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Periodical articleMengot, Ako D. (1967)
See this publicationPressures and Constraints on the Development of Education in the West Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 14 #2. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleMwanakatwe, J.M. (1967)
The progress of education in Zambia since independence
Abstract presentOptima. Volume 17 #4. p. 158-165.

Periodical articleNyerere, Julius K. (1967)
Education for self-reliance
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 3 #11. p. 7-41.

Periodical articleOmari, I.M. (1967)
The role of T.A.P.A. (Tanganyika African parents association) as an education institution
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 4 #12. p. 3-25.

Periodical articlePeshkin, A. (1967)
See this publicationEducation and national integration in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 5 #3. p. 323-334.

Periodical articleSamuels, M. (1967)
The new look in Angolan education
Abstract presentAfrica Report. Volume 12 #8. p. 63-66.

Periodical articleToroka, S. (1967)
Education for self-reliance: the Litowa experiment
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 4 #11. p. 2-25.

Periodical articleWilliams, T. David (1967)
See this publicationEducational Development in Malawi: Heritage and Prospects
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 14 #2. p. 15-16.

Periodical articleBranfman, F. (1966)
Swahili and English in the primary school
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 3 #3. p. 3-11.

Periodical articleEl-Tayib, Abdullah (1966)
The teaching of Arabic in Nigeria (Ibadan Arabic Seminar, 1965)
Abstract presentKano Studies. #2. p. 11-14.

Periodical articleHyder, Mohamed (1966)
Swahili in the Technical Age
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 2 #9. February. p. 3-10.

Periodical articleKambona, O.S. (1966)
Education after the Arusha declaration
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 3 #11. p. 42-49.

Periodical articleMeisler, S. (1966)
Peace corps teaching in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Report. Volume 11 #9. p. 16-20.

Periodical articleRaphaeli, N. (1966)
Education and political development in Southern Nigeria
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 16 #1. p. 67-77.

Periodical articleSesay, S.I. (1966)
Koranic schools in the Provinces
Sierra Leone Journal of Education. Volume 1 #1. p. 24-26.

Periodical articleSykes, J. (1966)
A further note on the education of African Muslims
Uganda Journal. Volume 30 #2. p. 227-228.

Periodical articleAbdulla, A. (1965)
The ambivalence of Muslim education
East Africa Journal. February. p. 7-11.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1965)
Education in Libya
Abstract presentOversea Quarterly. Volume 4 #8. p. 239-240.

Periodical articleCarter, Felice (1965)
The education of African Muslims in Uganda
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 29 #2. p. 193-199.

Periodical articleHeerma van Voss, H.O. (1965)
Indrukken van het algemeen middelbaar onderwijs in Congo
Abstract presentKroniek van Afrika. Volume 5 #1. p. 65-80.

Periodical articleLavin, Deborah (1965)
The dilemma of christian-national education in South Africa
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 21 #16. p. 428-438.

Periodical articleLouw, W. (1965)
Suidwes-Afrika - 'n blik op sy maatskaplike dienste
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 14 #3. p. 187-199.

Periodical articleOminde, Simeon H. (1965)
Education in Revolutionary Africa
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 2 #2. May. p. 6-14.

Periodical articlePeshkin, Alan (1965)
See this publicationEducational Reform in Colonial and Independent Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 64 #256. July. p. 210-216.

Periodical articleRivière, C. (1965)
See this publicationLes investissements éducatifs en République de Guinée
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 5 #20. p. 618-634.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1964)
Situation de l'enseignement: tableaux
Abstract presentBulletin de conjoncture des territoires d'outre-mer. #28. p. Xl-XXXI.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1964)
Education in Kenya: Abridged extracts from the 'Kenya Education Commission Report', Part I
Abstract presentOversea Quarterly. Volume 4. p. 166-168.

Periodical articleBrown, Godfrey N. (1964)
See this publicationBritish Educational Policy in West and Central Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 2 #3. September. p. 365-377.

Periodical articleJolly, R.; Rado, E. (1964)
Education in Uganda - reflections on the report of the Uganda education commission
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 1. p. 69-79.

Periodical articleMiller, W.J. (1964)
Developments in primary education in Northern Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Local Administration Overseas. Volume 3 #4. p. 221-226.

Periodical articleTakizala, H.D. (1964)
Situation de l'enseignement durant la première législature
Abstract presentÉtudes congolaises. Volume 7 #8. p. 61-79.

Periodical articleNzau, T.; Ilunga, A. (1963)
L'enseignement, les syndicats et le gouvernement
Abstract presentÉtudes congolaises. Volume 5 #9. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleTowa, M. (1963)
Principes de l'éducation coloniale
Abstract presentAbbia: revue culturelle camerounaise. #3.

Periodical articleTukur, B. (1963)
Koranic schools in Northern Nigeria
West African Journal of Education. Volume 7 #October. p. 149-152.

Periodical articleWilks, Ivor (1963)
The Growth of Islamic Learning in Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 2 #4. December. p. 409-417.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1962)
Ghana's schools under strain
Abstract presentWest Africa. Volume 46 #2370. p. 1207.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1962)
Public expenditures on health and education 1952/53 to 1962/1963
Abstract presentMonthly Economic Bulletin. #17. p. 214-219.

Periodical articleEvans, P.C.C. (1962)
See this publicationWestern Education and Rural Productivity in Tropical Africa
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 32 #4. October. p. 313-323.

Periodical articleKi-Zerbo, J. (1962)
Enseignement et culture africaine
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #38. p. 45-60.

Periodical articleMonteil, V. (1962)
Problèmes d'education au Nigeria
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #40. p. 152-159.

Periodical articleMonteil, V.M. (1962)
Educational problems in Nigeria
Présence africaine: revue culturelle du monde noire. Volume 40 #1. p. 122-129.

Periodical articleSanderson, L. (1962)
Educational Development in the Southern Sudan: 1900-1948
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 43. p. 105-117.

Periodical articleSmith, P.E.S. (1962)
Die opvoedkundige, sosiale en geestelijke ontwikkeling van die Transkei
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 14 #2. p. 83-102.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1961)
Education Report: analysis of developments in recent years
Abstract presentEthiopia Observer. Volume 5. p. 61-73.

Periodical articleAshbey, E. (1961)
Investment in education in Nigeria
Abstract presentProgress: The Magazine of Lever Brothers and Unilever Limited. Volume 48 #268. p. 61-69.

Periodical articleAli, Nasr E.H. (1960)
Educational Problems in the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 41. p. 66-77.

Periodical articleByrne, H.J. (1960)
Muslim education in Uganda
Abstract presentAfrican World. April. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleCharles, N. (1960)
Education problems in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentWest-African Review. Volume 31 #297. p. 41-47.

Periodical articleHiskett, M. (1960)
Problems of religious education in muslim communities in Africa
Abstract presentOversea Education. Volume 32 #3. p. 117-126.

Periodical articleLelong, M. (1960)
L'enseignement tunisien en 1959, bilan et perspectives
Abstract presentCahiers Nord-Africains. #77. p. 28-40.

Periodical articlePauvert, J.C. (1960)
Migration et education
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 22 #3. p. 467-475.

Periodical articleProudfoot, L.; Wilson, H.S. (1960)
See this publicationMuslim attitudes to education in Sierra Leone
The Muslim World. Volume 50 #2. p. 86-98.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1959)
Education in Africa
Abstract presentPanorama: Teaching Throughout the World. Volume 1 #4. p. 1-27.

Periodical articleSilva Rego, A. da (1959)
Overseas Portugal
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 9 #1. p. 79-84.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
Madagascar: situation générale de l'enseignement
Abstract presentChroniques d'outre-mer. #43. p. 47-51.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
L'enseignement au Sahara
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2467.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
Statistiques relatives à l'économie égyptienne
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2444. p. 1-44.

Periodical articleBulmer-Thomas, I. (1958)
Territoires coloniaux britanniques 1957
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 8 #1. p. 80-87.

Periodical articleCrookall, R.E. (1958)
Universal education in Western Nigeria
Abstract presentOversea Education. Volume 30. p. 3-11.

Periodical articleDevernois, G. (1958)
Educational and cultural trends in the overseas and trust territories and in Algeria
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 8 #1. p. 88-110.

Periodical articleGwilliam, Freda H. (1958)
See this publicationThe Challenge of Education in British Overseas Territories
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 57 #227. April. p. 99-109.

Periodical articleLewis, L.J. (1958)
Technological change and the curriculum in Ghana
Abstract presentOversea Quarterly. Volume 1 #2. p. 42-43.

Periodical articleNawar, Amzy (1958)
Adult education in Egypt
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 8 #1. p. 119-131.

Periodical articlePirone, M. (1958)
Somalie sous tutelle italienne 1957
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 8 #1. p. 145-150.

Periodical articleRego, A. da Silva (1958)
Portugese oversea territories 1957
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 8 #1. p. 112-118.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
Education in Ethiopia: I
Abstract presentEthiopia Observer. Volume 2 #4. p. 130-157.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
Ghana's education problems
Abstract presentWest Africa. #2098. p. 611.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
Convention culturelle entre la France et le Maroc
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2359. p. 2-13.

Periodical articleBaglione, E. (1957)
Education in Italian Somaliland
Abstract presentThe Colonial Review. Volume 10 #4. p. 112-114.

Periodical articleCarlé, R. (1957)
La langue malgache et l'enseignement
Abstract presentBulletin du Centre d'Etude des Problèmes Sociaux Indigènes. #36. p. 32 (XXXII)-39 (XXXIX).

Periodical articleGille, A. (1957)
Réflexions sur les problèmes de l'enseignement en pays sous-développés
Abstract presentProblèmes d'Afrique centrale. Volume 10. p. 98-106.

Periodical articleKimba, E. (1957)
Ce que les congolais attendent de l'enseignement du français
Abstract presentBulletin du Centre d'Etude des Problèmes Sociaux Indigènes. #38.

Periodical articleMacLaren, C.A. (1957)
Local government training in the Gold Coast
Abstract presentJournal of African Administration. Volume 9 #2. p. 63-71.

Periodical articleNawar, Azmy (1957)
A brief survey of education in post-revolutionary Egypt
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 7 #1. p. 93-111.

Periodical articlePrignon, A. (1957)
Enseignement gardien, primaire et normal au Congo Belge
Abstract presentProblèmes d'Afrique centrale. Volume 10. p. 111-117.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
L'enseignement en cote d'Ivoire
Abstract presentChroniques d'outre-mer. #29. p. 3-10.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
La langue malgache et l'enseignement
Abstract presentChroniques d'outre-mer. #24. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
The impact of British education on indigenous peoples
Abstract presentThe Colonial Review. Volume 9 #8. p. 230-233.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
Aperçu sur l'éducation en Afrique tropicale britannique
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2124. p. 3-15.

Periodical articleDekoster, L. (1956)
Ou en sont les écoles de formatin des autorités indigènes?
Abstract presentProblèmes d'Afrique centrale. Volume 9. p. 296-301.

Periodical articleFele, Buanga (1956)
Crise de l'enseignement dans les colonies portugaises
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #7. p. 85-95.

Periodical articleGraft-Johnson, J.C. de (1956)
African traditional education
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #7. p. 51-55.

Periodical articleKreiken, E.A. (1956)
Onderwijsproblemen in de 'Achtergebleven' gebieden
Abstract presentIndonesië: tweemaandelijks tijdschrift gewijd aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied. Volume 9 #1. p. 1-35.

Periodical articleShann, G.N. (1956)
The Early Development of Education among the Chagga
Abstract presentTanganyika Notes and Records. Volume 45. p. 21-32.

Periodical articleStewart, J.C. (1956)
Problems in Southern Tanganyika
Abstract presentOversea Education. Volume 28. p. 157-162.

Periodical articleThompson, C. Sykes (1956)
A pilot scheme for nomadic betterment in Somaliland protectorate
Abstract presentOversea Education. Volume 28 #3. p. 106-107.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1955)
L'enseignement au Maroc
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #1986.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1955)
La scolarisation en Tunisie (année scolaire 1954-1955)
Abstract presentBulletin économique et social de la Tunisie. #96. p. 66-69.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1955)
Le sort politique du Congo
Abstract presentRevue générale belge. Volume 91 #15. p. 747-795.

Periodical articleBatten, T.R. (1955)
Education for social adjustment to technological of change (Yearbook of Education, 1954)
Abstract presentThe Colonial Review. Volume 9 #1. p. 6-8.

Periodical articleBlanguernon, C. (1955)
Le hoggar et ses écoles nomades
Abstract presentDocuments algériens: Série monographies. #15. 8p.

Periodical articleEvans, P.C.C. (1955)
Education and productivity in underdeveloped areas
Abstract presentThe Colonial Review. Volume 10 #8. p. 234-236.

Periodical articleHeilly, G. D' (1955)
Une grande oeuvre française: l'enseignement et la recherche scientifique
Abstract presentEncyclopédie mensuelle d'outre-mer. Volume 5 #53. p. 12-15.

Periodical articleHussein, A. (1955)
Egyptian children in an era of awakening: (uit The Journal of Educational Sociology March 1955)
Abstract presentThe Colonial Review. Volume 9 #2. p. 50-51.

Periodical articleLatour, J. (1955)
L'enseignement outremer
Abstract presentFrance Outre-mer: revue mensuelle. Volume 32 #302. p. 37-39.

Periodical articleRead, M. (1955)
The contribution of social anthropologists to educational problems in underdeveloped territories
Abstract presentFundamental and Adult Education. Volume 7 #2. p. 74-79.

Periodical articleRevert, E. (1955)
Problèmes d'éducation en Afrique Noire
Abstract presentChroniques d'outre-mer. #16. p. 13-18.

Periodical articleTomiche, N. (1955)
Organisation de l'enseignement dans les pays arabes: Libye
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2106. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleTomiche, N. (1955)
Organisation de l'enseignement dans les pays arabes: Egypte
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2106. p. 4-10.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1954)
L'enseignement dans les Territoires d'Outremer et Territoires Associés
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #1896. p. 4-29.

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