleTchumtchoua, Emmanuel (2010)
Caféiculture et pénurie de la main-d'oeuvre au Sud-Cameroun sous régime du 'travail obligatoire' (1924-1945)
Abstract presentAnnales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #11. p. 277-311.

Periodical articleCharlery de la Masselière, Bernard; Nakileza, Bob; Uginet, Estelle (2009)
Le développement du maraîchage dans les montagnes d'Afrique de l'Est: les enjeux
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 62 #247. p. 311-330.

Periodical articleMakana, Nicholas E. (2009)
See this publicationMetropolitan concern, colonial State policy and the embargo on cultivation of coffee by Africans in colonial Kenya: the example of Bungoma district, 1930-1960
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 36. p. 315-329.

Periodical articleUwizeyimana, Laurien (2009)
Après le café, le maraîchage? Mutations des pratiques agricoles dans les Hautes Terres de l'Ouest Cameroun
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 62 #247. p. 331-344.

Periodical articleAithal, Anand; Pinard, Fabrice (2008)
Can good coffee prices increase smallholder revenue?
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 381-400.

Periodical articleGuétat-Bernard, Hélène (2008)
Cultures du café et dynamiques des rapports de genre en pays bamiléké au Cameroun: effet de similitude avec la situation kikuyu au Kenya
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 339-354.

Periodical articleHatungimana, Alexandre (2008)
Le café et les pouvoirs au Burundi
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 263-283.

Periodical articleKuété, Martin (2008)
Café, caféiculteurs et vie politique dans les hautes terres de l'Ouest-Cameroun
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 285-302.

Periodical articlePilleboue, Jean (2008)
De la provenance à l'origine, de l'État au terroir: 'nouveaux' discours pour l'affirmation qualitative des cafés d'Afrique de l'Est: réflexions d'un géographe
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 355-380.

Periodical issueIkeno, Jun (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationAfrican coffee economy at the crossroads: the cases from Tanzania, Ethiopia & Rwanda
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #35. 139p.

Periodical articleKaranja, Andrew M.; Kuyvenhoven, Arie; Moll, Henk A.J. (2007)
See this publicationEconomic reforms and cost efficiency of coffee farmers in central Kenya: a stochastic-translog approach
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 19 #2. June. p. 122-132.

Periodical articleLightbourne, Muriel (2007)
Organization and legal regimes governing seed markets and farmers' rights in Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 51 #2. p. 285-315.

Periodical articleMhando, David G.; Itani, Juichi (2007)
See this publicationFarmers' coping strategies to a changed coffee market after economic liberalization: the case of Mbinga District in Tanzania
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #36. p. 39-58.

Periodical articleSimonet, Marie-Christine (2007)
Dossier café
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 62 #3193. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleWale, Edilegnaw; Yalew, Asmare (2007)
See this publicationFarmers' Variety Attribute Preferences: Implications for Breeding Priority Setting and Agricultural Extension Policy in Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 379-396.

Periodical articleSagawa, Toru (2006)
See this publicationWives' Domestic and Political Activities at Home: The Space of Coffee Drinking among the Daasanetch of Southwestern Ethiopia
African Study Monographs. Volume 27 #2. July. p. 63-86.

Periodical articleDubosse, Nancy (2005)
Meeting the challenges of the global coffee market: the case of Uganda
African Development Perspectives Yearbook. Volume 11. p. 89-106.

Periodical articleItika, Josephat S. (2005)
See this publicationInstitutional Constraints as 'Rules of the Game': Reflections on Coffee Production and Marketing in Moshi Rural District
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 39-56.

Periodical articleCazenave-Piarrot, Alain (2004)
Burundi: une agriculture à l'épreuve de la guerre civile
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 57 #226-227. p. 313-338.

Periodical articleEsayas M.; Bekele J.; Emiru S. (2004)
See this publicationPopulation dynamics and distribution of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) on coffea arabica L. in southwestern Ethiopia
Sinet. Volume 27 #2. December. p. 127-134.

Periodical articleMoulinot, Xavier (2004)
Dossier café gourmet
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 59 #3049. p. 845-848.

Periodical articleOkech, S.H.; Gold, C.S.; Abele, S.; Nankinga, C.; Wetala, P.M.; Van Asten, P.; Nambuye, A.; Ragama, P.E. (2004)
Agronomic, pests and economic factors influencing sustainability of banana-coffee systems of Western Uganda and potentials for improvement
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 2. September. p. 432-444.

Periodical articlePonte, Stefano (2004)
See this publicationThe Politics of Ownership: Tanzanian Coffee Policy in the Age of Liberal Reformism
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 103 #413. October. p. 615-633.

Periodical articleBee, F.K. (2003)
Empowering farmer's co-operatives through fair trade: the case of three coffee co-operatives in Tanzania
Journal of Co-operative and Business Studies. Volume 1. p. 62-78.

Periodical articleBinam, Joachim Nyemeck; Sylla, Kalilou; Diarra, Ibraham; Nyambi, Gwendoline (2003)
See this publicationFactors Affecting Technical Efficiency among Coffee Farmers in Côte d'Ivoire: Evidence from the Centre West Region
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 15 #1. June. p. 66-76.

Periodical articleKangire, A.; Olal, S.; Kabole, C. (2003)
Evaluation of potential sources of inoculum for the coffee wilt epidemics in Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 37-40.

Periodical articleKaranja, Andrew M.; Kuyvenhoven, Arie; Moll, Henk A.J. (2003)
See this publicationEconomic Reforms and Evolution of Producer Prices in Kenya: An ARCH-M Approach
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 15 #2-3. December. p. 271-296.

Periodical articleMaleko, G.N. (2003)
Performance of agricultural marketing co-operatives in coffee procurement under a free market: the case of selected co-operatives in Kilimanjaro Region
Journal of Co-operative and Business Studies. Volume 1. p. 51-61.

Periodical articleMusoli, P.; Olal, S.; Nabaggala, A.; Kabole, C. (2003)
Response of robusta coffee populations to Fusarium xylarioides infection under screen house condition in Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 31-36.

Periodical articleNabeta, N.; Bekunda, M.; Munyambonera, E. (2003)
Toward a remunerating price tag to coffee: lessons from the liberalisation of the coffee industry in Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 49-53.

Periodical articleNodem, Jean-Emet (2003)
See this publicationCaféiculture et projet théicole: complémentarité ou conflit?
Abstract presentAfrican Anthropologist. Volume 10 #1. p. 83-98.

Periodical articleChâtel, Bénédicte (2002)
Dossier café
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 58 #2981. p. 2811-2823.

Periodical articleOgola, W.O.; Tesha, J.V.; Bisanda, E.T.N. (2002)
See this publicationCoffee husks: a possible wood substitute in the particleboard industry
Botswana Journal of Technology. Volume 11 #1. April. p. 26-33.

Periodical articleSserwadda, G. (2002)
Coffee 'liberalisation' gone haywire
6th of February. Volume 15 #2. February. p. 25-27.

Periodical articleWeiss, Brad (2002)
See this publicationA Religion of the Rupee: Materialist Encounters in North-West Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 72 #3. p. 391-419.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2001)
Critical issues: the way forward
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). May 31. p. 19-21.

Periodical articleBaroin, Catherine (2001)
De la bière de banane au soda en bouteille: religion et boisson chez les Rwa du Mont Meru (Tanzanie du Nord)
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 71 #2. p. 77-94.

Periodical articleChâtel, Bénédicte; Patriat, Lucas (2001)
Dossier café
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 56 #2904. p. 1396-1408.

Periodical articleGatabaki, P. (2001)
The Kenya Planters Co-operative Union: the blueprint for the coffee industry
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). May 31. p. 29-30.

Periodical articleLove, Roy (2001)
See this publicationThe Ethiopian Coffee Filiere and Its Institution: Cui Bono
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 28 #88. June. p. 225-240.

Periodical articleMwangi, F.J. (2001)
Mild Coffee Trade Association of Eastern Africa
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). May 31. p. 31, 36.

Periodical articleTemu, Anna A.; Winter-Nelson, Alex; Garcia, Philip (2001)
See this publicationMarket Liberalisation, Vertical Integration and Price Behaviour in Tanzania's Coffee Auction
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 19 #2. June. p. 205-222.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2000)
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). May 25. p. 3.

Periodical articleCochet, Hubert; Ndarishikanye, Barnabé (2000)
See this publicationLa production caféière au Burundi: agronomie, vulgarisation et rapports sociaux
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 218-248.

Periodical articleHakiza, G.J.; Birikunzira, J.B. (2000)
Current research trends on coffee wilt disease, tracheomycosis
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 5 #1. June. p. 17-21.

Periodical articleLove, R. (2000)
A note on farmers' share of coffee prices in Ethiopia and their relative volatility
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 3 #5. October-November. p. 15-19.

Periodical articleOgola, W.O.; Bisanda, E.T.N.; Tesha, J.V. (2000)
Thermal stability of coffee husks/tannin particle boards
Maseno Journal of Education, Arts, and Science. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 150-159.

Periodical articleTallontire, Anne (2000)
See this publicationPartnerships in fair trade: reflections from a case study of Cafédirect
Abstract presentDevelopment in Practice. Volume 10 #2. p. 166-177.

Periodical articleMbiti, J. (1998)
Coffee industry restructuring proposal
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). December 31. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleOppong, F.K.; Osei-Bonsu, K.; Amoah, F.M.; Opoku-Ameyaw, K. (1998)
See this publicationEvaluation of basta (glufosinate ammonium) for weed control in coffee
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 1 #1. July. p. 60-68.

Periodical articleAckonor, J.B. (1997)
See this publicationPreliminary findings on termites (Isoptera) associated with cocoa and coffee farms in Ghana
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 17 #3-4. July-December. p. 401-405.

Periodical articleLukwago, G.; Birikunzira, J.B. (1997)
Coffee wilt disease (tracheomycosis) and its implications on Uganda's economy
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 3 #pt. 2. October. p. 969-974.

Periodical articleSchluter, John (1997)
Vente aux enchères et poursuite de la libéralisation dans la filière café du Kenya = Auctions and further liberalisation in the Kenyan coffee sector
Abstract presentAproma review. #59. p. 2-9.

Periodical articleTessema C.A. (1997)
The culture of coffee in Ethiopia
Agroforestry Today. Volume 9 #1. January-March. p. 19-21.

Periodical articleWagih, M.E.; Kapal, R.; Maino, M.K. (1997)
Screening and selection of robusta coffee for traits of commercial importance
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 3 #1. October. p. 163-167.

Periodical articleAhmad, Abdussamad H. (1996)
See this publicationPriest Planters and Slavers of Zage (Ethiopia)
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 29 #3. p. 543-556.

Periodical articleJanin, Pierre (1996)
'Tout change pour que tout reste pareil': ruptures et continuités en économie de plantation bamiléké et béti (Cameroun) en période de crise
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 32 #3. p. 577-596.

Periodical articleKaberuka, Donald (1996)
Réformes économiques et filière café en Afrique: le chaînon manquant = Economic reforms and the coffee sector in Africa: the missing link
Abstract presentAproma review. #48. p. 2-4.

Periodical articleNjoroge, J.M.; Kimemia, J.K. (1996)
Yield and leaf nutrient concentrations of arabica coffee during the second production cycle after establishment as influenced by nitrogen rates and plant density
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 233-240.

Periodical articleNjoroge, J.M.; Waithaka, K.; Chweya, J.A. (1996)
Intercropping compact Arabica coffee hybrid at establishment stages with food crops: II: effects on coffee yields, bearing plant components and economic benefits in Kenya
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 79-84.

Periodical articleOndongo, Gilbert (1996)
Impact des cours mondiaux sur les exportations du café et du cacao congolais: la commercialisation monopolistique en cause
Abstract presentÉtudes et statistiques: bulletin mensuel. #223. p. 3-15.

Periodical articleEscalante, E.E. (1995)
Coffee and agroforestry in Venezuela
Agroforestry Today. Volume 7 #3-4. July-December. p. 5-7.

Periodical articleMasresha F.; Habtemariam, Solomon (1995)
Investigations on allelopathic properties of coffee (coffea arabica L.) leaves, pulp and tree-canopy soil
Sinet. Volume 18 #1. June. p. 51-65.

Periodical articleNjoroge, J.M.; Waithaka, K.; Chweya, J.A. (1995)
Established coffee replacement with Ruiru 11: evaluation of replacement methods of established traditional capped coffee cv. French mission with the new Ruiru 11 hybrid
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 195-201.

Periodical articleNyemba, Ambela Jean (1995)
The social significance of cooperatives and farmers' involvement in the Littoral Province of Cameroon: an empirical analysis using multiple regression equations
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 221-228.

Periodical articleOtieno, W.; Gathuru, E.M. (1995)
Prospects for biocontrol of bacteria blight of coffee in Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 115-122.

Periodical articleCourade, Georges; Alary, Véronique (1994)
Les planteurs camerounais ont-ils été réévalués?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #54. p. 74-87.

Periodical articleDercon, Stefan; Ayalew, Lulseged (1994)
Coffee Prices and Smuggling in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #2. October. p. 49-82.

Periodical articleFreud, Claude; Freud, Ellen Hanak (1994)
See this publicationLes cafés robusta africains peuvent-ils encore être compétitifs?
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 34 #136. p. 597-611.

Periodical articleGirma A.; Teame G.E. (1994)
An outbreak and damage of tortricids (lepidoptera, tortricidae) on coffee seedlings in Ilubabor region
IAR Newsletter of Agricultural Research. Volume 9 #4. December. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleMbapndah, Ndobegang M. (1994)
See this publicationFrench colonial agricultural policy, African chiefs, and coffee growing in the Cameroun Grassfields, 1920-1960
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 27 #1. p. 41-58.

Periodical articleMvuma, G.G. (1994)
Contribution of organic wastes to environmental pollution, their control and management - with special reference to coffee pulperies products and effluents in Malawi
Tizame. #4. June. p. 27-35.

Periodical articleMwang'ombe, A.W.; Shankar, M. (1994)
Pre-penetration events and sporulation of colletotrichum kahawae waller and bridge (syn. colletotrichum coffeanum noack) on different cultivars of coffea arabica
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 59 #4. April. p. 327-336.

Periodical articleNanyeenya, W.N.; Ngategize, P.K. (1994)
The impact of price and market liberalization policies on Uganda's coffee supply response
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 2 #2. December. p. 53-56.

Periodical articleNjoroge, J.M.; Mwakha, E. (1994)
Intercropping young arabica coffee cv. catimor with grain legumes
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 6 #4. December. p. 415-419.

Periodical articleNyemba, Jean Ambela (1994)
A study of factors affecting farmers' continuous purchase and use of chemical fertilizers in the West Province of Cameroon
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 110-115.

Periodical articleOtieno, W.; Gathuru, E.M. (1994)
Interaction of pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae with a saprophytic fluorescent pseudomonad
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 6 #4. December. p. 379-382.

Periodical articleKibirige-Ssebunya, I.; Nabasirye, M.; Matovu, J.; Musoli, P. (1993)
A comparison among various robusta coffee (coffea canephora Pierre) clonal materials and their seedling progenies at different levels of nitrogen
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 1 #1. December. p. 5-12.

Periodical articleKitakule, D. (1993)
Good tidings from coffee producers
Manufacturer (Kampala, Uganda). Volume 4 #9. September. p. 26-27, 29.

Periodical articleMoseret W. (1993)
Grouping of coffee sub-districts surveyed for coffee leaf rust in Ethiopia using numerical taxonomy
Sinet. Volume 16 #1. June. p. 35-42.

Periodical articleMshomba, Richard E. (1993)
The Magnitude of Coffee Arabica Smuggling from Northern Tanzania into Kenya
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 9 #1. p. 165-175.

Periodical articleOlana, Getachew; Storck, Harmen; Demeke, Mulat (1993)
Some Factors Influencing Peasant Response to Agricultural Technologies in Ethiopia: The Case of Coffee Growers in Ghimbi-Wollega
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 15 #2. October. p. 53-85.

Periodical articleWong, Jennifer (1993)
Two cooperative unions in Africa: views from the inside
Abstract presentAproma. #34. p. 8-14.

Periodical articleBevan, David L.; Collier, Paul; Gunning, J. Willem (1992)
See this publicationAnatomy of a Temporary Trade Shock: The Kenyan Coffee Boom of 1976-79
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 1 #2. August. p. 271-305.

Periodical articleCurtis, Kenneth R. (1992)
See this publicationCooperation and Cooptation: The Struggle for Market Control in the Bukoba District of Colonial Tanganyika
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 25 #3. p. 505-538.

Periodical articleMasinde, W. (1992)
Stormy cup
Society (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #5. March 30. p. 41-42.

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