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Periodical articleNchouwat, Amadou (2017)
Le mode de désignation des membres des conseils constitutionnels: un enjeu électoraliste dans les états d'Afrique noir a l'ère du pluralisme politique?
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 71 #1. p. 73-100.

Periodical articleOndo, Télesphore (2017)
Vers un droit constitutionnel financier au Gabon
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 71 #1. p. 3-46.

Periodical articleEdimo, François (2016)
Le droit de grâce du président de la République en Afrique noire francophone
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #2. p. 271-284.

Periodical articleGalebay, Abira (2016)
Réflexion sur les révisions constitutionnelles en Afrique noire francophone de 1990 à 2014: le cas du Congo, du Tchad et du Togo
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #2. p. 213-246.

Periodical issueGouws, Amanda; Galgut, Hayley (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationSpecial issue: twenty years of the Constitution: reflecting on citizenship and gender justice
Abstract presentAgenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. Volume 30 #1. 145p.

Periodical articleJegede, Ademola Oluborode (2016)
See this publicationBridging the peace gap in Nigeria: the Panel of the Wise as a constitutional essential
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 60 #2. p. 264-288.

Periodical articleOwosuyi, Ifeoma Laura (2016)
See this publicationParticipatory constitution-making and why it matters: a review of the Egyptian experience
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 23 #2. p. 201-223.

Periodical articleParashu, Dimitrios; Kotzé, Louis J. (2016)
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof der Republik Gabun
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 49 #4. p. 416-430.

Periodical articleAckson, Tulia (2015)
Winnowing Tanzania's proposed constitution: the legitimacy question
Abstract presentVerfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #3. p. 369-389.

Periodical articleKrüger, Rosaan (2015)
The ebb and flow of the separation of powers in South African constitutional law: the Glenister litigation campaign
Abstract presentVerfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #1. p. 49-64.

Periodical articleOkeke, G.N.; Okeke, C.E. (2015)
See this publicationAn appraisal of the functional necessity of the immunity clause in the political governance of Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 59 #1. p. 99-120.

Periodical articleOkpaluba, Chuks (2015)
See this publicationCan a court review the internal affairs and processes of the legislature? Contemporary developments in South Africa
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 48 #2. p. 183-218.

Periodical articleSekindi, Fred (2015)
Unpacking presidential models in African constitutions
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 21 #2. p. 355-365.

Periodical articleTambe Endoh, Fabrice (2015)
See this publicationDemocratic constitutionalism in post-apartheid South Africa: the interim constitution revisited
Abstract presentAfrica Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 7 #1. p. 67-79.

Periodical articleDagbanja, Dominic N. (2014)
See this publicationPrivacy in context: the right to privacy, and freedom and independence of the media under the Constitution of Ghana
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 40-62.

Periodical articleDiakhate, Meïssa (2014)
Les ambiguïtés de la juridiction constitutionelle dans les États de l'Afrique noire francophone
Annales africaines: revue de la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (UCAD). Volume 2. p. 194-224.

Periodical articleEl-Sayed, Ahmed (2014)
See this publicationPost-revolution constitutionalism: the impact of drafting processes on the constitutional documents in Tunisia and Egypt
Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law. Volume 2. p. 39-62.

Periodical articleFriedman, Nick (2014)
See this publicationThe South African common law and the Constitution: revisiting horizontality
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 30 #1. p. 63-88.

Periodical articleHeemann, Lisa; Schoepffer, Chadidscha; Winter, Anne (2014)
See this publication'They do something!' Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Demokratisierung im frankophonen Westafrika
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 17 #1. p. 87-97.

Periodical articleManyatera, Gift; Fombad, Charles Manga (2014)
See this publicationAn assessment of the Judicial Service Commission in Zimbabwe's new Constitution
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 47 #1. p. 89-108.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2014)
See this publicationPresidential immunity from criminal prosecution in the Ugandan Constitution: drafting history and emerging jurisprudence
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 140-154.

Periodical articleTraum, Alexander (2014)
See this publicationContextualising the hate speech debate: the United States and South Africa
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 47 #1. p. 64-88.

Periodical articleVibhute, K.I. (2014)
See this publicationNon-judicial review in Ethiopia: constitutional paradigm, premise and precinct
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 120-139.

Periodical articleViljoen, Sue-Mari (2014)
See this publicationThe constitutional protection of tenants' interests: a comparative analysis
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 47 #3. p. 460-489.

Periodical articleBhana, Deeksha (2013)
See this publicationThe horizontal application of the Bill of Rights: a reconciliation of sections 8 and 39 of the Constitution
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 29 #2. p. 351-375.

Periodical articleDionne, Kim Yi; Dulani, Boniface (2013)
See this publicationConstitutional provisions and executive succession: Malawi's 2012 transition in comparative perspective
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 112 #446. p. 111-137.

Periodical articleIbrahim Abdelgabar, Noha (2013)
International law and constitution making process: the right to public participation in the constitution making process in post referendum Sudan
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 46 #2. p. 131-151.

PeriodicalKenya Law, Nairobi (2013)
Constitutional law case digest
Nairobi: Kenya Law.

Periodical articleKouam, Siméon Patrice (2013)
L'organisation juridictionnelle et la construction de l'État de droit au Cameroun
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 67 #1. p. 79-122.

Periodical articleRoederer, Christopher (2013)
See this publicationRemnants of Apartheid common law justice: the primacy of the spirit, purport and objects of the Bills of Rights for developing the common law and bringing horizontal rights to fruition
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 29 #2. p. 219-250.

Periodical articleTraum, Alexander (2013)
Contextualizing the hate speech debate: the United States and South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 6 #2. p. 501-525.

Periodical articleAbebe, Adem Kassie (2012)
See this publicationUmpiring federalism in Africa: institutional mosaic and innovations
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Quarterly. Volume 13 #4. p. 53-79.

Periodical articleHassane, Saïd Mohamed Saïd (2012)
Les institutions de l'Union des Comores
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 66 #2. p. 174-205.

Periodical articleHaule, Romuald R. (2012)
Popular participation in constitution-making and legitimacy of the constitution: the experience of Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 5 #1. p. 1-39.

Periodical articleMouandjo, Stéphane Monney (2012)
Universalisme démocratique et autonomie constitutionnelle à l'épreuve des mutations politiques contemporaines
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #79. p. 9-21.

Periodical articleOndo, Télesphore (2012)
L'autorité des décisions des juridictions constitutionnelles en Afrique noire francophone
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 66 #4. p. 453-480.

Periodical articleVisser, Cornelius; Picarra, Elizabeth (2012)
See this publicationVictor, Victoria or V? A constitutional perspective on transsexuality and transgenderism
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 28 #3. p. 506-531.

Periodical articleAdoua-Mbongo, Aubrey Sidney (2011)
Aux sources de l'État de droit en Afrique
Géopolitique africaine. #41. p. 135-153.

Periodical articleAzriel, Joshua (2011)
The constitutional role of the South African Human Rights Commission in investigating hate speech allegations
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 17 #2. p. 393-406.

Periodical articleCottrell, J. (2011)
Making the Constitution of Kenya the constitution for Kenyans public interest litigation
Awaaz (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #1. p. 25-28.

Periodical articleGhai, Y.; Cottrell, J. (2011)
Evictions, social justice and the constitution
Awaaz (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #1. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleGhai, Y. (2011)
Justice leitmotif of the constitution
Awaaz (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #1. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleGoeke, Martin; Hartmann, Christof (2011)
See this publicationThe regulation of party switching in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 29 #3. p. 263-280.

Periodical articleMbodj, Fara (2011)
Sujet: réflexion sur la dénaturation de la liberté de manifestation en droit africain
Nouvelles annales africaines. #2. p. 89-133.

Periodical articleNgwa Nfobin, E.H. (2011)
The referendum of 20 May 1972 in the Federal Republic of Cameroon revisited: the due process of law or a coup d'État of the francophone majority?
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #77. p. 99-131.

Periodical articleWaruhiu, J.W. (2011)
Constitutional community justice systems in Kenya
Awaaz (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #1. p. 36-38.

Periodical articleGatabaki, N. (2010)
The Constitution of the second republic
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 8-15.

Periodical articleGedion T. (2010)
Freedom of expression in Ethiopia: the jurisprudential dearth
Mizan Law Review. Volume 4 #2. Autumn. p. 201-231.

Periodical articleLawan, Mamman (2010)
See this publicationAbuse of powers of impeachment in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 48 #2. p. 311-338.

Periodical articleOkumu, J.S. (2010)
Living in constitutional times
Awaaz (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 7 #2. p. 30-32.

Periodical articleRuppel, Oliver C. (2010)
Women's rights and customary law in Namibia
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 3 #2. p. 259-299.

Periodical articleVan der Beken, Christophe (2010)
Minority protection in Ethiopia: unraveling and improving ethnic federalism
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 13 #2. p. 243-273.

Periodical articleAbdullahi, A.N.M. (2009)
Intra-state conflicts in Africa: providing a constitutional mediation for ethnic rivalries and conflicts in Africa
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 23-30.

Periodical articleBhabha, Faisal (2009)
See this publicationDisability equality rights in South Africa: concepts, interpretation and the transformation imperative
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 25 #2. p. 218-245.

Periodical articleBotha, Henk (2009)
See this publicationEquality, plurality and structural power
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 25 #1. p. 1-37.

Periodical articleCoulibaley, Babakane D. (2009)
Des tendances contemporaines de la normativité constitutionnelle: le cas de l'Afrique noire francophone
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 63 #4. p. 710-783.

Periodical articleKameri-Mbote, P. (2009)
Gender considerations in constitution making: engendering women's rights in the legal process
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 35-73.

Periodical articleKemmerzell, Jörg (2009)
Demokratische Transformation und Parteiverbote: warum gibt es kein Parteiverbot in der südafrikanischen Verfassung?
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 42 #2. p. 240-262.

Periodical articleMazrui, A.A. (2009)
Katiba na kabila: if African politics are ethnic prone, can African constitutions be ethnic-proof?
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 75-88.

Periodical articleQuinot, Geo (2009)
See this publicationSnapshot or participatory democracy? Political engagement as fundamental human right
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 25 #2. p. 392-402.

Periodical articleTaiwo, Elijah Adewale (2009)
Enforcement of fundamental rights and the standing rules under the Nigerian Constitution: a need for a more liberal provision
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 9 #2. p. 546-575.

Periodical articleTekele S.B. (2009)
The monist-dualist divide and the supremacy clause: revisiting the status of human rights treaties in Ethiopia
Journal of Ethiopian Law. Volume 23 #1. August. p. 132-160.

Periodical articleTsegaye R. (2009)
Sub-national constitutions in Ethiopia: towards entrenching constitutionalism at state level
Mizan Law Review. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 33-69.

Periodical articleMaalim, Mahadhi Juma (2008)
The right of secession under international law and national laws: a case study of Zanzibar in United Republic of Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 1 #3. p. 107-148.

Periodical articleNienaber, Annelize (2008)
The protection of participants in clinical research in Africa: does domestic human rights law have a role to play?
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 8 #1. p. 138-162.

Periodical articleSoma, Abdoulaye (2008)
Sur le principe d'une obligation des États africains de se 'démocratiser': éléments de droit constitutionnel et de droit international public
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 16. p. 373-407.

Periodical articleWambali, Michael K.B. (2008)
The right to freedom of political association in Tanzania: taking stock of the practice and constitutional developments
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 1 #3. p. 53-85.

Periodical articleYeshanew, Sisay Alemahu (2008)
The justiciability of human rights in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 8 #2. p. 273-293.

Periodical articleChipeta, M.G. (2007)
The constitutionality of the reverse ones cases of theft by public servant
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 33-47.

Periodical articleChirwa, D.M. (2007)
Upholding the sanctity of rights: a principled approach to limitations and derogations under the Malawian constitution
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 3-32.

Periodical articleChurch, Joan; Church, Jacqueline (2007)
The constitutional right to culture and the judicial development of indigenous law: a comparative analysis of cases
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 30 #1. p. 56-64.

Periodical articleEbeku, Kaniye S.A.; Ihua-Maduenyi; Antoniou, Mario G. (2007)
Due Process, Democracy and the Impeachment of Governor Alamieyesiegha of Bayelsa State
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 10 #1. p. 31-67.

Periodical articleKindiki, K. (2007)
The potential role of the East African Community in promoting constitutionalism in the region
Moi University Law Journal. Volume 1 #2. March. p. 65-82.

Periodical articleKivuitu, S.M. (2007)
Elections in Kenya: a review of legal framework
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). April. p. 24-26.

Periodical articleMatumbi, B.P. (2007)
The fallacy of the presumption of perfection: the presidential reference on section 65 and its ramifications
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 247-257.

Periodical articleMbazira, C. (2007)
Bolstering the protection of economic, social and cultural rights under the Malawian constitution
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 220-231.

Periodical articleRwezaura, B.; Wanitzek, U. (2007)
The constitutionalization of family law in Tanzania
Open University Law Journal. Volume 1 #2. December. p. 110-131.

Periodical articleSilungwe, C.M. (2007)
The courts' power of review, composition of the national assembly and the presidential reference on section 65
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 235-246.

Periodical articleAkele Adau, Pierre; Sita-Akele Muila, Angélique (2006)
Nous avons une nouvelle constitution...: donnons-lui le cadre législatif et réglementaire nécessaire à son effectivité et à son efficience!
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 46 #406. p. 207-241.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2006)
Political parties in Kenya: a study in the absurdity
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 28-31.

Periodical articleBronstein, Victoria (2006)
See this publicationReconciling regulation or confronting inconsistency? Conflict between national and provincial legislation
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 22 #2. p. 283-300.

Periodical articleMbazira, Christopher (2006)
See this publicationTranslating socioeconomic rights from abstract paper rights to fully fledged individual rights: lessons from South Africa
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 12 #2. p. 183-231.

Periodical articleNgolele, Elias M. (2006)
The content of the doctrine of self-execution and its limited effect in South African law
South African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 31. p. 141-172.

Periodical articlePretorius, Daniel Malan (2006)
See this publicationFreedom of expression and the regulation of broadcasting
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 22 #1. p. 47-75.

Periodical articleSoma, Abdoulaye (2006)
L'applicabilité des traités internationaux de protection des droits de l'homme dans le système constitutionnel du Burkina Faso
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 14. p. 313-342.

Periodical articleBamfo, Napoleon (2005)
See this publicationTerm Limit and Political Incumbency in Africa: Implications of Staying in Power Too Long with References to the Cases of Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 4 #3. p. 327-355.

Periodical articleBekink, Bernard (2005)
A Dilemma of the Twenty-First Century State: Questions on the Balance between Democracy and Security
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 5 #2. p. 406-423.

Periodical articleMejia, M.; Andrade, X.; Osório, C.; Macia, M. (2005)
Análise da lei no processo autárquico
Estudos moçambicanos. #21. set.. p. 29-53.

Periodical articleThiankolu, M. (2005)
The constitutional review cases: emerging issues in Kenyan jurisprudence
East African Law Journal. Volume 2. p. 122-150.

Periodical articleMuigai, G. (2004)
Political jurisprudence or neutral principles: another look at the problem of constitutional interpretation
East African Law Journal. Volume 1. p. 1-19.

Periodical articleAbdullahi, A.N.M. (2003)
Intra state-conflicts in Africa: providing a constitutional mediation for ethnic rivalries and conflicts in Africa
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1. p. 25-40.

Periodical articleBantariza, S.; Sserwadda, G.; Mugerwa, T. (2003)
Museveni 3rd term: is it justifiable?
6th of February. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 8, 10-12.

Periodical articleMuiga, G. (2003)
Towards a theory of constitutional amendment
East African Journal of Human Rights and Democracy. Volume 1 #1. September. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleOjienda, T.O. (2003)
An inventory of Kenya's compliance with international human rights obligations: a case study of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
East African Journal of Human Rights and Democracy. Volume 1 #1. September. p. 91-103.

Periodical articleAhadzi, K. (2002)
Les nouvelles tendances du constitutionnalisme africain: le cas des Etats d'Afrique noire francophone
Afrique juridique et politique. Volume 1 #2. juil.-déc.. p. 35-86.

Periodical articleDonovan, D.A. (2002)
Leveling the playing field: the judicial duty to protect and enforce the constitutional rights to accused persons unrepresented by counsel
Ethiopian Law Review. Volume 1 #1. August. p. 27-61.

Periodical articleGatabaki, P. (2002)
Moi's options: how to survive with or without Project Uhuru
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). October 31. p. 17-21.

Periodical articleKuria, G.K. (2002)
Building constitutionalism: defining the jurist's province and tasks
Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya). 2nd quarter. p. 43-52.

Periodical articleMbata Betukumesu Mangu, A. (2002)
Ethnicisation de la politique, droit et démocratisation en Afrique au miroir de la République démocratique du Congo
Revue africaine des sciences sociales et humaines. #2. juillet. p. 15-30.

Periodical articleMensah, K.B. (2002)
Legitimacy and interpretation in Ghanaian law: the literal interpretation theory versus the value based interpretation theory
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002). Volume 1. p. 29-55.

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