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Periodical articleMandrup, Thomas (2018)
See this publicationAn uncertain future: South Africa's national defence force caught between foreign-policy ambitions and domestic development
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 12 #1. p. 136-153.

Periodical articleBessala, Alain-Georges (2017)
Le contrôle de constitutionnalité de la norme financière publique d'origine législative en droit public financier camerounais
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 71 #3. p. 389-418.

Periodical articleOndo, Télesphore (2017)
Vers un droit constitutionnel financier au Gabon
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 71 #1. p. 3-46.

Periodical articleDieya Kamdom, Yves Gabriel (2016)
L'influence du droit communautaire sur le système de contrôle de finances publiques au Cameroun: à propos des directives CEMAC du 10 décembre 2011
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #2. p. 247-270.

Periodical articleHamdaoui, Samih (2016)
La région à l'épreuve de la péréquation financière au Maroc
REMALD: revue marocaine d'administration locale et de développement. #131. p. 169-182.

Periodical articleMoufdi, Nada (2016)
La gouvernance fiscale et son impact sur la qualité des finances publiques: une lecture systémique appliquée au cas du Maroc
REMALD: revue marocaine d'administration locale et de développement. #131. p. 139-154.

Periodical articleSamuel, Noah Oluwafemi (2016)
Research support and open access: notes from Nigeria
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 26 #1. p. 17-29.

Periodical articleSarr, Babacar (2016)
See this publicationWhat are the drivers of fiscal performance gaps between Anglophone and Francophone Africa? A Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 84 #1. p. 40-62.

Periodical articleSouthall, Roger (2016)
See this publicationThe coming crisis of Zuma's ANC: the party state confronts fiscal crisis
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 43 #147. p. 73-88.

Periodical articleOuedraogo, Djibrihina (2015)
Vers un renouveau de la loi de règlement dans les pays membres de l'UEMOA
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 69 #3. p. 298-310.

Periodical articlePiccolino, Giulia (2015)
See this publicationDoes democratisation foster effective taxation? Evidence from Benin
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 53 #4. p. 557-581.

Periodical issueSenbet, Lemma W. (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationPublic finance: tax and expenditure reforms in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 24. Supplement 2 (March). 105p.

Periodical articleWokadala, J.; Barungi, M. (2015)
See this publicationBenefit incidence analysis of government spending on public-private partnership schooling under universal secondary education policy in Uganda
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 12 #3. p. 381-397.

Periodical articleDia, Omar (2014)
Quelques remarques critiques sur le contrôle parlementaire des finances publiques sénégalaises
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 68 #4. p. 519-556.

Periodical issueHarakat, Mohamed (ed.) (2014)
Les finances publiques au Maghreb: défis et enjeux de la reddition des comptes et de la transparence
Abstract presentRevue marocaine d'audit et de développement. #37. p. 5-210.

Periodical issueNdayizeye, Léonidas; Gahungu, Dieudonné (eds.) (2014)
Innovation institutionnelle, investissement et développement durable au Burundi
Abstract presentCahier du CURDES. #14. 429p.

Periodical articleRahim, Asha Abdel; Hansohm, Dirk (2014)
Macroeconomic policy formation in South Sudan: building fiscal management
African Development Perspectives Yearbook. Volume 17. p. 69-105.

Periodical articleSharfi, Mohammed Hussein (2014)
See this publicationThe dynamics of the loss of oil revenues in the economy of North Sudan
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 41 #140. p. 316-322.

Periodical articleBienen, Derk; Ciuriak, Dan; Ferede, Tadele (2013)
Financing Ethiopia's development: confronting the gap between ambition and means
Ethiopian Journal of Economics. Volume 22 #2. p. 21-62.

Periodical articleEloundou, Jules André (2013)
La contribution du secteur forestier du sud Cameroun aux finances publiques
Intel'actuel: revue de lettres et sciences humaines. #12. p. 129-150.

Periodical articleFourie, J.; Jansen, A.; Siebrits, K. (2013)
Public finances under private company rule: the Dutch Cape Colony (1652-1795)
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #68. p. 51-71.

Periodical articleSietchoua Djuitchoko, Célestin (2013)
La Chambre des comptes de la Cour suprême, nouveau juge administratif au Cameroun
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 67 #3. p. 269-286.

Periodical issueNzirorera, C. (ed.) (2012)
La croissance économique du Burundi face aux défis du développement durable
Abstract presentCahier du CURDES. #13. 254p.

Periodical articleFontagné, Lionel; Laborde, David; Mitaritonna, Cristina (2011)
See this publicationAn impact study of the economic partnership agreements in the six ACP regions
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 20 #2. p. 179-216.

Periodical articleTano, Félix (2011)
Constitutionnalisme et urgence budgétaire à l'épreuve des crises politiques
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 65 #2. p. 131-151.

Periodical articleMadeira, Luis (2010)
See this publicationManipulation et propagande: l'équilibre salazarien des finances publiques dans l'empire colonial portugais (1946-1974)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 98 #366-367. p. 299-315.

Periodical issueNdikumana, L. (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationSpecial issue on the African Economic Conference 2009: fostering development in an era of economic and financial crises
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 22 #3. p. 347-469.

Periodical articleSy, Amadou N.R. (2010)
See this publicationGovernment securities markets in the West African Economic and Monetary Union: a review
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 22 #2. p. 292-302.

Periodical articleChanie, Paulos (2009)
See this publicationDisconnect between public sector management system and decentralization reforms: an empirical analysis of the Ethiopian situation
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 25 #1. January. p. 59-91.

Periodical articleDonge, Jan Kees van (2009)
See this publicationThe plundering of Zambian resources by Frederick Chiluba and his friends: a case study of the interaction between national politics and the international drive towards good governance
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 108 #430. p. 69-90.

Periodical articleHugon, Philippe (2009)
La crise mondiale et l'Afrique: transmission, impacts et enjeux
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #232. p. 151-170.

Periodical articleCassimon, Danny; Van Campenhout, Bjorn (2007)
Comparaison des effets de réponse budgétaire de l'allégement de la dette: une application aux PPTE africains
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #223-224. p. 35-60.

Periodical articleChanie, Paulos (2007)
See this publicationClientelism and Ethiopia's Post-1991 Decentralisation
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 45 #3. September. p. 355-384.

Periodical articleDelamarche, Myrtille; Patriat, Lucas (2007)
Dossier fiscalité
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 62 #3201. p. 5-9.

Periodical articleDelavallade, Clara (2007)
Lutte contre la corruption au Burkina Faso et réformes de la gestion budgétaire
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #223-224. p. 271-288.

Periodical articleMadue, S.M. (2007)
Public Finance Management Act, I of 1999: a compliance strategy
Abstract presentPoliteia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 26 #3. p. 306-318.

Periodical articlePauw, J.C. (2007)
A measurement of year-on-year variation in the allocation to national departments in South Africa (2003/4-2007/8) from a public management point of view
Abstract presentPoliteia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 26 #3. p. 252-272.

Periodical articleSharples, Stephen; Tellier, Charles (2007)
Réformes des finances publiques en Afrique et nouveaux mécanismes d'aide et d'allégement de la dette
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #223-224. p. 251-270.

Periodical articleThornton, John (2007)
See this publicationOn the cyclicality of South African fiscal policy
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 75 #2. p. 258-264.

Periodical articleDaoudi, Hamidi (2006)
La certification des comptes de l'État: le nouveau rôle de l'Institution Supérieure de Contrôle des Finances Publiques
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 16 #2. p. 13-43.

Periodical articleSöderling, Ludvig (2006)
See this publicationAfter the Oil: Challenges Ahead in Gabon
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 117-148.

Periodical articleVallée, Olivier (2006)
La construction de l'objet corruption en Afrique
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #220. p. 137-162.

Periodical articleAsaolu, T. (2005)
Accountability in public expenditures in Nigeria: an examination of the role of the parliament and the auditor general
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 15 #2. p. 129-156.

Periodical articleBoehme, Olivier (2005)
See this publicationThe Involvement of the Belgian Central Bank in the Katanga Secession, 1960-1963
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 33. p. 1-29.

Periodical articleMcGillivray, Mark; Ouattara, Bazoumana (2005)
See this publicationAid, Debt Burden and Government Fiscal Behaviour in Cote d'Ivoire
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 14 #2. June. p. 247-269.

Periodical articleMvoula Aleka, Gabriel (2005)
Le nouveau droit financier congolais
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 115 #852. p. 283-290.

Periodical articleKojo Sakyi, Emmanuel (2004)
Promoting accountability through State audit: an appraisal of the Auditor-General's reports on the Consolidated Fund (CF) in Ghana, 1993-1999
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #62. p. 1-18.

Periodical articleYonaba, Salif (2003)
Une nouvelle catégorie juridique en quête d'identité: la loi ordinaire relative aux lois de finances
Abstract presentRevue burkinabè de droit. #43-44. p. 123-140.

Periodical articleBrempong, Arhin; Pavanello, Mariano (2002)
The Bureaucratization of Traditional Authority under Colonial Rule: The Asante Stool Treasuries
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 5. p. 159-175.

Periodical articleMusa, El Khider Ali (2002)
The impact of public enterprise reforms on the State budget in Sudan
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #58. p. 31-42.

Periodical articleChete, Louis N. (2001)
Explaining current account behaviour in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 43 #2. p. 219-238.

Periodical articleMaphiri, D. (2001)
See this publicationTreasury's role in promoting efficient cash management: evidence from South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 69 #3. p. 385-404.

Periodical articleYonaba, Salif (2001)
L'intégration des règles budgétaires et comptables dans le cadre de l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA)
Abstract presentRevue burkinabè de droit. #39-40. p. 93-106.

Periodical articleYonaba, Salif (2000)
La réforme de la comptabilité publique au Burkina Faso
Abstract presentRevue burkinabè de droit. #37. p. 47-61.

Periodical articleAsibuo, Sam K. (1998)
Funding Strategies for Local Governments in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 28 #3-4. p. 146-153.

Periodical articleVan Zyl, Albert (1998)
Financing the provinces in South Africa
Abstract presentIndicator South Africa. Volume 15 #1. p. 30-36.

Periodical articleDevey, Muriel (1997)
Guinée: les premiers signes d'amélioration
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 52 #2676. p. 359-361.

Periodical articleWuyts, Marc (1996)
See this publicationForeign Aid, Structural Adjustment, and Public Management: The Mozambican Experience
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 27 #4. October. p. 717-749.

Periodical articleAdam, Christopher; Ndulu, Benno; Sowa, Nii Kwaku (1994)
See this publicationLiberalisation and Seigniorage Revenue in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Development Studies. Volume 32 #4. April. p. 531-553.

Periodical articleNaudé, W. (1994)
See this publicationThe national financial accounts, economic growth and development
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 62 #1. p. 46-54.

Periodical articleBagachwa, M.S.D. (1993)
An analysis of the 1993/94 Tanzanian budget
Abstract presentTanzanian Economic Trends. Volume 6 #1-2. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleMtatifikolo, F.P.; Kilindo, A.A.L. (1993)
The public revenue and expenditure system of Zanzibar
Abstract presentTanzanian Economic Trends. Volume 6 #1-2. p. 53-76.

Periodical articleSchoombee, G.A. (1993)
See this publicationDie ontwikkeling van die mark vir skatkiswissels in Suid-Afrika 1980-89
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 61 #3. p. 177-187.

Periodical articleHeyns, J.v.d.S. (1992)
See this publicationBudgetary reform: a capital budget?
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 60 #4. p. 354-372.

Periodical articleHudson, Derek J. (1991)
See this publicationBooms and Busts in Botswana
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 23. p. 47-67.

Periodical articleAdebayo, Akanmu G. (1990)
See this publicationThe 'Ibadan School' and the Handling of Federal Finance in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 28 #2. June. p. 245-264.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1990)
State budget for the period 1987/88-1990/91
Abstract presentEconomic Bulletin - National Bank of Egypt. Volume 43 #3-4. p. 149-171.

Periodical articleEkili Tabu; Otemikongo Mandefu (1990)
La décentralisation administrative et les finances publiques zaïroises (cas de la Région du Haut-Zaïre)
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 30 #242. février. p. 69-84.

Periodical articleKimble, Frank B. (1990)
The United States-Liberia Operational Experts Project
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 15 #1. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleYonaba, Salif (1990)
L'apport de la chambre administrative à la jurisprudence financière
Abstract presentRevue burkinabè de droit. #18. p. 319-328.

Periodical articleFounou-Tchuigoua, Bernard (1989)
See this publicationLa crise des finances publiques et la dénationalisation de l'État: le cas du Mali
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 14 #3. p. 19-41.

Periodical articleTerreblanche, S.J. (1989)
Die konstitusionele ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika met spesiale aandag aan die staatsfinansiële implikasies
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 29 #3. p. 223-236.

Periodical articleFaforiji, Bayo (1987)
Problems and prospects of Nigeria's federal finance
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 22 #1-2. p. 5-27.

Periodical articleSayed el-Behwashy, Abdel Moety el- (1987)
Government revenue share in GNP and economic development in the A.R. of Egypt: 'a quantitative analysis' 1952/3 to 1984/85
Abstract presentL'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 78 #409-410. p. 85-106.

Periodical articleAyee, J.R.A. (1986)
A new look at the funding of local government in Ghana
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 2 #1. p. 23-38.

Periodical articleNellis, John R. (1985)
See this publicationDecentralization and Local Public Finance in Tunisia
Abstract presentPublic Administration and Development. Volume 5 #3. July-September. p. 323-337.

Periodical articleMbanefoh, G.F. (1984)
'Purchasing' votes and the politics of vertical revenue sharing debate among civilian governments of the Second Republic of Nigeria
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 19 #3-4. p. 165-178.

Periodical articleBell, Michael W. (1983)
See this publicationGovernment Revenue Stabilization in Primary-Producing Countries: A Model for Zambia
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 21 #1. March. p. 55-76.

Periodical articleEkofo-Sokombe (1983)
La contribution des finances publiques à la formation brute du capital fixé au Zaire de 1960- 1980
Abstract presentCahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 21 #1-2. p. 134-161.

Periodical articleKibuey Mulambu, F. (1982)
Le rôle des finances publiques dans le processus d'integration
Abstract presentCahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 20 #1-2. p. 120-155.

Periodical articleLisevitch, A.M.; Osipov, Yu.M. (1982)
The place and role of public finance in the national economy
Abstract presentAfrica in Soviet Studies. p. 131-158.

Periodical articleThomas, Wolfgang H. (1981)
Financing Socio-Economic Development in the Black Homelands of South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 1 #1. October. p. 141-165.

Periodical articleKabuya Kalala (1980)
Dépenses publiques, déficits budgetaires et pouvoir politico-économique au Zaïre
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 20 #148. p. 471-484.

Periodical articleCheater, A.P. (1979)
'Keep your fingers out!': some observations on financial abuse at the local level
Abstract presentThe Zimbabwe Journal of Economics. Volume 1 #3. p. 172-179.

Periodical articleLombard, J.A. (1979)
See this publicationFiskale beleid in Suid-Afrika
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 47 #4. p. 343-366.

Periodical articleMorrison, Thomas K. (1979)
The Political Economy of Export Instability in Developing Countries: The Case of Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 6 #3. Fall. p. 159-164.

Periodical articleOmrana, Abderrahim (1976)
La politique monétaire et financière dans le cadre d'une stratégie globale de financement
Abstract presentBulletin économique et social du Maroc. #131-132. p. 81-119.

Periodical articlePriestley, Margaret (1976)
Nana Ofori Atta I and public financial affairs in Ghana, 1916-43
Abstract presentLegon Journal of the Humanities. Volume 2. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleAkpan, Monday B. (1975)
The Liberian Economy in the Nineteenth Century: Government Finances
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 6 #2. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleFourrier, Charles (1975)
La nouvelle loi organique sénégalaise relative aux lois de finances
Abstract presentAnnales africaines. p. 115-142.

Periodical articleJamal, A.H. (1975)
Ministry of finance: a ten year summary
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 76. p. 159-162.

Periodical articleBenaissa, Saïd (1974)
La déconcentration financière
Abstract presentRevue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 11 #2. p. 337-378.

Periodical articleAdams, L.P. (1973)
The finances of local government in Uganda
Abstract presentThe Uganda Economic Journal. Volume 1 #3. p. 257-270.

Periodical articleCole, R.L. (1973)
The finance houses in Rhodesia
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 7 #4. p. 207-216.

Periodical articleClarke, D.G. (1972)
The growth and economic impact of the public sector of Rhodesia
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 6 #3. p. 48-60.

Periodical articleLeistner, G.M.E. (1972)
See this publicationPublic finance in South West Africa, 1945/46 to 1969/70
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 40 #1. p. 1-32.

Periodical articleBofossa, Ch. (1970)
Le rôle des finances publiques dans le développement économique du Congo
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: economie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 10 #47. p. 357-368.

Periodical articleAluko, S.A. (1969)
Nigerian federal finance - a general review
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 4 #2. p. 77-82.

Periodical articleAsabia, S.O. (1969)
A review of some aspects of Nigerian federal finance
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 4 #2. p. 93-117.

Periodical articleLupton, K. (1969)
Nigerian federal finance: some reflections from Kaduna
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 4 #2. p. 119-125.

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