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Found: 86 Record 1-86

Periodical articleYendork, Joana Salifu; Somhlaba, Nceba Z. (2015)
See this publicationExiled life, or home away from home? Exploring Ghanaian orphan narratives of orphanage placement
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 62 #2. p. 27-42.

Periodical issueLive, Y.-S.; Hamon, J.-F. (eds.) (2014)
Culture et identités: approches cliniques, sociologiques et anthropologiques
Abstract presentKabaro. Volume 12-13. 146p.

Periodical articleHanebrink, Julia R.; Smith, Alanya J. (2013)
See this publicationThe Art of Peace in Northern Uganda
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 3 #2. p. 195-218.

Periodical issueLive, Y.-S.; Hamon, J.-F. (eds.) (2013)
Regard pluriel sur l'Indiaocéanie
Abstract presentKabaro. Volume 10-11. 154p.

Periodical articleTaliani, Simona (2012)
See this publicationCoercion, fetishes and suffering in the daily lives of young Nigerian women in Italy
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 82 #4. p. 579-608.

Periodical issueNguimfack, Léonard (ed.) (2010)
Famille et psychopathologie = Family and psychopathology
Revue camerounaise de psychologie clinique. #1. 231p.

Periodical articleDanquah, S.A.; Asare, M. (2009)
The effect of patient participation in collaborative goal setting in psychotherapy: a clinical psychology approach to therapy in Ghana
Ghana International Journal of Mental Health. Volume 1 #1. November. p. 9-24.

Periodical articleNtuli, Pitika P. (2009)
Indigenous African art and healing: forgotten memories, planting memories of tomorrow
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 8 #2. p. 138-146.

Periodical articleSodi, Tholene (2009)
Indigenous healers' diagnostic and treatment methods for some illnesses and social dysfunctions
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 8 #1. p. 59-72.

Periodical articleAkunna, Gladys Ijeoma (2008)
Dance as mental therapeutic in the African experience: beyond the speculation
Abstract presentAfrican Performance Review. Volume 2 #1. p. 9-18.

Periodical issueBasinga, Paulin (ed.) (2007)
Recherche scientifique et développement: actes de la troisième conférence annuelle de la recherche scientifique
Abstract presentEtudes rwandaises. Volume 13. 247p.

Periodical articleGuèye, Momar; Thiam, Habib; Sylla, Aïda (2007)
Troubles psychopathologiques de la gravido-puerpéralité
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 34 #1. p. 51-84.

Periodical articleIdemudia, S. Erhabor (2007)
Communicating and understanding cultural meanings in mental health settings with the African clients
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 34 #1. p. 37-49.

Periodical articleOsiki, J.O. (2007)
Empowering distance learners' research prowess through the effective utilization of three psychotherapies
Lesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 11 #1-2. December. p. 97-113.

Periodical articleParriaud, Anne (2007)
Dje ka fo: parlons ensemble, arts, cultures et santé mentale: colloque de Lyon, 5-6 mars 2008
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 34 #2. p. 157-267.

Periodical articleDagou, Denis Koménan (2005)
Le conte comme technique thérapeutique de prise en charge de l'agressivité chez un enfant dysharmonique: Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 33 #3. p. 347-366.

Periodical articleFajonyomi, Mary G. (2002)
Reducing high test anxiety in secondary school English language students in Borno state, Nigeria: a case study
Annals of Borno. Volume 19-20. p. 67-74.

Periodical articleGilbert, Jane (2002)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Counselling Skills Training: Lessons from Lesotho
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 123-135.

Periodical articleBaiyewu, Olusegun (2001)
Mental health of the elderly in Africa
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 31 #3. p. 365-377.

Periodical articleOuédraogo, Arouna; Ouédraogo, T. Laurent; Sanou, Paul Thomas (2001)
Anxiété et dépression chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH en milieu africain à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 31 #3. p. 333-344.

Periodical articleOrtigues, M.-C. (2000)
L'évolution d'une pratique de psychothérapie
Psychopathologie africaine. Volume 30 #3. p. 299-315.

Periodical articleBaguma, P.K.; Namunyoro, M.Z. (1999)
Factors Influencing Sexual Harassment among Police and Secretarial Women in Kampala: Implications for HIV Transmission and Psychotherapy
Makerere Medical Journal. Volume 34 #1. January-April. p. 20-28.

Periodical articleNyarku, S.K.; Allen, D. (1998)
Lithium in medicine
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 77-80.

Periodical articlePeltzer, Karl (1998)
The training of lay counsellors in psychosocial assistance of Sudanese refugees
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 29 #3. p. 327-356.

Periodical articleRobertson, Gavin; De Kiewit, Steven (1998)
See this publicationWilderness therapy with militarised youths in traumatised communities
Abstract presentThe Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 33 #2. p. 139-144.

Periodical articleCacou-Adjoua, Marie-Chantal (1995)
L'entretien clinique dans la consultation psychologique de l'enfant en Côte-d'Ivoire
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 27 #2-3. p. 157-175.

Periodical articlePanizzo, E. (1994)
Comportamento psicopático em crianças: o roubo
Revista médica de Moçambique. Volume 5 #4. dez.. p. 28-31.

Periodical articleBeneduce, Roberto; Koumaré, Baba (1993)
Cultural psychiatry and traditional health care systems in Mali: how can they interact?
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 25 #1. p. 59-75.

Periodical articlePeltzer, K. (1992)
Sexual problems and psycho-sexual therapy in a Kenyan population
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 24 #1. p. 55-77.

Periodical articleMunyoki, S. (1991)
Counselling of HIV Positive/AIDS Victims: The 'Worried Well' and the Bereaved
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Quarterly. Volume 6 #1-2. February-May. p. 74-81.

Periodical articleBonnet, Doris (1988)
Désordres psychiques, étiologies moose et changement social
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 22 #3. p. 293-325.

Periodical articleGeber, M. (1988)
Psychothérapie d'un enfant atteint de kwashiorkor
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 22 #2. p. 171-190.

Periodical articleMohia, N. (1988)
Pratiques traditionnelles et psychiatrie dans la societe kabyle
Abstract presentCahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle. #9. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleWright, G.R.H. (1987)
See this publicationAfrican Demons and Dead Egyptians
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 22. p. 77-82.

Periodical articleMohia, Nadia (1986)
L'hysterique et le djin amoureux: (réflexions ethnopsychanalytiques sur un cas de possession par le djin en Kabylie)
Abstract presentCahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle. #5. p. 97-114.

Periodical articleTom, Abdullahi Osman El- (1985)
See this publicationDrinking the Koran: The Meaning of Koranic Verses in Berti Erasure
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 55 #4. p. 414-431.

Periodical articleErinosho, Olayiwola A.; Ayonrinde, Akolawole (1984)
Traditional medicine manpower in Nigeria: a study of their attributes and scope of practice
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 26 #3. p. 315-331.

Periodical articleUzoka, Azubike F. (1984)
Dialogue with the dead: the use of operational mourning in individual psychotherapy
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 20 #3. p. 273-284.

Periodical articleBuhrmann, Vera M. (1982)
Training, growth and development of Xhosa Amagqira
Abstract presentHumanitas: tydskrif vir navorsing in die geesteswetenskappe. Volume 8 #1. p. 59-67.

Periodical articleFarrand, Dorothy M.; Holdstock, T. Len (1982)
Dreams of a Sangoma or Indigenous Healer
Abstract presentJournal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 9 #2. Summer. p. 68-75.

Periodical articleHagenbucher-Sacripanti, F. (1982)
Note sur la signification du Cinko:ko dans la representation culturelle de la Maladie (Sud-Congo)
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 19 #2. p. 203-218.

Periodical articleHandloff, Robert (1982)
See this publicationPrayers, Amulets, and Charms: Health and Social Control
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 25 #2-3. July-September. p. 185-194.

Periodical articleAsuni, Tolani (1981)
Treatement of depression
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 17 #1-3. p. 190-196.

Periodical articleBisilliat, Jeanne (1981)
Maladies de village et maladies de brousse en pays Songhay: essai de description et de classification en vue d'une typologie
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 18 #4. p. 475-486.

Periodical articleLa-Vaka, Luba (1981)
La dynamique de la psychotherapie traditionnelle Lobala
Abstract presentEthnopsychologie: revue de psychologie des peuples. Volume 36 #2-3. p. 105-109.

Periodical articleOgrizek, Michel (1981)
Mami Wata, les envoutées de la Sirène: psychothérapie collective de l'hystérie en pays Batsangui au Congo, suivie d'un voyage mythologique en Centrafrique
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 18 #4. p. 433-443.

Periodical articleEbigbo, Peter O. (1980)
A participatory observation of the healing methods of vagrant psychotic healers in Enugu
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 16 #3. p. 333-342.

Periodical articleHourantier, Marie-José (1980)
'Sorciers'-guerisseurs en pays Bamiléké
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #23. p. 82-98.

Periodical articleHulstaert, C. (1980)
Le Nkanga chez les Mongo
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 20 #141. p. 39-58.

Periodical articleMorsy, Soheir A. (1980)
Conception and Treatment of Psychopathology in an Egyptian Village
Abstract presentRural Africana. Volume 8-9. Fall/Winter. p. 67-75.

Periodical articleWarmann, William Atta (1980)
The use of aversion therapy to treat kleptomania
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 16 #1. p. 77-82.

Periodical articleWauters, G. (1980)
See this publicationMagiciens et écoles de magiciens chez les Batswa de l'équateur
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 1 #2. p. 489-501.

Periodical articleBarnard, Alan (1979)
See this publicationNharo Bushman Medicine and Medicine Men
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 49 #1. p. 68-80.

Periodical articleBeck, Ann (1979)
See this publicationThe Traditional Healer in Tanzania
Abstract presentIssue. Volume 9 #3. Fall. p. 2-5.

Periodical articleTshibaka-Kalenda, Mbandakulu (1979)
Les élements culturels et leur influence dans la therapie traditionelle chez les Baluba
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 13 #25. p. 131-144.

Periodical articleDia, Alhousseynou (1977)
Du penc de Fann aux reunions institutionnelles à l'hôpital de jour du 17e arrondissement de Paris
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 13 #3. p. 371-396.

Periodical articleKimpianga Mahatah Mahaniah (1977)
La psychotherapie dans le système medical traditionnel et le prophetisme chez les Kongo du Zaïre
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 13 #2. p. 149-195.

Periodical articleCorin, Ellen (1976)
Zebola: une psychotherapie communautaire en milieu urbain
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 12 #3. p. 349-389.

Periodical articleErinosho, Olaywola A. (1976)
See this publicationThe Relationship between Family Milieux and Post-Treatment Outcomes among Yoruba Psychiatric Patients
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 81-86.

Periodical articleLufuluabo Mizeka, François-Marie (1976)
Étude de 'métapsychique': l'anti-sorcier et ses facultés supranormales: l'anti-sorcier 'Makenga wa Nzambi'
Abstract presentBulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. #18. p. 99-113.

Periodical articleTrincaz, Jacqueline (1975)
Le pouvoir thérapeutique des Ba-Pena (Casamance): initiation et pouvoir liberateur
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 11 #3. p. 323-362.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1974)
Traditional healers: use and non-use in health care delivery
Abstract presentRural Africana. #26.

Periodical articleJoseph, F.G. (1974)
Mental Therapy: A Consideration of the African Cultural Background
Abstract presentPan-African Journal. Volume 7 #1. Spring. p. 51-66.

Periodical articleMakinde, Olu (1974)
The indigenous Yoruba babalawo model - implications for counselling in West Africa
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Education. Volume 18 #3. p. 319-327.

Periodical articleAsuni, Tolani (1973)
Socio-medical problems of religious converts
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 9 #2. p. 223-236.

Periodical articleBoroffka, Alexander (1973)
Mental illness in Lagos: history and admission statics of the Yaba mental hospital from 1907 to 1966
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 9 #3. p. 405-417.

Periodical articleKamel, M.; Bishry, Zeinab; Okasha, Ahmed (1973)
Preliminary psychiatry observations in Libya
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 9 #3. p. 371-387.

Periodical articleRenauld, Jean-Louis (1973)
A propos de l'assistance psychiatrique en Haute-Volta
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 9 #1. p. 131-139.

Periodical articleLehmann, Jean-Pierre (1972)
La fonction therapeutique du discours prophetique (prophetes-guerisseurs de Côte d'Ivoire)
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 8 #3. p. 355-382.

Periodical articleMakang Ma Mbog, Mathias (1972)
Confiance et résistance dans le traitement des maladies en psychopathologie africaine
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 8 #3. p. 419-424.

Periodical articleMakang Ma Mbog, Mathias (1972)
Les funerailles africaines comme psychothérapie des deuils pathologiques
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 8 #2. p. 201-215.

Periodical articleOmari, C.K. (1972)
The mganga: a specialist of his own kind
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 8 #2. p. 217-231.

Periodical articleSchurmans, Daniel (1972)
Tentatives institutionnelles et pratique psychiatrique dans la region du Fleuve (Senegal)
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 8 #1. p. 127-133.

Periodical articleAssael, M.I. (1971)
Group psychotherapy as a means of delivering mental health care
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 7 #1. p. 119-126.

Periodical articleAtiwiya, G. (1971)
Le 'zebola' (therapie traditionnelle des maladies mentales dans un cadre urbain)
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 7 #3. p. 389-416.

Periodical articleCollomb, Henri (1971)
Epidemiologie et santé publique - planification sanitaire: psychiatrie et santé publique en Afrique
Abstract presentDéveloppement et civilisations. #45-46. p. 166-172.

Periodical articleDores, M. (1971)
A propos de l'intervention d'un medecin au cours d'un traitement traditionnel a Bangui
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 7 #1. p. 101-111.

Periodical articleKlingshirn, Ages (1971)
The Trial of a Witch: A Document from Ghana
Abstract presentAfricana Marburgensia. Volume 4 #1. p. 19-26.

Periodical articlePreneuf, Ch. de; Dia, E.; Bagarry, Ph. (1971)
Le psychodrame en Afrique
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 7 #2. p. 285-290.

Periodical articleBinitie, A. (1970)
Experiments in the development and planning of psychiatric services in mid-western state of Nigeria
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 6 #2. p. 201-208.

Periodical articleBoroffka, A. (1970)
Different ways of starting mental health care
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 6 #2. p. 181-199.

Periodical articleEgdell, H.G. (1970)
The medical assistant and psychiatric care
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 6 #1. p. 83-86.

Periodical articleWood, J.F. (1970)
Utilising therapeutic potential in psychiatric hospital staff
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 6 #3. p. 301-320.

Periodical articleMakang Ma Mbog, Mathias (1969)
Essai de comprehension de la dynamique des psychotherapies africaines traditionnelles: Cameroun-Tchad 1969
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 5 #3. p. 303-354.

Periodical articleBogomas, E.V. (1967)
The witch-doctor in Central Africa
Abstract presentNada: The Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual. Volume 9 #4. p. 44-48.

Periodical articleCousteix, P.-J. (1961)
L'art et la pharmacopée des guerisseurs Ewondo (région de Yaoundé)
Abstract presentRecherches et études camerounaises. Volume 3 #6. p. 5-87.

Search: su=psychotherapy
Found: 86 Record 1-86

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