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Found: 312 | Record 1-100 |
Volz, Stephen (2020) | |
'But I Know You, You Are Not God': African Responses to European Colonialism in a Missionary Newspaper | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #4. p. 597-613. |
Smith, Julia; Lee, Kelley (2018) | |
From colonisation to globalisation: a history of state capture by the tobacco industry in Malawi | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 45 #156. p. 186-202. |
Fageol, Pierre-Éric (2017) | |
Madagascar dans le discours des sociétés savantes de La Réunion, une 'colonie colonisatrice' (1855-1940) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 105 #394-395. p. 217-244. |
Volz, Stephen C. (2014) | |
African evangelism and the colonial frontier: the life and times of Paulo Rrafifing Molefane | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 47 #1. p. 101-120. |
Fernández Moreno, Nuria (2013) | |
Bubi government at the end of the 19th century: resistance to the colonial policy of evangelization on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 22 #1-2. p. 23-48. |
Forji, Amin G. (2013) | |
International law, the civilizing mission and the ambivalence of development in Africa: conceptual underpinnings | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 6 #1. p. 191-225. |
Trichet, Pierre (2013) | |
La relation mission-colonisation: une mise au point progressive dans la Dahomey des années 1860 | |
L'Algérie de 1913 à 1931 dans la 'Revue de l'histoire des colonies françaises'. Volume 101 #380-381. p. 105-119. |
Vigne, Randolph (2013) | |
Mapping and promoting South Africa: Barrow and Burchell's rivalry | |
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 58 #1. p. 18-32. |
Webb, Denver A. (2013) | |
More than just a public execution: martial law, crime and the nature of colonial power in British Kaffraria | |
South African Historical Journal. Volume 65 #2. p. 293-316. |
Andurain, Julie d' (2012) | |
Le poids du comité du Maroc et du 'parti colonial' dans la Société de l'histoire des colonies françaises (1903-1912) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 311-323. |
Assima-Kpatcha, Essoham (2012) | |
Le Togo en 1912-1913 | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 139-155. |
Beek, Walter E.A. van (2012) | |
Intensive slave raiding in the colonial interstice: Hamman Yaji and the Mandara Mountains (North Cameroon and North-eastern Nigeria) | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 53 #3. p. 301-323. |
Onomo Etaba, Roger Bernard (2012) | |
Le 'rousselisme' de Jean Roussel et la conception nihiliste de la civilisation et de la religion africaines | |
Annales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #14. p. 225-243. |
Vermeren, Pierre (2012) | |
Lyautey au Maroc en 1912: ambitions, jeux de pouvoir parisiens, environnement et enjeux politiques | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 81-92. |
Brewer, Herbert (2011) | |
The antinomies of black identity formation in West Africa, 1820-1848 | |
African Historical Review. Volume 43 #1. p. 2-27. |
Gagneur, David (2011) | |
Les concurrences française et britannique dans l'océan Indien: points de vue des députés créoles Louis Brunet et François de Mahy (1870-1904) | |
Revue historique de l'océan Indien. #7. p. 139-150. |
Hernæs, Per (2011) | |
Friederichsnopel: a Danish settler colony in Akuapem 1788-92 | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #13. p. 81-133. |
Huillery, Elise (2011) | |
The impact of European settlement within French West Africa: did pre-colonial prosperous areas fall behind? | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 20 #2. p. 263-311. |
Le Joubioux, Hervé (2011) | |
Les rivalités franco-anglaises à La Réunion et à Madagascar (1939-1942) | |
Revue historique de l'océan Indien. #7. p. 171-183. |
Wattara, Idrissa (2011) | |
'Monnè, outrages et défis', 'Les soleils des indépendances' ou la poétique de la déconstruction et de la reconstruction culturelles | |
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #87. p. 37-52. |
Dufour, Françoise (2010) | |
La stéréotypie comme matérialité discursive d'une dominance sociale dans les projets de colonisation de l'Afrique occidentale | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 80 #1-2. p. 267-282. |
Benyoub, Mohamed (2009) | |
Mutations du monde rural algérien au contact de la colonisation: le cas de Sebdou, dans les monts de Tlemcen | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 97 #364-365. p. 249-258. |
Boussoumah, Mohamed (2009) | |
Réflexions sur le service public colonial | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 63 #1. p. 27-76. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; Pichler, Werner; Rodrigue, Alain (2009) | |
The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 83-100. |
Zana Etambala, Mathieu (2009) | |
Patrimoines missionnaire et colonial: des images médiévales à l'époque du Congo belge 1890-1940 | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 30. p. 989-1047. |
Nguema-Obame, Roger (2008) | |
Christianisme, colonisation et acculturation en Afrique: l'exemple du Gabon | |
Revue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #3. p. 107-123. |
Touré, Lamine (2007) | |
L'image du noir à travers la littérature française depuis le moyen âge jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle | |
Revue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #2. p. 45-56. |
Collier, Peter (2006) | |
Boundary demarcation between British and Portuguese Colonial territories in East Africa | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 223-238. |
Tomàs, Jordi (2006) | |
The traditional authorities cross the colonial border: opposing views on the role of the religious leaders of the Jola Huluf and Ajamaat of the lower Casamance (1886-1909) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 73-97. |
Vellut, Jean-Luc (2006) | |
Angola-Congo. L'invention de la frontière du Lunda (1889-1893) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 159-184. |
Yarak, Larry W. (2006) | |
The Dutch gold-mining effort in Ahanta, 1841-9 | |
Ghana Studies. Volume 9. p. 5-23. |
Anyangwe, C. (2005) | |
International law and the acquisition of colonial territories in Africa | |
Zambia Law Journal. Volume 37. p. 1-23. |
Banzira, L. (2005) | |
L'alienation et le morcellement de la propriété foncière au Burundi, pour quelles raisons? | |
Culture et société. Volume 15. juin. p. 70-95. |
Boisboissel, Henry de (2005) | |
Le maréchal Lyautey au Maroc | |
Mondes et cultures. Volume 65 #1-4. p. 243-257. |
Cumming, Gordon (2005) | |
Transposing the 'Republican' Model? A Critical Appraisal of France's Historic Mission in Africa | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 23 #2. May. p. 233-252. |
Felipe, Hélena de (2005) | |
Spain in Morocco in the 19th and 20th centuries: providentiality and colonization | |
Maghreb Review. Volume 30 #2. p. 198-208. |
Groot, Erlend de (2005) | |
The Earliest Eyewitness Depictions of Khoikhoi: Andries Beeckman in Africa | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 29 #1. p. 17-50. |
Viljoen, Russel (2005) | |
Indentured Labour and Khoikhoi 'Equality' before the Law in Cape Colonial Society, South Africa: The Case of Jan Paerl, c.1796 | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 29 #3. p. 54-72. |
Masinda, Mambo T. (2004) | |
The impact of colonial legacies and globalization processes on forced migration in modern Africa | |
Research Review. Volume 20 #1. p. 1-7. |
Osaghae, Eghosa E. (2004) | |
Federalism and the management of diversity in Africa | |
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 5 #1-2. December. p. 162-178. |
Reese, Ty M. (2004) | |
Liberty, Insolence and Rum: Cape Coast and the American Revolution | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 28 #3. p. 18-37. |
Thompson, Guy (2004) | |
Cultivating Conflict: Agricultural 'Betterment', the Native Land Husbandry Act (NLHA) and Ungovernability in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1951-1961 | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 29 #3. p. 1-39. |
De Villiers, Johan (2003) | |
Gesaghebber teen wil en dank: Abraham Josias Sluysken, die laatste kommissaris-generaal van die V.O.C. aan die Kaap, 1793-1795 | |
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 48 #1. p. 373-385. |
Deslaurier, Christine (2003) | |
La documentation africaine à Bruxelles: les fonds du ministère belge des Affaires étrangères (Burundi, Congo, Rwanda) | |
Afrique & histoire. #1. p. 223-234. |
James, Deborah; Schrauwers, Albert (eds.) (2003) | |
'An apartheid of souls' | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 27 #3-4. 336p. |
Laband, John (2003) | |
Colonial Flotsam: The Zululand Squatters and the Zululand Lands Delimitation Commission, 1902-1904 | |
South African Historical Journal. #49. p. 53-70. |
Mann, Gregory (2003) | |
Fetishizing Religion: Allah Koura and French 'Islamic Policy' in Late Colonial French Soudan (Mali) | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 44 #2. July. p. 263-282. |
Natsoulas, Theodore (2003) | |
A failure of early French expansionism in Africa: the French-Jesuit effort in Ethiopia at the turn of the 18th century | |
Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 36 #1. June. p. 5-18. |
Osei-Tutu, John K. (2003) | |
Contesting British sovereignty in Cape Coast, Ghana: insights from King John Aggery's correspondences 1865-72 | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #7. p. 231-251. |
Potgieter, Thean (2003) | |
Maritime defence of the Cape of Good Hope, 1779-1803 | |
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 48 #1. p. 283-308. |
Soave, Paolo (2003) | |
Dal trattato di Ghadames alle intese di Murzuk: i Tuareg Azgher fra francesi ed italiani (1862-1914) | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 58 #1. p. 35-66. |
Forest, Vincent (2002) | |
L'immigration à Mayotte au cours de la période sucrière (1845-1900) | |
Études océan Indien. #33-34. p. 91-114. |
Ibhawoh, Bonny (2002) | |
Stronger Than the Maxim Gun: Law, Human Rights and British Colonial Hegemony in Nigeria | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 72 #1. p. 55-84. |
Massaretti, Pier Giorgio (2002) | |
Le esperienze degli enti di colonizzazione demografica in Libia e in Africa Orientale Italiana (1933-1942) | |
Terra d'Africa. #11. p. 159-202. |
Vinck, Honoré (2002) | |
À l'école au Congo belge: les livres de lecture de G. Hulstaert de 1933-1935: introduction et textes | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 23. p. 21-196. |
Yayoh, Wilson K. (2002) | |
Krepi states in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #6. p. 67-81. |
Kodesh, Neil (2001) | |
Renovating Tradition: The Discourse of Succession in Colonial Buganda | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 34 #3. p. 511-541. |
Lawrance, Benjamin Nicholas (2001) | |
Language between Powers, Power between Languages. Further Discussion of Education and Policy in Togoland under the French Mandate, 1919-1945 | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 41 #163-164. p. 517-541. |
Paris, P.J. (2001) | |
African spiritual values and the African renaissance: a Christian perspective from the African diaspora | |
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 23-28. |
Thompson, Paul S. (2001) | |
Schools, Sport and Britishness: Young White Natal, 1902-1961 | |
South African Historical Journal. #45. November. p. 223-248. |
Vinck, Honoré (2001) | |
La guerre de 1940-45 vécue à Coquilhatville (Mbandaka, R. D. du Congo) | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 22. p. 21-101. |
Alvisini, Alessia (2000) | |
I rapporti politico-economici fra gli Oromo e l'Italia: alleanze e ambiguità | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 55 #4. p. 489-521. |
Bourgeot, André (2000) | |
Sahara: espace géostratégique et enjeux politiques (Niger) | |
Autrepart. #16. p. 21-48. |
Cahen, Michel (2000) | |
L'État Nouveau et la diversification religieuse au Mozambique, 1930-1974: I. Le résistible essor de la portugalisation catholique (1930-1961): II. La portugalisation désespérée (1959-1974) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 40 #158. p. 309-349. |
Dedering, Tilman (2000) | |
The Ferreira Raid of 1906: Boers, Britons and Germans in Southern Africa in the Aftermath of the South African War | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 26 #1. March. p. 43-60. |
Dorigny, Marcel (2000) | |
Intégration républicaine des colonies et projets de colonisation de l'Afrique: civiliser pour émanciper? | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 87 #328-329. p. 89-105. |
Johnson, Douglas H. (2000) | |
Conquest and colonisation: soldier settlers in the Sudan and Uganda | |
Sudan Notes and Records. #4. p. 59-79. |
Lalu, Premesh (2000) | |
Sara's Suicide: History and the Representational Limit | |
Kronos: Journal of Cape History. #26. p. 89-101. |
Lawrance, Benjamin N. (2000) | |
Most Obedient Servants: The Politics of Language in German Colonial Togo | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 40 #159. p. 489-524. |
Lufungula Lewono, Stanislas (2000) | |
Le foyer social de 'Coquilhatville' (Mbandaka, R.D. du Congo): 1938-1961 | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 21. p. 19-32. |
Singh, Daleep (2000) | |
Glimpses of socio-economic scene in 'South Africa' 1652-1910 | |
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 44-73. |
Wilks, Ivor (2000) | |
Asante at the End of the Nineteenth Century: Setting the Record Straight | |
Ghana Studies. Volume 3. p. 13-59. |
Bernault, Florence (1999) | |
Fin des États coloniaux et nouvelles donnes du politique en Afrique équatoriale française | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 136-144. |
Boilley, Pierre (1999) | |
The late colonial State in the AOF and the nomadic societies | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 98-109. |
Butler, Larry J. (1999) | |
Industrialisation in Late Colonial Africa: A British Perspective | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 123-135. |
Calandra, Lina Maria (1999) | |
Politiche ambientali e colonialismo: l'Africa occidentale francese | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 39-89. |
Capela, José (1999) | |
Conflitos sociais na Zambézia, 1878-1892: a transição do senhorio para a plantação | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #1. p. 143-173. |
Dakas, Dakas C.J. (1999) | |
The role of international law in the colonization of Africa: a review in light of recent calls for re-colonization | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 7. p. 85-118. |
Fairweather-Tall, Andrew (1999) | |
The Late Colonial state in Malawi: Some Ideas on the Transition from Inter-War Timidity to Post-War Confidence, 1930-1950 | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 83-97. |
Gaugue, Anne (1999) | |
Musées et colonisation en Afrique tropicale | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 39 #155-156. p. 727-745. |
Newitt, Malyn (1999) | |
The Late Colonial State in Portuguese Africa | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 110-122. |
Seri, E. (1999) | |
Fanon et le fanatisme émancipateur | |
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #62. 1er semestre. p. 41-50. |
Suremain, Marie-Albane de (1999) | |
Cartographie coloniale et encadrement des populations en Afrique coloniale française, dans la première moitié du XXe siècle | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 86 #324-325. p. 29-64. |
Velde, Mark Van de (1999) | |
The two language maps of the Belgian Congo | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 20. p. 475-489. |
Vinck, Honoré (1999) | |
Livrets scolaires coloniaux: méthodes d'analyse - approche herméneutique | |
History in Africa. Volume 26. p. 379-408. |
Bank, Andrew (1998) | |
The Return of the Noble Savage: The Changing Image of Africans in Cape Colony Art, 1800-1850 | |
South African Historical Journal. #39. November. p. 17-43. |
Bredin, Scott (1998) | |
Navigating the Topographical Drawing: The South African Journal of J.S. Dobie | |
South African Historical Journal. #39. November. p. 44-63. |
Fleming, Shannon E. (1998) | |
Spain's 19th century Moroccan policy: an interpretation | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 25 #91-92. p. 313-320. |
Laforgia, Enzo Rosario (1998) | |
L'Africa surreale di Curzio Malaparte | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 123-150. |
Ribeiro, Fernando Rosa (1998) | |
The Dutch Diaspora: Boers, Apartheid and Passion | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 22 #1. p. 87-106. |
Aziza, Mimoun (1997) | |
La présence espagnole au Maroc (1912-1956), une puissance coloniale marginale: bilan et évolution | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 24 #87-88. p. 275-283. |
Clement, Jan J. (1997) | |
The Elmina 'Dagregister' of William Butler, 1721 | |
History in Africa. Volume 24. p. 409-412. |
Diawara, I. (1997) | |
Littérature et société fin XIXe siècle début XXe siècle en Afrique | |
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #27. p. 3-11. |
Neto, Maria da Conceição (1997) | |
Ideologias, contradições e mistificações da colonização de Angola no século XX | |
Lusotopie. p. 327-359. |
Apata, Z.O. (1996) | |
British Rule and Protest Movements in Northern Nigeria, 1900-1960 | |
Transafrican Journal of History. Volume 25. p. 226-250. |
Atkinson, David (1996) | |
The politics of geography and the Italian occupation of Libya | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 27. p. 71-84. |
Deacon, Harriet (1996) | |
Racial Segregation and Medical Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Cape Town | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 22 #2. June. p. 287-308. |
Everts, Natalie (1996) | |
Cherchez la Femme: Gender-Related Issues in Eighteenth-Century Elmina | |
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 20 #1. p. 45-57. |
Kanduza, Ackson M. (1996) | |
Evolving Significance of Sobhuza's 1941 Petition | |
Transafrican Journal of History. Volume 25. p. 110-122. |
Mischek, Udo (1996) | |
Der Funktionalismus und die nationalsozialistische Kolonialpolitik in Afrika: Günter Wagner und Diedrich Westermann | |
Paideuma. Volume 42. p. 141-150. |
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