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Found: 85 | Record 1-85 |
Mbarga Nyatte, Daniel (2016) | |
La saisine de la juridiction constitutionnelle en matière électorale dans les États d'Afrique noire francophone: les cas du Cameroun et du Bénin | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #4. p. 498-533. |
Beutter, Anne (2015) | |
Church discipline chronicled: a new source for Basel Mission historiography | |
History in Africa. Volume 42. p. 109-138. |
Jonas, Obonye (2015) | |
The participation of the 'amicus curiae' institution in human rights litigation in Botswana and South Africa: a tale of two jurisdictions | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 59 #2. p. 329-354. |
Adebola, Bolanle (2014) | |
Common law, judicial precedents and the Nigerian receivership procedure | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #1. p. 129-144. |
Croucher, Richard; Michel, Didier (2014) | |
'Legal at the time?': companies, governments and reparations for Mauritian slavery | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #1. p. 89-108. |
Lim Tung, Odile Juliette (2014) | |
The adequacy of the Mauritian biosafety framework | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #1. p. 109-128. |
Ndam, Ibrahim (2014) | |
L'évocation en matière judiciaire: obligation ou simple faculté pour la Cour Commune de Justice et d'Arbitrage | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #886. p. 89-113. |
Viljoen, Frans; Abebe, Adem Kassie (2014) | |
'Amicus Curiae' participation before regional human rights bodies in Africa | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #1. p. 22-44. |
Ahanor, Stella N. (2013) | |
Alternative mechanisms of justice and deterrence of future atrocities in Uganda | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 6 #2. p. 325-361. |
Badjaca, Boubacar (2012) | |
Le règlement des exceptions de litispendance et de connexité au Mali | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 122 #880. p. 336-359. |
Boulle, Laurence (2012) | |
Promoting rights through court-based ADR? | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 28 #1. p. 1-17. |
Enabulele, Amos O. (2012) | |
Sailing against the tide: exhaustion of domestic remedies and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 56 #2. p. 268-295. |
Kamwe Mouaffo, Marie-Colette (2012) | |
Le renvoi préjudiciel devant la cour de justice de la CEMAC: une étude à la lumière du droit communautaire européen | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 122 #879. p. 206-233. |
Liebenberg, Sandra (2012) | |
Engaging the paradoxes of the universal and particular in human rights adjudication: the possibilities and pitfalls of 'meaningful engagement' | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #1. p. 1-29. |
Naluwairo, Ronald (2012) | |
Guaranteeing the right to a fair trial in Uganda's military justice system: proposals for reform | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 316-335. |
Obonye, Jonas (2012) | |
Human rights enforcement and the question of standing before the High Court of Botswana: a comparative analysis | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 387-414. |
Okwezuzu, Gaius E. (2012) | |
Oil spillage in the Niger Delta Region: a complex instance of gross environmental injustice | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 437-453. |
Olaniyan, Hakeem A. (2012) | |
Immunity of an international organization from suit in Nigeria: a critical review of the African Re-Insurance Corporation decisions | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 5 #1. p. 41-65. |
Orji, Uchenna Jerome (2012) | |
Law and practice of conciliation in Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 56 #1. p. 87-108. |
Sang, Brian (2012) | |
Improving the protection of human and peoples' rights in Africa: reflections from the Yogogombaye case | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #3. p. 341-364. |
Tchawouo Mbiada, C.J. (2012) | |
The exhaustion of internal remedies in administrative law: a comparative analysis of the South African and the Cameroonian requirements and procedure | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #1. p. 119-131. |
Adjovi, Roland (2011) | |
Une saga judiciaire autour d'un (ex-) chef d'état africain, Hissène Habré | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 19. p. 375-393. |
Azubuike, Lawrence (2011) | |
A comparison of the rationales for the prohibition against hearsay evidence in the USA and Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 55 #2. p. 230-260. |
Matthias, Carmel R.; Zaal, F. Noel (2011) | |
Intrusive care and protection assessments: when should children have a right to say 'no'? | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 27 #3. p. 381-397. |
Obura, Ken (2011) | |
The Security Council's power to defer ICC cases under Article 16 of the Rome Statute | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 4 #3. p. 563-588. |
Tchantchou, Henri (2011) | |
Défenses à l'exécution provisoire et sursis à exécution en droit de l'OHADA | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 121 #877. p. 532-542. |
Youlou, Philippe (2011) | |
L'affaire des 'biens mal acquis' | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 65 #1. p. 40-44. |
Bhoke, Chacha (2010) | |
Judgment in the first case before the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights: a missed opportunity or a mockery of international law in Africa? | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 3 #1. p. 187-229. |
Gnimpieba Tonnang, Édouard; Fandjip, Olivier (2010) | |
La Cour de justice de la CEMAC et les règles du procès équitable | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 120 #872. p. 329-373. |
Hynd, Stacey (2010) | |
'The extreme penalty of the law': mercy and the death penalty as aspects of State power in colonial Nyasaland, c. 1903-47 | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #3. p. 542-559. |
Nkea Ndzigue, Francis (2010) | |
Les droits du débiteur dans le système OHADA des voies d'exécution | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 120 #873. p. 405-420. |
Olutunji, Oyelade S. (2010) | |
Administration of justice in traditional Africa: what lessons for modern adjudication? | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 16 #2. p. 294-310. |
Sinwell, Luke (2010) | |
The Wynberg Concerned Residents' disempowering court victory | |
Urban Forum. Volume 21 #2. p. 153-169. |
Thekiso, Elma (2010) | |
Courtroom narratives: judgement, evidence and submissions in a Botswana courtroom | |
Marang: Journal of Language and Literature. #20. p. 109-127. |
Anamzoya, Alhassan Sulemana (2009) | |
'Our courts, our cases and we are the judges': chiefs as judges in the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana | |
Legon Journal of Sociology. Volume 3 #2. p. 70-91. |
Arsikhia, Fatula Olugbemi (2009) | |
Weighing the travails of justice and human rights in Nigeria | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 15 #2. p. 451-464. |
Clark, Janine (2009) | |
Learning from the past: three lessons from the Rwandan genocide | |
African Studies. Volume 68 #1. p. 1-28. |
Hassan-Morlai, Patrick Matthew (2009) | |
Evidence in international criminal trials: lessons and contributions from the Special Court for Sierra Leone | |
African Journal of Legal Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 96-118. |
Jesse, James E.C. (2009) | |
Examining the rule of exhaustion of local remedies under international and regional human rights bodies | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 2 #2. p. 65-91. |
Matibini, Patrick (2009) | |
The need for the remedy of an injunction in the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms | |
Zambia Law Journal. Volume 40. p. 85-110. |
Nwafor, Anthony O. (2009) | |
Enforcing fundamental rights in Nigerian courts: processes and challenges? | |
African Journal of Legal Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 1-11. |
Mujih, Edwin (2008) | |
The regulation of multinational companies operating in developing countries: a case study of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 16 #1. p. 83-99. |
Nnamuchi, Obiajulu (2008) | |
Kleptocracy and its many faces: the challenges of justiciability of the right to health care in Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 52 #1. p. 1-42. |
Nwauche, E.S. (2008) | |
The dubious distinction between principal and accessory claims in Nigerian human rights jurisprudence | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 52 #1. p. 66-88. |
Nwauche, E.S. (2008) | |
The right to freedom of religion and the search for justice through the occult and paranormal in Nigeria | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 16 #1. p. 35-55. |
Priso-Essawe, Samuel (2008) | |
L'inamovibilité de l'exécutif dans les communautés économiques d'Afrique francophone: de la maîtrise politique au respect du droit: 'Quand, aux chefs d'État, la logique institutionnelle communautaire se dévoile...' | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 118 #864. p. 317-339. |
Sloth-Nielsen, Julia (2008) | |
Realising childrern's rights to legal representation and to be heard in judicial proceedings: an update | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 24 #3. p. 495-524. |
Diallo, Bakary (2007) | |
Réflexions sur le pouvoir d'évocation de la Cour Commune de Justice et d'Arbitrage dans le cadre du traité de l'OHADA | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 117 #858. p. 40-61. |
Ebeku, Kaniye S.A.; Ihua-Maduenyi; Antoniou, Mario G. (2007) | |
Due Process, Democracy and the Impeachment of Governor Alamieyesiegha of Bayelsa State | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 10 #1. p. 31-67. |
Mwenifumbo, A.W. (2007) | |
Eradicating delay in the prosecution of crimes of genocide in Rwanda through 'gacaca' courts: will any form of justice do? | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 13 #2. p. 309-320. |
Taiwo, L.O. (2007) | |
Democracy, courts and the rule of law in Nigeria: problems and prospects | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 13 #2. p. 270-293. |
Taylor, David (2007) | |
'The truth the whole truth nothing but the truth': truth, community and narrative in African procedural law | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 40 #2. p. 215-236. |
Aneme, Girmachew Alemu (2006) | |
Apology and Trials: The Case of the Red Terror Trials in Ethiopia | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 6 #1. p. 64-84. |
Bohler-Muller, Narnia (2006) | |
The promise of Equality Courts | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 22 #3. p. 380-404. |
Faris, John (2006) | |
Deciphering the language of mediatory intervention in South Africa | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 39 #3. p. 427-449. |
Maïdagi, Maïnassara (2006) | |
Le défi de l'exécution des décisions de justice en droit OHADA | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 116 #855. p. 176-192. |
Meyer, Pierre (2006) | |
La sécurité juridique et judiciaire dans l'espace OHADA | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 116 #855. p. 151-175. |
Mutangi, Tarisai (2006) | |
Fact-Finding Missions or Omissions? A Critical Analysis of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 12 #1. p. 1-48. |
Narantsetseg, Orchlon; Sevgili, Ugur (2006) | |
Role of the victims in the hearing leading to the confirmation of charges in the Lubanga case before the International Criminal Court | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 14. p. 171-192. |
Stoeltje, Beverly J. (2006) | |
The performance of litigation: Asante custom and the Juaben court | |
Research Review. Volume 22 #1. p. 47-61. |
Wilson, Stuart (2006) | |
Judicial enforcement of the right to protection from arbitrary eviction: lessons from Mandelaville | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 22 #4. p. 535-562. |
Kadi-Hanifi, Mokhtaria (2005) | |
Le régime juridique de l'enquête d'utilité publique en matière d'expropriation | |
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 15 #1. p. 73-85. |
Stiles, Erin (2005) | |
'There is No Stranger to Marriage Here!': Muslim Women and Divorce in Rural Zanzibar | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 75 #4. p. 582-598. |
Zouaïmia, Rachid (2005) | |
Le régime contentieux des autorités administratives indépendantes en droit algérien | |
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 15 #1. p. 5-48. |
Olawoyin, Adewale A. (2004) | |
The phantom of the Bills of Lading Act, 1855, lives on: enforcing ownership and contractual rights under bills of lading in Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 48 #1. p. 82-103. |
Redding, Sean (2004) | |
Deaths in the Family: Domestic Violence, Witchcraft Accusations and Political Militancy in Transkei, South Africa, 1904-1965 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 30 #3. September. p. 519-537. |
Voinot, Denis (2003) | |
Les spécificités processuelles des territoires français de l'océan Indien | |
Annuaire des pays de l'océan Indien. Volume 18. p. 101-109. |
Ba, Demba B. (2002) | |
Le recouvrement forcé par des auxiliaires de justice des dépens de procès prononcés contre une personne publique: analyse de quelques décisions récentes du Tribunal de grande instance et de la Cour d' appel de Ouagadougou | |
Revue burkinabè de droit. #41. p. 23-52. |
Mubiala, Mutoy (1992) | |
L'individu devant la justice au Zaïre: (de l'arbre à palabres aux cours et tribunaux) | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 102 #809. p. 182-196. |
Lukunku Kanyama (1987) | |
Defaut de qualite: moyen d'ordre public et incidence sur l'administration de la preuve de la qualité | |
Revue juridique du Zaïre: droit écrit et droit coutumier. Volume 63. p. 101-105. |
Mathews, A.S. (1985) | |
The South African judiciary and the security system | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 1 #3. p. 199-209. |
Adelola, I.O.A. (1980) | |
Some Problems in the Administration of Justice in the Oyo, Ogun and Ondo States of Nigeria | |
Africana Marburgensia. Volume 13 #2. p. 51-68. |
Fadika, Mamdou; Arthur, Roger (1977) | |
Commentaires du Code ivoirien de procedure civile, commerciale et administrative | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 86 #755. p. 85-102. |
Oelschig, M.J. (1977) | |
Civil procedure in the Magistrates' Court in chronological order | |
The Rhodesian Law Journal. Volume 17 #2. p. 133-212. |
Jacquot, Henri (1975) | |
Le contentieux administratif au Cameroun | |
Revue camerounaise de droit. #7. p. 9-13. |
Buabo wa Mukenge (1974) | |
La prescription biennale en droit de transport Zaïrois | |
Études zaïroises. #2. p. 75-84. |
Eweluka, D.I.O. (1974) | |
Declaratory judgments in Nigerian public law | |
The Nigerian Law Journal. Volume 8. p. 42-66. |
Mbaya-Ngang Kumabuenga (1974) | |
Le problème de la prescription en droit moderne et traditionnel | |
Revue juridique du Zaïre: droit écrit et droit coutumier. Volume 50. p. 243-274. |
Anonymous (1973) | |
La législation sénégalaise à la lumière de la pratique | |
Revue sénégalaise de droit. Volume 7 #12. p. 1-451. |
Sagay, Itse (1972) | |
The right of the United Nations to sue in municipal courts in respect of Namibia | |
The Nigerian Law Journal. Volume 6. p. 130-138. |
El Fahal el Tahir Omer (1964) | |
The administration of justice during the Mahdiya | |
Sudan Law Journal and Reports. |
Mangin, G. (1962) | |
Les accords de coopération en matière de justice entre la France et les États africains et Malgache | |
Revue juridique et politique d'Outre-Mer: communauté, assistance, technique, coopération. Volume 16. p. 339-364. |
Anonymous (1957) | |
Convention judiciaire et convention d'aide mutuelle judiciaire, d'exéquatur des jugements et d'extradition entre la France et le Maroc | |
Notes et études documentaires. #2359. p. 14-28. |
Anonymous (1957) | |
Convention judiciaire franco-tunisienne et Documents annexes (Tunis, 9 mars 1957) | |
Notes et études documentaires. #2286. p. 1-8. |
Canazzi, A. (1955) | |
La convention judiciaire franco-tunisienne | |
Revue tunisienne de droit. Volume 3 #2. p. 124-142. |
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Found: 85 | Record 1-85 |
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