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Found: 128 | Record 1-100 |
Barros, Carlos P.; Serafim, Jelson (2016) | |
The Tiebout hypothesis in Africa: evidence from Angola | |
African Development Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 192-200. |
Nganje, Fritz (2016) | |
Sub-state diplomacy and the foreign policy-development nexus in South Africa | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 23 #1. p. 1-20. |
Ben Jelloul, Mourad (2014) | |
Le gouverneur face aux questions d'aménagement de son territoire: exemples pris en Tunisie | |
Territoires d'Afrique. #6. p. 45-55. |
Muchaonyerwa, Ndakasharwa; Khayundi, Festus (2014) | |
The management of digital records in the Office of the Premier of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | |
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 24 #1. p. 41-52. |
Nganje, Fritz (2014) | |
Paradiplomacy and the democratisation of foreign policy in South Africa | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 21 #1. p. 89-107. |
Marais, Lochner; Matebesi, Zacheus (2013) | |
Evidence-based policy development in South Africa: the case of provincial growth and development strategies | |
Urban Forum. Volume 24 #3. p. 357-371. |
Obiyo, Robert (2013) | |
Oversight of the Executive in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 31 #1. p. 95-116. |
Kaputa Lota, José (2012) | |
Pouvoir régional et national en RDC | |
Géopolitique africaine. #42. p. 209-215. |
Twala, Chitja (2012) | |
The Premier's economic advisory council in the African National Congress-led government of the Free State Province, 1999-2004: an historical exploration on service delivery and poverty alleviation | |
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #64. p. 57-77. |
Ayee, Joseph R.A. (2011) | |
Provincial governance in Africa: the Ghanaian experience | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 44 #3. p. 409-421. |
Basarir, Hasan (2011) | |
Poor, multidimensionally speaking: evidence from South Africa | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 20 #3. p. 463-504. |
Tade, Oludayo (2011) | |
Dynastic struggle and the Peoples Democratic Party in the post-Adedibu era in Oyo state, Nigeria | |
Ibadan journal of the social sciences. Volume 9 #2. p. 108-123. |
Kumbu ki Ngimbi, Jean-Michel (2010) | |
Le statut juridique des provinces dans la constitution congolaise du 18 février 2006 - des entités 'régionalisées' dans un État uni(taire)? | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 13 #2. p. 183-197. |
Francis, Suzanne (2009) | |
Gender, Numbers and Substance: Women Parliamentarians and the 'Politics of Presence' in KwaZulu-Natal | |
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #70. p. 119-141. |
Naidoo, Vinothan (2009) | |
The provincial government reform process in South Africa: policy discretion and developmental relevance | |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 36 #2. p. 259-274. |
Robson, Ian (2009) | |
The problem concerning provincial powers | |
Politeia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 28 #3. p. 5-21. |
De Coning, Christo (2008) | |
Policy review and the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy in the Western Cape | |
Africanus. Volume 38 #2. p. 77-94. |
Hicks, Janine; Buccus, Imraan (2007) | |
Crafting new democratic spaces: participatory policy-making in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | |
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #65. p. 94-119. |
Mokoena, Malefetsane; Marais, Lochner (2007) | |
The missing link in cooperative governance and housing delivery: lessons from Mangaung local municipality | |
Urban Forum. Volume 18 #4. p. 311-327. |
Branch, Daniel; Cheeseman, Nic (2006) | |
The Politics of Control in Kenya: Understanding the Bureaucratic-Executive State, 1951-78 | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #107. March. p. 11-31. |
Oraison, André (2005) | |
L'avènement d'un régime d'autonomie interne à Rodrigues dans le cadre d'un État mauricien unitaire: le combat des Rodriguais pour la 'démocratie participative' couronné de succès après les premières élections régionales organisées dans 'l'île anti-stress' | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 59 #1. p. 78-96. |
Byaruhanga-Rukooko, A. (2004) | |
The Kabale district by-elections for local council V (district chairman) 26 February 2004 | |
L'Afrique orientale. p. 141-179. |
Mottiar, Shauna (2004) | |
The Turnover of Power in KwaZulu-Natal: a Growing Commitment to and Engagement with the Democratic Process. Why the IFP Lost the Election in KZN | |
Journal of African Elections. Volume 3 #2. p. 47-58. |
Rapoo, Thabo (2004) | |
Constituency service and political accountability at provincial level: case studies of Mpumalanga and Gauteng | |
Politeia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 23 #2. p. 51-72. |
Adams, Ubanesia (2003) | |
Gender Equality Promotion in the Provincial Administration of the Western Cape: Insights from the Western Cape Office on the Status of Women and Gender Focal Units | |
Politeia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 22 #2. p. 25-38. |
Wittneben, Mirko (2002) | |
The role of the National Council of Provinces within the framework of co-operative government in South Africa: a legal analysis with special regard to the role of the Bundesrat in Germany | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 35 #2. p. 232-289. |
Burger, Johan (2001) | |
Closing the gap - service delivery by regional government in South Africa | |
Politeia: Journal for Political Science and Public Administration. Volume 20 #3. p. 61-90. |
N'Sanda Buleli, Léonard (2001) | |
Le Maniema, de la guerre de l'AFDL à la guerre du RCD | |
Politique africaine. #84. p. 59-74. |
Rakate, Phenyo Keiseng (2001) | |
The Constitution-Making Powers of Provinces under the South African Constitution | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. #2. p. 149-162. |
Bekker, Simon (2000) | |
The emergence of new identities in the Western Cape | |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 27 #2. p. 221-237. |
Bloch, Robin (2000) | |
Subnational economic development in present-day South Africa: retrospect and prospect | |
Urban Forum. Volume 11 #2. p. 227-271. |
Hawker, Geoffrey (2000) | |
Political Leadership in the ANC: The South African Provinces, 1994-1999 | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 38 #4. December. p. 631-658. |
Mokgoro, Job (2000) | |
Provincial Experiences in Managing National Policies on the Transformation of the Public Service | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 20 #2. May. p. 141-153. |
Jones, Peris Sean (1999) | |
From 'Nationhood' to Regionalism to the North West Province: 'Bophuthatswananess' and the Birth of the 'New' South Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 98 #393. October. p. 509-534. |
Osmanovic, Armin (1999) | |
Die Provinz Western Cape - Entwicklungsmotor im neuen Südafrika? | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 34 #1. p. 113-124. |
Young, John (1999) | |
Along Ethiopia's Western Frontier: Gambella and Benishangul in Transition | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 37 #2. June. p. 321-346. |
Southall, Roger J. (1998) | |
A Deepening of Democracy? Establishing Provincial Government in South Africa | |
Africa Insight. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 5-18. |
Van Zyl, Albert (1998) | |
Financing the provinces in South Africa | |
Indicator South Africa. Volume 15 #1. p. 30-36. |
Anonymous (1997) | |
L'île d'Anjouan se prépare à l'après crise | |
Archipel. #167. 31 déc.. p. 9-10. |
Rosemann, Philipp W. (1997) | |
An ambiguity in the 1995 Constitution concerning the creation of new districts in Uganda | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 44. December. p. 47-57. |
Schiewer, Heike (1995) | |
Incorporation of Village Level Needs into District Planning in Ghana: Planning from Below or Continuation of Planning for Elites? | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 30 #3. p. 293-314. |
Ayee, Joseph R.A. (1994) | |
Circumventing Ghana's Constitution | |
Africa Insight. Volume 24 #3. p. 200-205. |
Erasmus, Gerhard (1994) | |
The new constitutional dispensation: what type of system? | |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 21 #1. p. 5-19. |
Tötemeyer, G. (1994) | |
Regional government in Namibia: issues and legal employment | |
Namibia Review. Volume 3 #5. September-October. p. 14-18. |
Adejuyigbe, Omolade (1993) | |
Considerations in the selection of headquarters for local government areas in Nigeria | |
Review of African Political Affairs. Volume 7 #1-2. p. 5-19. |
Humphries, Richard; Shubane, Khehla (1993) | |
Reconstructing Regional Government in South Africa | |
Africanus. Volume 23 #1-2. p. 46-71. |
Ayee, Joseph R.A. (1992) | |
Decentralization and Effective Government: The Case of Ghana's District Assemblies | |
Africa Insight. Volume 22 #1. p. 49-56. |
Apati-Bassah (1991) | |
Coup d'oeil sur la nouvelle administration territoriale togolaise | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 45 #3-4. p. 335-345. |
Asibuo, S.K. (1991) | |
The Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) and the District Assemblies of Ghana: an analysis of the new Local Government Law, 1988 (PNDCL 207) | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 10-19. |
Mpasi Ziwa Mambu (1991) | |
Le Zaïre en cartes: la 'mouvance' des provinces de 1960 à 1988: un essai d'analyse géopolitique sur la territoriale du Congo-Zaïre | |
Géokin: bulletin géographique de Kinshasa. Volume 2 #2. p. 341-349. |
Ogunjumo, Ajibade (1990) | |
Towards a review of the spatial pattern of wards in Oyo State | |
Quarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 25 #2. p. 198-207. |
ElHussein, Ahmed Mustafa (1989) | |
The Revival of 'Native Administration' in the Sudan: A Pragmatic View | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 9 #4. September-October. p. 437-446. |
Koehn, Peter (1989) | |
Local Government Involvement in National Development Planning: Guidelines for Project Selection Based Upon Nigeria's Fourth Plan Experience | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 9 #4. September-October. p. 417-436. |
Lufungula Lewono (1989) | |
Les gouverneurs de l'Équateur (Zaïre) de 1960 à 1988 | |
Annales aequatoria. Volume 10. p. 65-89. |
Ubi, Otu A. (1987) | |
Biase communities of South Eastern Nigeria: melting pot of cultures | |
Nigeria Magazine. Volume 55 #4. p. 66-71. |
Ministère du Plan, Mali. Direction Régionale du Plan et de la Statistique (1986) | |
Annuaire statistique: région de Koulikoro | |
Alassam, Mukhtar (1983) | |
Regional Government in the Sudan | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 3 #2. April-June. p. 110-119. |
Bening, R. Bagulo (1983) | |
The administrative areas of Northern Ghana, 1898-1951 | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 45 #3-4. p. 325-356. |
Newbury, David S.; Newbury, M. Catharine (1982) | |
King and Chief: Colonial Politics on Ijwi Island (Zaire) | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 221-246. |
Pereira, Claude-C. (1982) | |
Conseils populaires et structures administratives régionales en République Populaire du Congo | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 36 #2. p. 759-775. |
Lampué, Pierre (1981) | |
L'administration regionale dans les etats africains francophones | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 35 #3. p. 717-748. |
Picard, Louis A. (1980) | |
Attitudes and Development: The District Administration in Tanzania | |
African Studies Review. Volume 23 #3. December. p. 49-67. |
Pereira, Claude-C. (1979) | |
Les délégations spéciales de région et de district dans l'organisation administrative du Congo | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 33 #2. p. 169-183. |
Tangri, Roger (1978) | |
Local government institutions in Sierra Leone: part 2 - contemporary chiefdom administration | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 17 #2. p. 118-128. |
Tangri, Roger (1978) | |
Local government institutions in Sierra Leone part I: district councils 1951-71 | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 17 #1. p. 17-27. |
Gordon, Jacob U. (1977) | |
West African city-state: a study of Sapele town council and development | |
Umoja: a scholarly journal of Black Studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 71-82. |
Ghezali, Mahfoud (1976) | |
Le principe de la direction collegiale: les exemples du Conseil Exécutif de Wilaya et du Conseil de Direction de l'Entreprise | |
Intégration: revue du C.M.E.R.A. #6. p. 9-39. |
Ghezali, Mahfoud (1976) | |
Principe de la direction collegiale: le conseil executif de la Wilaya et le conseil de direction de l'entreprise | |
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 13 #1. p. 4-43. |
Schrike, Hervé (1976) | |
L'administration locale ivoirienne: l'exemple de la sous-préfecture d'Agnibilekrou | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 30 #2. p. 232-254. |
Bening, R.B. (1975) | |
Location of district administrative capitals in the northern territories of the Gold Coast (1897-1951) | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 37 #3. p. 646-666. |
Ferrand, Bernard (1975) | |
Reforme territoriale des Wilayate et formation de l'Etat Algérien | |
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 12 #2-3. p. 561-568. |
Brokensha, David; Nellis, John; Ivuti, Patrick (1974) | |
Administration in Kenya: A study of the rural division of Mbere | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 13 #4. p. 510-523. |
Katala Sok-Mayaz (1974) | |
Application du principe de l'unite de commandement dans l'administration regionale | |
Cahiers zaïrois de la recherche et du développement. Volume 19 #2. p. 61-76. |
Kiwanuka, Semakula (1974) | |
The diplomacy of the lost counties and its impact on foreign relations of Buganda, Bunyoro and the rest of Uganda 1900-1964 | |
Mawazo. Volume 4 #2. p. 111-141. |
Storm, Roeland (1974) | |
La répartition des nouvelles régionales dans le quotidien Le Soleil (Sénégal) | |
Kroniek van Afrika. #3. p. 277-282. |
Bairu Tafla (1973) | |
Two of the Last Provincial Kings of Ethiopia | |
Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 11 #1. January. p. 29-55. |
Doornbos, Martin (1973) | |
Some structural aspects of regional government in Uganda and Ghana | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 12 #2. p. 88-99. |
Frimpong, Kofi (1973) | |
The Joint Provincial Council of Paramount Chiefs and the Politics of Independence, 1946-1958 | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. Volume 14 #1. June. p. 79-91. |
Howell, John (1973) | |
Local government reform in the Sudan | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 12 #1. p. 28-36. |
Odenigwe, G.A. (1973) | |
Divisional administration: a new structure of local government in the East Central State of Nigeria | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 12 #2. p. 100-111. |
Baum, Edward (1972) | |
Recent administrative reform in local government in Northern Nigeria | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 7 #1. p. 75-88. |
Lobho, Jean-Pierre (1971) | |
Réforme administrative des 'circonscriptions indigènes' en République Démocratique du Congo | |
Congo-Afrique: economie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 11 #54. p. 227-232. |
Staniland, M. (1971) | |
Colonial government and populist reform: the case of the Ivory Coast | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 10 #1. p. 33-42. |
Kanyinda-Lusanga, Théodore (1970) | |
Institutions traditionnelles et forces politiques au Congo: le cas de la société Luba du Kasaï | |
Études africaines du CRISP. #104-105. p. 1-37. |
Kuper, A.; Gillet, S. (1970) | |
Aspects of Administration in Western Botswana | |
African Studies. Volume 29 #3. p. 169-182. |
Nel, D.E. (1970) | |
Die totstandkoming van die huidige blanke gebied van Griekwaland-Oos en Natal se aanspraak daarop | |
Tydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 21 #3. p. 91-104. |
Kasfir, Nelson (1969) | |
Toro district: society and politics | |
Mawazo. Volume 2 #3. p. 39-53. |
Mahiou, Ahmed; Amadio, Mario (1969) | |
La reforme de la Wilaya | |
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 6 #4. p. 1077-1146. |
Mayo-Smith, I. (1969) | |
The Kenyan provincial administration: a contrast to the Nigerian style | |
Quarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 4 #4. p. 293-300. |
Anonymous (1968) | |
Le province de l'equateur: présentation morphologique des institutions politiques, 1960-1967 | |
Courrier africain. #82. p. 1-36. |
Demunter, P. (1968) | |
L'administration locale au Congo-Kinshasa: présentation de l'évolution des 'secteurs' | |
Courrier africain. #85. p. 1-26. |
Hammond-Tooke, W. David (1968) | |
The Transkeian Council System, 1895-1955 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 9. p. 455-477. |
Ibuje, J.O. (1968) | |
Local government and field administration in the Midwest | |
Administration: Quarterly Review of the Institute of Administration, University of Ife. Volume 3 #3. p. 197-206. |
MacGrath, F.D. (1968) | |
Field administration and local government in Western Nigeria | |
Administration: Quarterly Review of the Institute of Administration, University of Ife. Volume 3 #3. p. 183-195. |
Murray, D.J. (1968) | |
The reorganisation of Nigeria's administration | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 6 #4. p. 571-581. |
Rougevin-Baville, M.; Fourré, J. (1968) | |
Les rapports entre le gouvernement central et les provinces dans la République Democratique du Congo | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 22 #1. p. 131-140. |
Summerhayes, G.V. (1968) | |
The changing relations between the Native Authorities and the new Northern States | |
Administration: Quarterly Review of the Institute of Administration, University of Ife. Volume 5 #3. p. 207-220. |
Tordoff, W. (1968) | |
Provincial and district government in Zambia | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 7 #3. p. 425-433. |
Zuccarelli, F. (1968) | |
Le département sénégalais | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 22 #5. p. 853-874. |
Anonymous (1967) | |
Population des provinces et leurs capitales | |
Nouvelles de la République Démocratique du Congo. #5. p. 23. |
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