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Found: 2345 | Record 1-100 |
Ejroushi, Aida M. (2023) | |
Hidden Influences: Exploring the Red Castle Restorations During the Italian Colonization of Libya | |
Journal of Planning History. Volume 22 #1. p. 26-46. |
Magalhães, Ana (2023) | |
Arquitetura religiosa em contexto colonial: igrejas em Angola e Moçambique (1950-1970) | |
Lusitania Sacra. Volume 47. p. 193-211. |
Stanford, Ruth (2023) | |
Design elements evoke embodiment at cultural sites in Rwanda and South Africa | |
Memory Studies. Volume 16 #3. p. 611-620. |
Ahmed, Ayman Mohamed (2022) | |
Imitation of the Lotus Flower in Architecture its Use in the Decoration of Walls and Ceilings of Palaces, Houses, and Tombs in Ancient Egypt | |
Res Mobilis: Revista internacional de investigación en mobiliario y objetos decorativos. Volume 11 #14. p. 1-20. |
Elbl, Martin Malcolm (2022) | |
'Tunnels Below' (Dar Zero ~ Tangier): Urban Myths, a German 'Baron' from Maryland, and a Very Real Portuguese Citadel | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 199-240. |
Levi, Joseph Abraham (2022) | |
A arte contemporânea guineense: quase cinco décadas de arte na Guiné-Bissau e na Diáspora. Qual é o próximo passo? | |
Politeia: História e Sociedade. Volume 21 #1. p. 171-223. |
Oliveira, Ana Balona de (2022) | |
Decolonial Imagination and the Unmaking of (Post)Colonial Cities and Tongues: History, Memory, and Futurity in the Work of Angolan, Mozambican, São Tomean, Cabo Verdean, and Portuguese Contemporary Artists | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 34-35. p. 217-256. |
Pighin, Aline (2022) | |
Politiques de l'authenticité, cité utopique. Bodys Isek Kingelez: origines | |
Histoire urbaine. Volume 63. p. 147-169. |
Pinto, Paulo Tormenta; Milheiro, Ana Vaz; Miranda, Elisiário; Pinto, Pedro Luz (2022) | |
From monumentality to diversity: Lourenço Marques between the urban plans of Aguiar and Azevedo (1950-1970) | |
Planning Perspectives. Volume 37 #2. p. 401-414. |
Silvia, Sean (2022) | |
The Battleground of Imperial Memory: The Antique Spoliation of the Complex of Algerian Gazi Hasan Pasa on Kos and Its Contestation | |
Mediterranean Studies. Volume 30 #2. p. 141-162. |
Sousa, Luís Costa e (2022) | |
Os arquitectos cativos: emergência da fortificação europeia no Marrocos de finais do século XVI | |
e-Strategica. Volume 4. p. 87-105. |
Elbl, Martin Malcolm (2021) | |
A Tale of Two Breakwaters: Modelling Portuguese and English Works in the Port of Tangier Bathymetric Space (1500s - 1684) | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 55-135. |
Ettahiri, Ahmed Saleh; El Kacimi, Asmae (2021) | |
L'art dans la ville: Les décors sur plâtre de la mosquée al-Qarawiyyin de Fès | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #2. p. 309-336. |
Gülzau, Fabian; Mau, Steffen (2021) | |
Walls, Barriers, Checkpoints, No-man's-land. A Typology of Border Infrastructure on the African Continent | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 31 #3-4. p. 411-438. |
Moussa, Esmahen Ben (2021) | |
Histoire de l'architecture contemporaine en Tunisie (1830-1960): Enjeux historiographiques du cas tunisois | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #3. p. 299-325. |
Métalsi, Mohamed (2021) | |
La médina de Tanger à l'épreuve de la modernité: L'histoire d'une ville arabo-islamique face aux puissances internationales | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #3. p. 327-363. |
Norridge, Zoe (2021) | |
'Papaoutai'? Family memory, parental loss and Rwandan artists today | |
Memory Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 159-179. |
Peterson, Derek; Vokes, Richard; Abiti, Nelson; Taylor, Edgar C. (2021) | |
The Unseen Archive of Idi Amin: Making History in a Tight Corner | |
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 63 #1. p. 5-40. |
Tagemouati, Naima Lahbil (2021) | |
La médina de Fès: De l'oubli à la quête de sens | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #4. p. 123-155. |
Teixeira, André; Gil, Luís; Karra, Azzeddine (2021) | |
L'appropriation portugaise des villes marocaines atlantiques à la fin du Moyen Âge: Fortification et espace urbain à Safi et à Azemmour | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #2. p. 177-205. |
Vacha, Andrea (2021) | |
Iconography of Gungunhana: representations of the black king in Portugal (1890-1940) | |
Práticas da História. Volume 12. p. 53-93. |
Wilbaux, Quentin (2021) | |
Une lecture architecturale de la qoubba almoravide de Marrakech | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #3. p. 139-158. |
Wortmann, Kimberly T. (2021) | |
Reading Ibadi Women's Legacies through Stone Town's Built Environment | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 12 #1. p. 1-26. |
Abdelrahman, Rania (2020) | |
Envisioning 'Freedom': Liberated Gender Identities in Young Egyptian Women Artists' Oral and Visual Narratives | |
Studi Magrebini. Volume 18 #2. p. 135-163. |
Blanco Vázquez, Luis (2020) | |
Iglesias y capillas de Ifni y Sáhara patrimonio histórico-religioso español en la costa noroeste de África | |
Estudios del Patrimonio Cultural. Volume 18. p. 24-57. |
Bouron, Jean-Marie (2020) | |
De briques et de tôles: Les enjeux idéels et matériels des édifices catholiques en Afrique de l'Ouest | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #237. p. 151-167. |
Costa, Miguel Reimão; Batista, Desidério (2020) | |
A paisagem de produção e a arquitetura vernacular no Alto Atlas em Marrocos. O caso particular do território dos Ait Attik, entre a permanência e a mudança | |
Arqueologia Medieval. Volume 15. p. 289-302. |
Fenk, Anne-Katrin; Lee, Rachel; Motylinska, Monika (2020) | |
Unlikely Collaborations? Planning Experts from both Sides of the Iron Curtain and the Making of Abuja | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 38-59. |
Maligorne, Yvan; Poupon, Frédéric; Sghaïer, Yamen; Touj, Fatma (2020) | |
Architecture et pratiques funéraires préromaines dans la nécropole du nord-ouest à Dougga | |
Antiquités africaines. Volume 56. p. 183-205. |
Manzo, Andrea (2020) | |
The Great Aksumite Decorated Stelae: Architectural Characteristics, Functions, and Meanings | |
Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies. Volume 22. p. 7-30. |
Pereira, Denise Perdigão; Medina, Maria Teresa de Guimarães; Martins, Aracy Alves (2020) | |
A formação artística em Cabo Verde desenvolvida pela Mindelo - Escola Internacional de Arte | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 38. p. 19-47. |
Triki, Rachida (2020) | |
Les débuts de l'art moderne en Tunisie | |
Anales de Historia del Arte. Volume 30. p. 27-31. |
Wolffhardt, Tobias (2020) | |
Transforming African Cities: United Nations Technical Assistance, Urban Development, and Modernization in a Decade of Decolonization, c. 1955-1965 | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 20-37. |
Almela, Iñigo (2019) | |
Religious Architecture as an Instrument for Urban Renewal: Two Religious Complexes from the Saadian Period in Marrakesh | |
Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean. Volume 31 #3. p. 272-302. |
Cressier, Patrice; Touri, Abdelaziz (2019) | |
Le long voyage des chapiteaux du Royal Golf de Dar Es-Salam à Rabat: utilisation et réutilisation d'un élément clef de l'architecture islamique d'Occident en époque moderne et contemporaine | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 54 #1. p. 41-64. |
El Azhar, Samir (2019) | |
The Changing Roles of Female Visual Artists in Morocco | |
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective. Volume 14 #2. |
Fardon, Richard (2019) | |
Negative spaces of Mumuye figure sculpture-style and ethnicity | |
Afriques. Volume 10. |
Fertat, Omar (2019) | |
La darija langue 'naturelle' du théâtre marocain? | |
Al-Andalus Magreb: Estudios árabes e islámicos. Volume 26. p. 1-27. |
Garratón Mateu, Carmen (2019) | |
El proyecto hshouma, el arte como motor de cambio social | |
Al-Andalus Magreb: Estudios árabes e islámicos. Volume 26. p. 1-24. |
Gómez Barceló, José Luis (2019) | |
Los secretos que pueden esconder las paredes del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de África | |
Cuadernos del Archivo Central de Ceuta. Volume 23. p. 83-96. |
Lima, Arlinda (2019) | |
Recognition of the Role of the Arts in Cape Verdean Basic Education: Case of Santa Catarina | |
Diálogos com a Arte - Revista de Arte, Cultura e Educação. Volume 9. p. 152-165. |
Mark, Peter (2019) | |
Finding provenance, seeking context | |
Afriques. Volume 10. |
Nachouane, Nour Eddine; Knidiri, Aicha (2019) | |
Les fondouks d'artisanat de Marrakech: de l'immatérialité du patrimoine à sa mise en scène touristique | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 54 #1. p. 285-303. |
Pradines, Stéphane; Blanchard, Pierre (2019) | |
From Zanzibar to Kilwa: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Omani Forts in East Africa | |
FORT: Journal of the Fortress Study Group. Volume 47. p. 39-69. |
Prevost, Virginie (2019) | |
Des haouanet puniques aux ksour médiévaux: des bateaux dans les montagnes tunisiennes | |
Acta Orientalia Belgica. Volume 32. p. 111-126. |
Santos, Carlos (2019) | |
A igreja e o convento de São Francisco da Ribeira Grande, Cabo Verde: arquitetura e integração urbana | |
Mátria XXI. Volume 8. p. 93-122. |
Schwartzott, Amy (2019) | |
Recycling Discarded Histories to Chronicle Identities: Making Art from Waste in Mozambique | |
Open Library of Humanities. Volume 5 #1. |
Sousa, Vítor de (2019) | |
Memory as an interculturality booster in Maputo, through the preservation of the colonial statuary | |
Comunicação e Sociedade. Volume Especial. p. 269-286. |
Wozniak, Magdalena M. (2019) | |
Études des peintures murales médiévales soudanaises de 1963 à nos jours - Essai d'historiographie | |
Afriques. Volume 10. |
Arnaíz Seco, Javier (2018) | |
El puente de la Primera Puerta | |
Cuadernos del Archivo Central de Ceuta. Volume 22. p. 235-258. |
Costa, Miguel Reimão; Batista, Desidério (2018) | |
Architecture traditionnelle dans les zones de montagne: contribution à l'étude de la typologie des habitations dans le Haut Atlas au Maroc | |
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes. Volume 5. p. 373-397. |
Grandy, Christine (2018) | |
Empire, Repetition, and Reluctant Subjects: British Home Movies of Kenya, 1928-72 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 46 #1. p. 121-143. |
Hesham, Eman Shokry; Baller, Inken (2018) | |
Changing Perspectives on Responsible Heritage Site Management: The Case of Luxor City, Egypt | |
História: Questões e Debates. Volume 66 #1. p. 141-165. |
Jenkins, Earnestine (2018) | |
Emperor Menilek II and the Art of Manuscript Illumination: The Politics of Representation in Nineteenth-Century Ethiopia | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 1-30. |
Jiménez-Vicario, Pedro Miguel; García-Martínez, Pedro; Ródenas-López, Manuel Alejandro (2018) | |
The influence of North African and Middle Eastern architectures in the birth and development of modern architecture in Central Europe (1898-1937) | |
Mediterranean Historical Review. Volume 33 #2. p. 179-198. |
Manfrè, Valeria (2018) | |
Picturing North African Cities in the Sixteenth Century | |
Eikonocity. Volume 3 #1. p. 11-30. |
Mendonça, Lisandra Franco de (2018) | |
Conservação da arquitectura e ambiente urbano modernos: O Jardim Tunduru em Maputo | |
CesContexto: Debates. Volume 20. p. 214-236. |
Peters, Tom F. (2018) | |
The El-Kantara Bridge in Algeria: An Early Development of Cantilevering Construction and What we can Learn from its Documentation in Text and Image (1862-63) | |
Construction History, International Journal of the Construction History Society. Volume 33 #1. p. 69-82. |
Rovisco, Eduarda (2018) | |
'Lembranças da Terra'. Notas para uma etnografia da produção de artesanato nas cidades do Mindelo e da Praia, Cabo Verde | |
Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia. Volume 58. p. 699-721. |
Urquizar Herrera, Antonio (2018) | |
Las arquitecturas del norte de África y los monumentos islmánicos de España en las descripciones de la Edad Moderna | |
eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies. Volume 40. p. 226-234. |
Venâncio, José Carlos (2018) | |
Peripheral contexts of artistic creativity: the Angolan case | |
Comunicação e Sociedade. Volume 34. p. 223-233. |
Bellisari, Andrew (2017) | |
The Art of Decolonization: The Battle for Algeria's French Art, 1962-70 | |
Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 52 #3. p. 625-645. |
Fernandes, José Manuel (2017) | |
Arquitetura Moderna Portuguesa na África Subsaariana | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 30-31. p. 95-113. |
Garrido Castellano, Carlos (2017) | |
Imágenes globales y contextos locales. Comparando las bienales de La Habana y Johannesburgo | |
Iberoamericana. América Latina, España, Portugal: Ensayos sobre letras, historia y sociedad. Notas. Reseñas iberoamericanas. Volume 17 #66. p. 73-87. |
Gozalbes Cravioto, Carlos (2017) | |
Las Torres de Alcalá: una fortificación beréber en la costa del Rif (Marruecos) | |
Cuadernos del Archivo Central de Ceuta. Volume 21. p. 29-52. |
Laranjeira, Lia Dias (2017) | |
Migração makonde, produção de esculturas e mercado de arte no Tanganyika: a questão do estilo Shetani (1950-60) | |
Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material. Volume 25 #2. p. 141-162. |
Palma Crespo, Antonio David (2017) | |
La Guerra de África (1859-60) mostrada por el Arte | |
Cuadernos del Archivo Central de Ceuta. Volume 21. p. 111-166. |
Pereira, Mário (2017) | |
Malangatana, Nationalist Movements and Modern African Art in Mozambique: An Introduction to 'Artes Plásticas e Movimento Nacionalista em Moçambique' | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 30-31. p. 125-149. |
Raposo, Sílvia (2017) | |
As balas no dorso do crocodilo: escultura, memória e resistência em Moçambique | |
Forum Sociológico. Volume 31. |
Santos, Carlos dos (2017) | |
Os Jesuítas em Cabo Verde e o seu projeto arquitetónico não materializado | |
Mátria Digital. Volume 5. p. 179-204. |
Siegert, Nadine (2017) | |
Art Topples Monuments: Artistic Practice and Colonial/Postcolonial Relations in the Public Space of Luanda | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 30-31. p. 150-173. |
Vicente, Filipa Lowndes (2017) | |
Black Women's Bodies in the Portuguese Colonial Visual Archive (1900-1975) | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 30-31. p. 16-67. |
Bastos, Jorge de Novaes (2016) | |
O Palácio dos Capitães-Generais na Ilha de Moçambique | |
A Cidade de Évora. Volume 1. p. 206-217. |
Bavoux, Claude (2016) | |
Une histoire de la photographie à Madagascar, des origines aux années 1940 | |
Tsingy. Volume 19. p. 38-97. |
Beeckmans, Luce; Bigon, Liora (2016) | |
The making of the central markets of Dakar and Kinshasa: from colonial origins to the post-colonial period | |
Urban History. Volume 43 #3. p. 412-434. |
Longair, Sarah (2016) | |
Visions of the Global: the Classical and the Eclectic in Colonial East African Architecture | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 51. p. 161-178. |
Oladiti, Abiodun Akeem; Adeoye, Dorcas Oluwaseyi; Idowu, Ajibade Samuel (2016) | |
Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew Partners: The Contributions of British Architects to Built Environment in Colonial Nigeria, 1946-1959 | |
Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto: História. Volume 6. p. 269-288. |
Beresford, Amanda (2015) | |
Picasso's Les Femmes d'Alger series (1954-55) and the Algerian War of Independence | |
Journal of the Western Society for French History. Volume 43. |
Chukwumah, Ignatius (2015) | |
The African Literary Artist and the Question of Function | |
Ufahamu. Volume 38 #2. p. 129-152. |
Slyomovics, Susan (2015) | |
'Every Slight Movement of the People . . . is Everything': Sondra Hale and Sudanese Art | |
Ufahamu. Volume 38 #3. p. 101-127. |
Thompson, Drew (2015) | |
Color lines according to the photographer Ricardo Rangel | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #25. p. 119-142. |
Zerbini, Laurick (2015) | |
Écriture photographique de Jacques Bertho: Un conservatoire des architectures de l'Ouest africain | |
Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses. #33. p. 21-38. |
Kigadye, Fabian S. (2014) | |
Architectural Conservation in Rapidly Urbanising Cities: The Case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 49. p. 55-74. |
Fernandes, Ana Silva; Sá, Manuel Fernandes de; Póvoas, Rui Fernandes (2012) | |
Entre a tradição e a informalidade: a arquitectura popular em São Tomé | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #18. p. 201-224. |
Mendes, Rui Paes (2012) | |
O modernismo e suas abordagens em Moçambique e Angola | |
urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana. Volume 4. p. 245-257. |
Milheiro, Ana Vaz (2012) | |
O Gabinete de Urbanização Colonial e o traçado das cidades luso-africanas na última fase do período colonial português | |
urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana. Volume 4. p. 215-232. |
Navarro, Bruno J. (2012) | |
Estação Central de Maputo no contexto das políticas de preservação do patrimônio edificado de Moçambique: estudo de caso | |
Historiæ. Volume 3 #1. p. 171-200. |
Sidot, Philippe (2012) | |
Des hommes et des anges. Regard sur la peinture éthiopienne | |
Histoire et missions chrétiennes. #24. p. 97-100. |
Gozalbes Cravioto, Enrique (2010) | |
Tánger el Viejo - Tandja el Balia y las Atarazanas. El enigma de unas fortificaciones norteafricanas | |
Cuadernos del Archivo Central de Ceuta. Volume 19. p. 47-66. |
Milheiro, Ana Vaz; Fiúza, Filipa (2010) | |
Women Architects in Portugal: Working in Colonial Africa before the Carnation Revolution (1950-1974) | |
Arts. Volume 9 #3. |
Milheiro, Ana Vaz; Dias, Eduardo Costa (2010) | |
Arquitectura em Bissau e os Gabinetes de Urbanização colonial (1944-1974) | |
arq.urb. Volume 2. p. 80-114. |
Milheiro, Ana Vaz (2009) | |
Experiências em concreto armado na áfrica portuguesa: influências do Brasil | |
PosFAUUSP. Volume 25. p. 56-79. |
Barnard, Alan; Dowson, Thomas A.; Layton, Robert; Lenssen-Erz, Tilman; Le Quellec, Jean-Loic; Lewis-Williams, J.D.; Solomon, Anne (2008) | |
Myths, Making and Consciousness: Differences in Dynamics in San Rock Arts | |
Current Anthropology. Volume 49 #1. February. p. 59-86. |
Chikowero, Moses (2008) | |
'Our People Father, They Haven't Learned Yet': Music and Postcolonial Identities in Zimbabwe, 1980-2000 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 34 #1. March. p. 145-160. |
Lwanda, John (2008) | |
Poets, Culture and Orature: A Reappraisal of the Malawi Political Public Sphere, 1953-2006 | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #1. January. p. 71-101. |
Magalasi, Mufunanji (2008) | |
Malawian Popular Commercial State Drama: Origins, Challenges and Growth | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 34 #1. March. p. 161-177. |
Abderrezak, Hakim (2007) | |
The Modern Harem in Mokneche's 'Le Harem de Mme Osmane' and 'Viva Laldjerie' | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 12 #3. September. p. 347-368. |
Adeleke, Durotoye A. (2007) | |
Communication in the Yoruba court: reflections from Yoruba video films | |
África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos. Volume 27-28. p. 115-133. |
Ademuleya, Babasehinde A. (2007) | |
The Concept of Ori in the Traditional Yoruba Visual Representation of Human Figures | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 212-220. |
Akinwumi, Tunde M. (2007) | |
Diffusion of 'upo' funerary and 'egungun' textiles in the Niger-Benue confluence area | |
Lagos Historical Review. Volume 7. p. 134-159. |
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