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Search: su=floods
Found: 50 Record 1-50

Periodical articleBernardo, Bernardino José; Dgedge, Gustavo Sobrinho; Nhambire, Elisa Eda (2021)
See this publicationExposure to school flooding and its effects on teaching time - Case of some schools in the City and Province of Maputo / Mozambique
Cadernos de Geografia. Volume 43. p. 97-105.

Periodical articleMorsli, Boutkhil; Habi, Mohammed (2016)
Risques d'inondation urbaine: cas d'une agglomération à l'aval de versants argileux terrassés dans l'Ouest algérien
Territoires d'Afrique. #7. p. 25-31.

Periodical articleBashri, Maha (2014)
See this publicationThe use of ICTs and mobilisation in the age of parallel media - an emerging fifth estate? A case study of Nafeer's flood campaign in the Sudan
Abstract presentEcquid novi: African journalism studies. Volume 35 #2. p. 75-91.

Periodical articleFaure, François Edgard; Rabenkogo, Nicaise (2014)
La ville de Port-Gentil et la gestion des risques de submersion marine
Abstract presentRevue gabonaise de sociologie. #7. p. 77-110.

Periodical articleKanyimba, Alex T.; Siyambango, Nguza (2014)
The integration of an effective disaster risk reduction system in Namibia based on vulnerabilities of stakeholders in the Zambezi region
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 3 #1. p. 44-64.

Periodical articleSiebert, Asher; Ward, M. Neil (2014)
See this publicationExploring the frequency of hydroclimate extremes on the River Niger using historical data analysis and Monte Carlo methods
Abstract presentAfrican Geographical Review. Volume 33 #2. p. 124-149.

Periodical articleIssaka, Hamadou; Badariotti, Dominique (2013)
Les inondations à Niamey, enjeux autour d'un phénomène complexe
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 66 #263. p. 295-310.

Periodical articleKaundjua, Maria B.; Angula, Margaret N.; Angombe, Simon T. (2012)
Community perceptions of climate change and variability impacts in Oshana and Ohangwena Regions
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 1 #1. p. 21-32.

Periodical articleMellas, Samira (ed.) (2012)
Une approche régionale du risque tsunami au Maroc (modélisation et exposition)
Territoires d'Afrique. #3. p. 59-71.

Periodical articleSy, Oumar; Sane, Tidiane; Dieye, El Hadji Balla (2012)
La vulnerabilité de la ville de Ziguinchor face aux inondations
Territoires d'Afrique. #3. p. 48-58.

Periodical articleBaloubi, Makodjami David; Akpaki, Joseph Adam (2011)
Extension urbaine et problèmes d'inondation dans l'arrondissement de Godomey (commune d'Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Abstract presentRevue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #5. p. 127-141.

Periodical articleNdiaye, Aminata (2011)
Contraintes environnementales et désarticulation spatiale au Sénégal: exemple des inondations récurrentes à Pikine
Territoires d'Afrique. #2. p. 62-69.

Periodical articleKivuva, V.M.; Oteng'i, S.B.B.; Miima, J.B. (2009)
Application of linear based models in Nzoia River basin-Kenya
International Journal of Disaster Management and Risk Reduction. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 27-37.

Periodical articleFogwe, Z.N. (2008)
The Cameroonian city counter flood response strategies of the 21st Century
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (Buea, Cameroon). Volume 7 #1. p. 124-141.

Periodical articleHuho, J.M.; Ang'awa, F.P. (2008)
Effects of floods on crop farming: a case study of Budalangi Division, Kenya
International Journal of Disaster Management and Risk Reduction. Volume 1 #2. June. p. 95-103.

Periodical articleTchotsoua, Michel; Moussa, Aboubakar; Fotsing, Jean-Marie (2008)
See this publicationThe Socio-Economic Downstream Impact of Large Dams: A Case Study from an Evaluation of Flooding Risks in the Benue River Basin Downstream of the Lagdo Dam (Cameroon)
GEFAME Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #1.

Periodical articleNdetei, C.J.; Opere, A.O.; Mutua, F.M. (2007)
Flood frequency analysis in Lake Victoria Basin based on tail behaviour of distribution
Journal of the Kenya Meteorological Society. Volume 1 #1. September. p. 44-54.

Periodical articleRaherison, Jean Jacques Dolin (2007)
Mémoire des catastrophes et élaboration d'une culture des risques: l'exemple du 'risque tsunami' à Tamatave
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 8 #1-2. p. 45-78.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2006)
The disastrous effects of flooding in Africa
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 30-31.

Periodical articleGowases, D. (2006)
Surviving floods: Mariental, place of dust
Namibia Review. Volume 15 #1. September-October. p. 9-16.

Periodical articleMung'ong'o, C.G.; Yanda, P.Z. (2006)
Risks, livelihoods and vulnerability to flooding in Kyela District, South-Western Tanzania
Tanzanian Economic Trends. Volume 19 #1. June. p. 92-106.

Periodical articleMagole, L.; Thapelo, K. (2005)
See this publicationThe impact of extreme flooding of the Okavango River on the livelihood of the molapo farming community of Tubu village, Ngamiland Sub-district, Botswana
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 37. p. 125-137.

Periodical articleWolski, P.; Masaka, T.; Raditsebe, L.; Murray-Hudson, M. (2005)
See this publicationAspects of seasonal dynamics of flooding in the Okavango Delta
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 37. p. 179-195.

Periodical articleKyewalyanga, M.S.; Mwandya, A.W.; Valdenberg, A. (2004)
See this publicationPreliminary study on hatching of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) and copepods (Cyclopoida): response to flooding and organic fertilisation
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. Volume 3 #1. January-June. p. 79-86.

Periodical articleManguele, C. (2004)
See this publicationAs inundações e memória social: algumas medidas de prevenção e controlo da biodegradação dos documentos e arquivos
ESARBICA Journal. Volume 23. p. 123-138.

Periodical articleMolosiwa, R. (2004)
Floods breath life into Lake Ngami
Kutlwano. Volume 42 #7. October. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleOkono, A.N. (2004)
Why the Nyando floods
Ecoforum. October-December. p. 26-29.

Periodical articleBekele, Lemma (2003)
Community Perceptions and Responses to Awash Floods in the Wonji Environs, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 25 #2. October. p. 1-33.

Periodical articleDaoud, Abdelkarim (2003)
Éléments pour la problématique de la dégradation des terres et de la conservation des eaux et des sols dans le bassin de Sfax (basses steppes tunisiennes)
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #35. p. 63-107.

Periodical articleKamwai, J.M. (2003)
Restoring Nairobi's water supplies
Kenya Engineer. Volume 24 #3. May-June. p. 18-19.

Periodical articleBonyongo, M.C.; Mubyana, T.; Totolo, O.; Veenendaal, E.M. (2002)
See this publicationFlooding and soil nutrient status in the Okavango Delta's seasonal floodplains
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 34. p. 123-130.

Periodical articleNgware, Neema (2002)
See this publicationRegulatory framework for access to legal shelter: life in the Jangwani flood-prone valley
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 11 #1. July. p. 99-109.

Periodical articleLuís, A. (1999)
Drenagem de Maputo: vermes e fezes a flutuar
Tempo. #1425. 28 de Fev.. p. 24-28.

Periodical articleOdihi, John Onu (1999)
See this publicationLand use and misuse and the Ibadan flood problems: 1955-1980
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 11 #1-2. June. p. 21-32.

Periodical articleSaveca, F. (1999)
Cheias em Gaza: vale do Limpopo sob ameaça
Tempo. #1422. 7 de Fev.. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleChoudhury, A. (1998)
Flood havoc in Kaziranga
Pachyderm. #26. July-December. p. 83-87.

Periodical articleKnocker, W.I. (1998)
Effects of the 1997/1998 flooding at the Tana River delta
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 28 #1. April. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleMitchell, T.B. (1998)
Annual river flood frequency in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Engineer. Volume 63 #10. October. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleOgallo, L.; Ambenje, P. (1998)
El Niño phenomenon explained
Impact (Nairobi, Kenya). #22. March. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleOtieno, D. (1998)
El Niño causes mayhem in Africa
Impact (Nairobi, Kenya). #22. March. p. 1,3,5.

Periodical articleSangodoyin, A.Y.; Essein, O.E. (1996)
Effect of urbanization, waste disposal and hydrological factors on flooding of Ogunpa stream in Nigeria
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 11-19.

Periodical articleSaveca, F. (1996)
Cheias cortam comunicaçao entre sul e norte de Gaza
Tempo. #1315. 3 de março. p. 4-9.

Periodical articleTaffa T. (1995)
Estimation on design flood for western Shewa, Ethiopia
Sinet. Volume 18 #1. June. p. 101-116.

Periodical articleIsoun, T.T. (1992)
Water in Africa
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 4-6.

Periodical articleJohnson, Douglas H. (1992)
See this publicationReconstructing a History of Local Floods in the Upper Nile Region of the Sudan
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 25 #3. p. 607-649.

Periodical articleRumambo, O.H.; Matondo, J.I. (1991)
Flood forecasting in Tanzanian catchments
Uhandisi Journal. Volume 15 #2. December. p. 31-43.

Periodical articleCross, C.R.; Nzama, M.T.; Dlamini, O.S. (1988)
Disaster and relief in South Africa: defining the crisis of the 1987 floods
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 18 #4. p. 160-173.

Periodical articleOosterbaan, R.J.; Kortenhorst, L.F.; Sprey, L.H. (1986)
Development of flood-recession cropping in the Molapo's of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Abstract presentAnnual Report - International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI). p. 8-29.

Periodical articleHamza, Ali (1980)
Données préliminaires sur l'aménagement integre de la Tunisie centrale et le barrage de Sidi Saad
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de géographie. #6. p. 87-101.

Periodical articleKassab, Ahmed (1980)
Problemes de l'amenagement des plaines telliennes
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de géographie. #6. p. 103-111.

Search: su=floods
Found: 50 Record 1-50

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