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Found: 16417 | Record 1-100 |
Akmir, Youssef (2023) | |
Entre Madrid, Tánger y Guelaya: aventuras, venturas y desventuras. España y el Marruecos precolonial (1893-1913) | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 255-276. |
Aznar Vallejo, Eduardo (2023) | |
El Sus marroquí, polo de atracción económica en los comienzos de la expansión atlántica | |
En la España Medieval. Volume 46. p. 67-87. |
Ballarin, Marie-Pierre (2023) | |
L'histoire des Mbotela de Frere Town: histoire(s) et récits d'une famille de 'rescapés' de Mombasa (Kenya, xixe-xxie siècles) | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 8. |
Belkheiri, Omar (2023) | |
La trayectoria de apertura de Tánger (y su región) de la internacionalización del siglo XVIII a la globalización del siglo XXI: algunas características económicas, demográficas y territoriales | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 201-224. |
Brandt, Nicola (2023) | |
'Practices of self': Embodied memory work, performance art, and intersectional activism in Namibia | |
Memory Studies. Volume 16 #3. p. 533-545. |
Curto, José C. (2023) | |
A família Fortunato da Costa de Portugal a Angola, via São Tomé, c. 1808 a 1859 | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 67. p. 97-141. |
Curto, José C. (2023) | |
Uma Vila Esclavagista: Proprietários e seus Cativos em Moçâmedes, 1855 | |
Revista Brasileira de História. Volume 43 #93. p. 225-263. |
Everill, Bronwen (2023) | |
'For the services of shipwrights, coopers, and grumettas': Freetown's ship repair cluster in nineteenth-century Sierra Leone | |
History of Science. Volume 61 #1. p. 60-76. |
Florentino, Luiz Felipe (2023) | |
Reflexos da Conferência de Berlim nas relações entre Portugal e o país de Gaza: Cópia de ofício do residente chefe em Gaza ao secretário geral do governo da Província de Moçambique, em 16 de Janeiro de 1888. Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino/Caixa 1331/Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar/Direcção Geral do Ultramar/Moçambique/1888/1a Repartição/AHU-ACL-SEMU-DGU/Pasta 10/Capilha 2 | |
Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG. Volume 14 #2. p. 551-559. |
Giordano, Rosario (2023) | |
The Bula Matari (Breaker of Rock) and the Judges. Congolese Efforts in the Campaign against the Red Rubber Regime (État indépendant du Congo, 1902-1904) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 249. p. 107-131. |
Igarashi, Daisuke (2023) | |
Rural Administration, Tax-Farming, and the mutadarriks in Egypt from the Late 14th to the Early 16th Centuries | |
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Volume 66 #5-6. p. 628-655. |
Jesus, Gabriel Silva de (2023) | |
Os homens marítimos, as manifestações religiosas e o tráfico de escravos entre a Bahia e a costa atlântica africana na Idade Barroca (1750-1808) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 67. p. 52-96. |
Lahti, Janne (2023) | |
Nordic Connectors: The Gallen-Kallela Family and Colonial Lives in East Africa and New Mexico | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #3. p. 510-533. |
Lorenz, Fredrick Walter (2023) | |
Agents, Ambassadors, and Imams: Ottoman-British Transimperialism in the Cape of Good Hope, 1862-1869 | |
Journal of World History. Volume 34 #2. p. 241-276. |
Lourinho, Inês (2023) | |
Military Jihad against Muslims: 'Abd Allah b. Yasin and the Foundation of a Saharan Political Unit that Would Conquer the Maghreb and al-Andalus (Eleventh Century) | |
Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean. Volume 35 #2. p. 119-142. |
Martín Corrales, Eloy (2023) | |
Tánger/Marruecos y Cádiz/España en la Edad Moderna las dificultades a la hora de gestionar la vecindad | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 173-188. |
Maziane, Leïla (2023) | |
Los puertos marroquíes del Estrecho (de la Edad Media a la Edad Moderna) | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 161-172. |
McAleer, John (2023) | |
'The Little Nothings of Our Life': Furlough, Recovery and Imperial Interlude at the Cape Colony, 1796-1850 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #1. p. 31-63. |
Merivirta, Raita (2023) | |
Nordic Settler Identities in Colonial Kenya: Class, Nationality and Race in Bror and Karen Blixen's Transimperial Lives | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #3. p. 487-509. |
Mota, Thiago H. (2023) | |
Wolof and Mandinga Muslims in the early Atlantic World: African background, missionary disputes, and social expansion of Islam before the Fula jihads | |
Atlantic Studies: Global Currents. Volume 20 #1. p. 150-176. |
Natermann, Diana M. (2023) | |
To Maintain or Adjust? On the Whiteness of Swedish Men in the Congo Free State (1884-1914) | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #3. p. 464-486. |
Nerín Abad, Gustau (2023) | |
La larga sombra del franquismo tropical. Historiografía colonial, nacionalismo, etnicidad y construcción de la historia propia en Guinea Ecuatorial | |
Historia social. Volume 105. p. 45-63. |
Nerín Abad, Gustau (2023) | |
Omertà en Zanzíbar. Un comerciante de esclavos catalán en el Índico, entre el tráfico de esclavos y las dinámicas imperiales | |
Historia y política: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales. Volume 49. p. 153-183. |
Omar, Yousef Hussein (2023) | |
Salisbury's Policy Toward Egypt, 1875-1880 | |
Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Volume 46 #4. p. 52-76. |
Panzram, Sabine (2023) | |
¿Qué tiene que ver Gades con Tánger Med? Sobre la utilidad y el perjuicio de la historia comparada | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 9-58. |
Pedro, Martinho (2023) | |
Entre colonização e heterogenia no espaço imperial português entre séculos XVI e XVII | |
África(s): Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos, Povos Indígenas e Culturas Negras - PGEAVIN. Volume 9 #18. p. 11-30. |
Perrier, Antoine (2023) | |
Tánger internacional y su estatus os efectos del co-colonialismo franco-español en Marruecos (1912- 1956) | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 189-200. |
Pimenta, Fernando (2023) | |
'Nova Madeira'? Notas e Reflexões para o Estudo da História da Colonização Madeirense no Planalto da Huíla (Angola), 1884-1975 | |
Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, Nova Série. Volume 5. p. 503-536. |
Rose, Christopher S. (2023) | |
Trial by Virus: Colonial Medicine and the 1883 Cholera in Egypt | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 24 #1. |
Spragins, Elizabeth (2023) | |
Body as Text/Text as Body: Embodied Knowledge Transmission in Sixteenth Century Morocco | |
Medieval Encounters. Volume 29 #4. p. 315-339. |
Sá, Charles Nascimento de (2023) | |
De uma costa a outra, governo e autoridade na conexão entre a capitania da Bahia e a África atlântica | |
África(s): Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos, Povos Indígenas e Culturas Negras - PGEAVIN. Volume 9 #18. p. 137-150. |
Yagur, Moshe (2023) | |
Excommunication and apostasy: re-drawing Jewish communal boundaries in Fatimid and Ayyubid Egypt | |
Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean. Volume 35 #1. p. 95-109. |
Zarhi, Ben (2023) | |
Expressly Orient? Britain's railway-making in pre-colonial Egypt | |
Mediterranean Historical Review. Volume 38 #1. p. 113-132. |
Allain, Charles; Terrasse, Henri (2022) | |
La route impériale de Maroc à Sala au XIème et au XIIème siècles | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 205-244. |
Almela, Iñigo (2022) | |
La zawiya en época meriní: el soberano piadoso y el caso revelador de al-Nussak (Salé, Marruecos) | |
Anaquel de estudios árabes. Volume 33. p. 33-73. |
Amado, Abel Djassi (2022) | |
The União Nacional in Cabo Verde, 1937-1945: Local Politics in an Imperial Political Party | |
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. Volume 36-37. p. 129-155. |
Amaral, Ana Rita (2022) | |
Um Portuense em África: Notes for a Biography of a Luso-African Archive | |
e-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #2. p. 47-67. |
Anderson, Samuel D. (2022) | |
From Algiers to Timbuktu: Multi-Local Research in Colonial History Across the Saharan Divide | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 277-299. |
Anson, Edward M. (2022) | |
Alexander's Foundation of Alexandria | |
International Journal of Military History and Historiography. Volume 42 #2. p. 300-322. |
Avraham, Doron (2022) | |
Between Concern and Difference: German Jews and the Colonial 'Other' in South West Africa | |
German History. Volume 40 #1. p. 38-60. |
Barletta, Vincent (2022) | |
Religious Transfusion in the Early Modern Kingdom of Kongo | |
Portuguese Studies. Volume 38 #2. p. 10-21. |
Bayoumi, Hala (2022) | |
Un portail web de cartographie interactive des recensements égyptiens sur deux siècles (1882-2017) | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 5. p. 75-90. |
Braz, Isabel (2022) | |
As campanhas militares em Moçambique e Angola no fim do Século XIX e principio do Século XX A perspectiva do Capitão Antonio Braz | |
O Pelourinho: Boletin de Relaciones transfronterizas. Volume 26. p. 157-179. |
Caravaca de Coca, José Maria (2022) | |
El delicado transporte prestado a la embajada extraordinaria a Marruecos en 1785 | |
Revista general de marina. Volume 283 #11. p. 697-706. |
Chachia, Houssem Eddine (2022) | |
El auge y la decadencia de la comunidad morisca en Túnez (desde el siglo XVII hasta mediados del siglo XVIII) | |
eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies. Volume 53. p. 194-212. |
Costa, Valéria; Gomes, Flávio (2022) | |
Dos tripulantes da história: o africano Duarte José Martins da Costa entre a 'rede miúda' do tráfico atlântico (Rio de Janeiro - Angola - Recife - Benim, séc. XIX) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 203-245. |
Cressier, Patrice; Gilotte, Sophie (2022) | |
Note préliminaire à l'édition posthume d'un texte de Charles Allain (1920-2001) sur la route impériale de Marrakech à Rabat-Salé | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 197-204. |
Curchin, Leonard A. (2022) | |
Family Relations in Mauretania Tingitana: An Analysis of the Epigraphic Evidence | |
Gerión. Volume 40 #1. p. 195-220. |
Dion, Isabelle; Vermeren, Pierre (2022) | |
Interrogatoire du 11 décembre 1954 de Zaidi Slimane Ben Ali, âgé de 26 ans, cultivateur, demeurant au douar Yabous, commune mixte de Khenchela. FR ANOM 315 APOM | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 414-415. p. 281-292. |
Doré, Andréa (2022) | |
La traducción de una ciudad: copias de Suaquem en la cartografía manuscrita portuguesa del Mar Rojo | |
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna. Volume 35. p. 157-180. |
El Guabli, Brahim (2022) | |
Rethinking Archives, Rewriting History: Other-Archives and the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Moroccan History of the 'Years of Lead' | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 207-234. |
Elbl, Ivana (2022) | |
Sand and Dreams: Daily Slave Purchases at the Portuguese Coastal Outpost of Arguim (Mauritania, Saharan West Africa) (1519-1520) | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 325-354. |
Elbl, Martin Malcolm (2022) | |
'Tunnels Below' (Dar Zero ~ Tangier): Urban Myths, a German 'Baron' from Maryland, and a Very Real Portuguese Citadel | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 199-240. |
Farias, J.B. (2022) | |
Um novo cativeiro? O fim do tráfico de escravizados e os engagés à temps no Senegal (1817-1848) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 281-337. |
Fernández Chaves, Manuel F. (2022) | |
El 'trato e avenencia del reino de Angola para el Brasil e Indias de Castilla' de 1594-1600: Gestión y organización de la trata de esclavos en una época de transición | |
Revista de Indias. Volume 82 #284. p. 9-44. |
Freitas, Idalina Maria Almeida (2022) | |
Leonardo Africano Ferreira: um médico negro entre Angola, Brasil e São Tomé e Príncipe (1830-1870) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 378-426. |
Frémeaux, Jacques (2022) | |
1962. L'Algérie qui s'éloigne? | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 414-415. p. 27-48. |
Fugazzotto, Giulio (2022) | |
'The offspring of vainglory and violence'. The labour party and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936 | |
Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900. Volume 25 #4. p. 529-552. |
Fumadó Ortega, Iván (2022) | |
El proyecto urbanístico del Barrio de Magón (Cartago, Túnez) y su contexto sociopolítico: elementos para una historia (no helenocéntrica) de Cartago | |
Gerión. Volume 40 #1. p. 89-113. |
Gharala, Norah L.A. (2022) | |
'From Mozambique in Indies of Portugal': Locating East Africans in New Spain | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 7 #3. p. 243-281. |
González Cuerva, Rubén (2022) | |
The Cloistered Ambassador: non-European Agents in the Convents of Madrid (1585-1701) | |
Culture & History Digital Journal. Volume 11 #1. 10p. |
Guerrero, Jairo (2022) | |
Edición y traducción de cinco cartas marroquíes en árabe medio (s. XVI) conservadas en el Archivo Nacional de la Torre do Tombo | |
Al-Qantara. Volume 43 #1. |
Havik, Philip J. (2022) | |
Creolization and Empire: Creating Diversity and Navigating Social Change in Portuguese West Africa | |
E-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #1. p. 1-23. |
Hoog, Tycho van der (2022) | |
A New Chapter in Namibian History: Reflections on Archival Research | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 389-414. |
Huber, Marie (2022) | |
Putting a Nation on the Map: The Construction of a Geographical Imaginary through the Project for a National Atlas of Ethiopia, 1962-1987 | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 32 #2. p. 264-288. |
Marcussi, Alexandre Almeida (2022) | |
Uma 'caça às bruxas' centro-africana: os juramentos do bulungo em Massangano (Angola) em 1717 | |
Revista de História da UEG. Volume 11 #1. |
Martín Corrales, Eloy (2022) | |
La pesca española en los presidios menores del Norte de África (Melilla, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera y Peñón de Alhucemas) en el siglo XVIII | |
Ammentu: Bollettino Storico e Archivistico del Mediterraneo e delle Americhe. Volume 20. p. 150-165. |
Mazor, Amir; Lev, Efraim (2022) | |
A Mosaic of Medieval Historical Sources The Biography of the Egyptian Jewish Physician Ibn Jumay' | |
Revue des Études Juives. Volume 181 #1-2. p. 87-110. |
Montojo Montojo, Vicente (2022) | |
El abandono de Orán (1792) desde Cartagena de Levante | |
Revista de historia naval. Volume 40 #157. p. 63-80. |
Mouline, Nabil (2022) | |
Le Parti du Califat: première organisation islamiste marocaine | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 147-174. |
Nobili, Mauro (2022) | |
West Africa Seen from Moroccan Manuscript Archives | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 301-330. |
Oliveira, Francisco Roque de (2022) | |
Geografia e colonialismo português no equador: O Relatório da primeira campanha de estudo de Francisco Tenreiro em São Tomé (1956) e o seu contexto institucional e político | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Pereira, Hugo Silveira (2022) | |
Colonial Railways of Mozambique: Critical and Vulnerable Infrastructure, 1880s-1930s | |
Journal of History of Science and Technology. Volume 16 #1. p. 7-28. |
Pereira, Matheus Serva; Roque, Ricardo (2022) | |
Arquivo, literacia e resistência: notas sobre manuscritos 'nativos' na série Moçambique do fundo do Conselho Ultramarino do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 7. p. 65-91. |
Pretorius, Fransjohan (2022) | |
General Louis Botha's Role in the South African War, 1899-1902 | |
War & Society. Volume 41 #4. p. 285-307. |
Rajkomar, Sraddha Shivani (2022) | |
Sacred memory, creole orientalism and India in the plantationscape of Mauritius | |
Memory Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 402-417. |
Ray, Daren E. (2022) | |
Recycling Interdisciplinary Evidence: Abandoned Hypotheses and African Historiologies in the Settlement History of Littoral East Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 97-130. |
Sampaio, Thiago (2022) | |
Biografia, História e Colonialismo: o caso de João Albasini (1876-1922) | |
Boletim Historiar. Volume 9 #1. p. 14-33. |
Silva Júnior, Carlos Francisco da (2022) | |
A Bahia e a Costa da Mina no alvorecer da Segunda Escravidão (c. 1810-1831) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 91-147. |
Silva, Edgleice Santos da (2022) | |
A disputa pelas almas: jesuítas e capuchinhos na África Centro-Ocidental no século XVII | |
Revista de História. Volume 181. p. 1-30. |
Silva, Evander Ruthieri da (2022) | |
Os narradores africanos de James Stuart a construção do Reino Zulu nos testemunhos de Socwatsha kaPhaphu e Baleka kaMpitikazi (África do Sul, décadas de 1890-1920) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 66. p. 273-315. |
Silva, Filipa Ribeiro da (2022) | |
Portuguese Slave Legislation and the First Wave of Uprisings by Enslaved Africans in the Iberian Atlantic World, 1400s-1500s | |
E-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #1. p. 24-39. |
Simmons, Adama (2022) | |
The African Adoption of the Portuguese Crusade during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries | |
The Historical Journal. Volume 65 #3. p. 571-590. |
Skulimowska, Milena (2022) | |
Poland's Colonial Aspirations and the Question of a Mandate over Liberia, 1933-1939 | |
The Historical Journal. Volume 65 #3. p. 730-749. |
Smith, Edmond; Boscariol, Mariana (2022) | |
Akan Relations, Commercial Networks, and the Portuguese Empire in West Africa, 1482-1637 | |
Journal of World History. Volume 33 #4. p. 609-638. |
Sousa, Luís Costa e (2022) | |
Os arquitectos cativos: emergência da fortificação europeia no Marrocos de finais do século XVI | |
e-Strategica. Volume 4. p. 87-105. |
Souza, Evergton Sales (2022) | |
A Administração eclesiástica de Moçambique, século XVII | |
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura. Volume 22 #2. p. 19-43. |
Steenbergen, Jo Van; Termonia, Maya (2022) | |
Social Infrastructures, Military Entrepreneurship, and the Making of the Sultan's Court in Fifteenth-Century Cairo: The Case of the Court Office of 'the Chief Head of the Guards' (ra's nawbat al-nuwab) | |
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Volume 65 #5-6. p. 802-858. |
Stora, Benjamin (2022) | |
Les propositions du groupe de 15 jeunes. 'Regards de la jeune génération sur les mémoires franco-algériennes' | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 414-415. p. 181-190. |
Tahiri, Ahmed (2022) | |
La acción portuguesa en la costa rifeña, desde el inicio de las hostilidades hasta mediados del siglo XVI | |
Revista Portuguesa de História Militar. Volume 2 #2. |
Tariku, Ayele (2022) | |
The Christian Military Colonies in Medieval Ethiopia: The Chewa System | |
The Medieval History Journal. Volume 25 #2. p. 201-230. |
Thornton, John K. (2022) | |
New Light on the 'Jaga' Episode in the History of Kongo (1567-1608) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 247. p. 441-459. |
Toufiq, Ahmed (2022) | |
The 'Commandership of the Faithful' Institution in Morocco: Pertinent Points for the debate on the Caliphate | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 175-191. |
Unangst, Matthew (2022) | |
Hinterland: The political history of a geographic category from the scramble for Africa to Afro-Asian solidarity | |
Journal of Global History. Volume 17 #3. p. 496-514. |
Vermeren, Pierre (2022) | |
France-Algérie, le salut par l'histoire | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 414-415. p. 7-26. |
Vázquez Hernández, Virginia (2022) | |
El sufismo del occidente islámico a través de los ojos de un hagiógrafo egipcio del siglo XIII: La Risala de Safí Al-Din | |
Hesperia culturas del Mediterráneo. Volume 24. p. 181-196. |
Wheat, David; Schultz, Kara D. (2022) | |
The Early Slave Trade from Angola to Spanish America and Brazil, 1575-1595 | |
Anuario de Estudios Americanos. Volume 79 #2. p. 487-514. |
Zeghal, Malika (2022) | |
The Shaping of the 1857 Security Pact in the Regency of Tunis: a Reappraisal of the Nineteenth Century Constitutional Reforms | |
Studia Islamica. Volume 117 #2. p. 275-334. |
Šedivý, Miroslav (2022) | |
Metternich and the Suez Canal: Informal Diplomacy in the Interests of Central Europe | |
Central European History. Volume 55 #3. p. 372-389. |
Álvarez Dopico, Clara-Ilham (2022) | |
Semblanza de los doctores Mendoza y Carrillo. Dos judíos madrileños en el Túnez dieciochista | |
Sefarad: Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes. Volume 82 #2. p. 255-291. |
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