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Found: 4191 | Record 1-100 |
Cunningham, Tom (2023) | |
Missionaries, the State, and Labour in Colonial Kenya c.1909-c.1919: the 'Gospel of Work' and the 'Able-Bodied Male Native' | |
History Workshop Journal. Volume 95. p. 175-196. |
Paciello, Maria Cristina (2023) | |
Do Working-Class Women in the Arab Region Benefit from Trade Liberalisation? Looking at the Export-Oriented Garment Industry in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia | |
Studi Magrebini. Volume 21 #1. p. 70-108. |
Adebayo, Adewumi Damilola (2022) | |
The ILO and the Political Economy of Labour Policy Making in Nigeria, 1930-1960 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #2. p. 348-382. |
Amougou, Gérard; Kernen, Antoine; Nkot, Fabien (2022) | |
Vivre et travailler dans une enclave chinoise au Cameroun: Les ouvriers d'un 'grand chantier de l'émergence' | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 241-263. |
Bapes, Yves Dieudonné Bapes Ba (2022) | |
Construire la confiance: Les pratiques conjointes de compensation du salaire dans le secteur de la sécurité privée au Cameroun | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 183-205. |
Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe (2022) | |
Labour, Incorporated: Dependent Contracting and Wageless Work in Africa's 'Responsible' Mines | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 123-151. |
Bourel, Étienne (2022) | |
Le salariat, un objet devenu (trop) discret en études africaines | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 9-39. |
Brignac, Kelly (2022) | |
African Indentured Labor in Senegal and Ste. Marie, Madagascar, 1817-1830 | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #4. p. 779-797. |
Cissokho, Sidy (2022) | |
Le salariat hors des sociétés salariales. La mise en forme juridique du mécontentement des travailleurs au Sénégal | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 63-91. |
Girard, Pierre; Laske, Esther; Sylla, El Hadji Malick; Bourgoin, Jérémy; Sall, Moussa (2022) | |
Une agriculture familiale de plus en plus dépendante du salariat? Les travailleurs saisonniers dans l'agriculture familiale sénégalaise (régions des Niayes et du Delta) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 207-239. |
Greiner, Andreas (2022) | |
'Those Were Difficult Days Indeed': Transport Labour in German East Africa's State-Organized Caravans | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 32 #2. p. 172-189. |
Henrique, Victor Simões (2022) | |
As migrações laborais de moçambicanos para a África do Sul: sua evolução dos primórdios até à proclamação da independência nacional c. 1850-1974 | |
África(s): Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos, Povos Indígenas e Culturas Negras - PGEAVIN. Volume 9 #17. p. 99-116. |
Hepburn, Sacha; Jackson, April (2022) | |
Colonial Exceptions: The International Labour Organization and Child Labour in British Africa, c.1919-40 | |
Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 57 #2. p. 218-241. |
Josse-Durand, Chloé; Ndayisaba, Éric (2022) | |
Les ouvrier.ère.s du thé au Kenya et au Burundi: des précaires privilégié.e.s? | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 291-318. |
Kah, Henry Kam; Kengo, Emmanuel E. (2022) | |
Coercion and Violence in German Labor Conscription in Cameroon, 1880s-1914 | |
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos = Brazilian journal of African studies. Volume 7 #14. p. 11-30. |
Mbah, Ndubueze L. (2022) | |
'Wives Wishing to Join Their Husbands': Colonial Forgery, Gender Legibility, and Labor Migration in West Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 235-275. |
Mesa, Héritier (2022) | |
Wage Labor and Social Inequality in Kinshasa's Informal Economy: A Class Analysis | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 319-340. |
Pérez-Houis, Corten (2022) | |
Cadre législatif et production de briques rouges à Khartoum (Soudan): entre protection de l'environnement et stratégies d'aménagement des espaces urbains centraux | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 197-240. |
Revilla, Lucie (2022) | |
Des hommes forts mais dociles? La salarisation du secteur de la sécurité locale comme révélateur de la hiérarchisation des masculinités à Lagos (Nigéria) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 93-122. |
Ricciardi, Ferruccio (2022) | |
Qu'est-ce qu'un 'travailleur africain'? Marché, coercition et mobilité en Afrique équatoriale française (1911-1940) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 153-182. |
Silber, Maia (2022) | |
The Servant Problem and the Colour Line: Race, Class, and Domestic Labour in the Transvaal Colony, 1902-1914 | |
History Workshop Journal. Volume 93. p. 138-158. |
Tchinda, Joel Boris Jiometio; Tchekote, Hervé; Moulende, Thérèse (2022) | |
Quand croissance de production ne rime pas avec amélioration des conditions de vie. Notes sur les salarié.e.s agricoles de Balessing (Ouest Cameroun) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 341-360. |
Tinturier, Zoé (2022) | |
Un salaire qui 'change la vie'? Normes salariales et économie morale dans le contexte urbain d'Antananarivo (Madagascar) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 265-290. |
Vadot, Guillaume; Bourel, Étienne (2022) | |
Le travail, les idées et la question sociale dans l'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique. Entretien avec Frederick Cooper | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 41-61. |
Alfagali, Crislayne (2021) | |
'Capazes de trabalhar': domínio, política e cultura nas relações de trabalho do Atlântico Sul (séculos XVII e XVIII) | |
Revista Topoi. Volume 22 #47. p. 387-407. |
Gonçalves, Paulo Cesar (2021) | |
Operários chineses em Moçambique. O engajamento de trabalhadores sob contrato no Império português (1857-1859) | |
Revista Brasileira de História. Volume 41. p. 305-329. |
Guthrie, Zachary Kagan (2021) | |
Race and Labor in Beira during the Era of Imperial Reform | |
E-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 19 #2. |
Iriho, Clovis (2021) | |
Le travail ouvrier au Burundi: identité et conditions socio-économiques des ouvriers de l'usine sucrière de la SOSUMO | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 56. |
Jolly, Laurent (2021) | |
Race, nationalité et travail maritime en Côte française des Somalis (1896-1952) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 410-411. p. 205-228. |
Money, Duncan (2021) | |
Rebalancing the Historical Narrative or Perpetuating Bias? Digitizing the Archives of the Mineworkers' Union of Zambia | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 61-82. |
Valverde Contreras, Beatriz; Keese, Alexander (2021) | |
The Art of Running Away: Escapes and Flight Movements During the Great Depression in São Tomé e Príncipe, 1930-1936 | |
International Review of Social History. Volume 66 #3. p. 357-388. |
Beyan, Temesgen Tesfamariam (2020) | |
Unemployment and Social Disorder during the British Colonial Period in Eritrea (1941-1951) | |
Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies. Volume 22. p. 149-167. |
Munene, Hyden (2020) | |
Profitability and Nationalisation on the Zambian Copperbelt: A Case Study of Rhokana Corporation's Nkana Mine, 1964-1969 | |
African Economic History. Volume 48 #2. p. 37-66. |
Semedo, Carla (2020) | |
A experiência migratória de cabo-verdianos para as roças de São Tomé e Príncipe: pesquisa de campo | |
População e Sociedade. Volume 34. p. 87-106. |
Tati, Gabriel (2020) | |
Between Monarchy and Demands for Political Change: Regionalisation and internationalisation of trade union activism in Swaziland | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #40. p. 63-90. |
White, Luise (2020) | |
Work and Discipline on the East African Coast | |
History in Africa. Volume 47. p. 95-99. |
Bülow, Mathilde von (2019) | |
Beyond the Cold War: American Labor, Algeria's Independence Struggle, and the Rise of the Third World (1954-62) | |
Journal of Social History. Volume 53 #2. p. 454-486. |
James, Leslie (2019) | |
'Essential Things Such as Typewriters': Development Discourse, Trade Union Expertise, and the Dialogues of Decolonization between the Caribbean and West Africa | |
Journal of Social History. Volume 53 #2. p. 378-401. |
McCann, Gerard (2019) | |
Possibility and Peril: Trade Unionism, African Cold War, and the Global Strands of Kenyan Decolonization | |
Journal of Social History. Volume 53 #2. p. 348-377. |
Muivah, Yaruipam; Stanziani, Alessandro (2019) | |
Forced Labour at the Frontier of Empires: Manipur and the French Congo, 1890-1914 | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 29 #3. p. 41-64. |
Ortega Fuentes, Alejandra (2019) | |
Túnez sindicalismo y cambios democráticos. Desde la época colonial hasta el siglo XXI | |
Historia, trabajo y sociedad. Volume 10. p. 73-95. |
Ricciardi, Ferruccio (2019) | |
Le 'travail indigène' ou la citoyenneté par le travail sous contrainte en Afrique équatoriale française dans l'entre-deux-guerres. | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 404-405. p. 99-118. |
Simson, Rebecca (2019) | |
Africa's clientelist budget policies revisited: public expenditure and employment in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, 1960-2010 | |
The Economic History Review. Volume 72 #4. p. 1409-1438. |
Tijani, Hakeem Ibikunle (2019) | |
The International Labour Organisation and its Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) in Africa on the Eve of the 'Glorious' 1960s | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 29 #4. p. 68-83. |
Vahed, Goolam (2019) | |
'An evil thing': Gandhi and Indian Indentured Labour in South Africa, 1893-1914 | |
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Volume 42 #4. p. 654-674. |
Alpers, Edward A. (2018) | |
'Le caractère d'une traite d'esclaves déguisée (the nature of a disguised slave trade)'? Labor recruitment for La Réunion at Portuguese Mozambique, 1887-1889 | |
Ufahamu. Volume 40 #1. p. 3-32. |
Fernández Soriano, Victor (2018) | |
'Travail et progrès': Obligatory 'Educational' Labour in the Belgian Congo, 1933-60 | |
Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 53 #2. p. 292-314. |
Rocha, Fabrício Dias da (2018) | |
'Outra vez não Vale a pena!' Um estudo de caso sobre a atuação dos megaprojetos de mineração em Moçambique e as reivindicações de participação cidadã feitas pelas comunidades afetadas | |
CesContexto: Debates. Volume 20. p. 203-213. |
Vigh, Henrik (2018) | |
Displaced utopia: on marginalisation, migration and emplacement in Bissau | |
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 25 #2. p. 192-209. |
Agnélé, Lassey (2017) | |
Les femmes et le syndicalisme au Togo de 1990 à 2006 | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 153-165. |
Aladrén, Gabriel (2017) | |
Uma bicoca na costa da África a política espanhola para o tráfico de escravos, o Reglamento de Comercio Libre e as fronteiras ibéricas na América do Sul (1776-1778) | |
Revista de Indias. Volume 77 #270. p. 585-615. |
Appolinaire, Baidou; Gormo, Jean (2017) | |
Les syndicats professionnels à Nagaoundéré de 1948 à 2011 | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 189-201. |
Bangali, Gédéon N'goran (2017) | |
Du travail forcé au trabail décent: une analyse de l'évolution des doctrines et formes de travail au XXème siècle en Afrique occidentale francophone | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 55-68. |
Bellucci, Stefano (2017) | |
African Trade Unions in Historical Perspective | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 13-31. |
Chouicha, Kaddour (2017) | |
Le syndicalisme en Algérie. De l'organisation de masse du parti unique à l'autonomie syndicale | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 87-93. |
El Gindi, Tamer (2017) | |
The Inequality Puzzle in Egypt: What Do We Really Know? | |
Arab Studies Journal. Volume 25 #2. p. 100-143. |
Ferreira, Nuno Simão (2017) | |
Os fatores humanos da produtividade: Absentismo e a instabilidade da mão-de-obra em Angola e Moçambique segundo o Relatório preliminar apresentado por Portugal sobre o Projeto Conjunto n.º 5 da C.C.T.A. | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 203-220. |
Ibock, Martin (2017) | |
Les nouveaus visages du syndicalisme africain: méditations sur les transformations 'des arts de faire' dans l'action syndicale au Cameroun | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 253-268. |
Kamara, Adama (2017) | |
Le syndicalisme en Afrique de l'ouest, de la période coloniale à celle des indépendances: une tentative constante de contrôle du mouvement syndical | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 97-108. |
Keese, Alexander (2017) | |
Equilíbrios no Terror: Trabalho forçado, fuga e Continuidades clandestinas no Congo-Brazzaville, 1918-1968 | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #33. p. 183-206. |
McQuinn, Mark (2017) | |
Strengths and Weaknesses of African Trade Unions in the Neoliberal Period with a Sierra Leone Case Study | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 111-129. |
Nascimento, Augusto (2017) | |
São Tomé e Príncipe: notas sobre sindicalismo, informalidade, desemprego e volatização da confiança política e social em terra de pobreza | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 285-304. |
Neto, Maria da Conceição (2017) | |
De Escravos a 'Serviçais', de 'Serviçais' a 'Contratados': Omissões, perceções e equívocos na história do trabalho africano na Angola colonial | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #33. p. 107-129. |
Pereira, Matheus Serva (2017) | |
Entre a 'escola de vício' e o 'mundo temperado de ritmo e poesia': experiências de mulheres trabalhadoras 'indígenas' em Lourenço Marques (1900-1940) | |
Cadernos Pagu. Volume 49. |
Santos, Maciel (2017) | |
Trabalho e sindicatos em Angola (1950-1970) - o 'impasse' na acumulação de capital | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 223-250. |
Siham, Beddoubia (2017) | |
Le syndicalisme autonome en Algérie dans un contexte de pluralité (1990-2015): des mots et des actes pour se mobiliser | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 73-85. |
Silva, Rui da; Silva, Rosa; Silva, Miguel Filipe (2017) | |
Sindicalismo, professores e Educação para Todos: reflexões sobre a Guiné-Bissau e Moçambique | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 143-152. |
Tchumtchoua, Emmanuel (2017) | |
Cheminots, syndicalisme et nationalisme au Cameroun sous administration française (1946-1960): une histoire à écrire | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 169-186. |
Vos, Jelmer (2017) | |
Império, Patronato e uma Revolta no Reino do Kongo | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #33. p. 157-182. |
Yomb, Jacques (2017) | |
L'action syndicale dans un contexte de rareté de l'offre de l'emploi: le cas du Cameroun | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #28. p. 271-283. |
Carvalho, Marcus J.M. de (2016) | |
Trabalho, cotidiano, administração e negociação numa feitoria do tráfico no rio Benim em 1837 | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 53. p. 227-273. |
Dougnon, Isaie (2016) | |
Reinterpreting Labor Migration as Initiation Rite: 'Ghana Boys' and European Clothing in Dogon Country (Mali), 1920-1960 | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 73-90. |
Guerra Hernández, Hector (2016) | |
Migration and Forced Labor in the Social Imaginary of Southern Mozambique, 1920-1964 | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 130-151. |
Hart, Jennifer (2016) | |
'Nifa Nifa': Technopolitics, Mobile Workers, and the Ambivalence of Decline in Acheampong's Ghana | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 181-201. |
Hayem, Judith (2016) | |
Marikana: Analysing Miners' Subjectivity and the Crisis of Representation | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 51 #2. p. 171-185. |
Keese, Alexander (2016) | |
Hunting 'Wrongdoers' and 'Vagrants': The Long-Term Perspective of Flight, Evasion, and Persecution in Colonial and Postcolonial Congo-Brazzaville, 1920-1980 | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 152-180. |
Martino, Enrique (2016) | |
Panya: Economies of Deception and the Discontinuities of Indentured Labour Recruitment and the Slave Trade, Nigeria and Fernando Pó, 1890s-1940s | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 91-129. |
Mudeka, Ireen (2016) | |
Gendered Exclusion and Contestation: Malawian Women's Migration and Work in Colonial Harare, Zimbabwe, 1930s to 1963 | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 18-43. |
Naicker, Camalita (2016) | |
Worker Struggles as Community Struggles: The Politics of Protest in Nkaneng, Marikana | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 51 #2. p. 157-170. |
Semedo, Carla (2016) | |
Comensalidades e contranarrativas dos cabo-verdianos nas roças de São Tomé e Príncipe | |
Revista de Estudos Cabo-Verdianos. Volume Especial. p. 43-50. |
Silva, M.F.; Santos, Maciel (2016) | |
Moçambique entre greves ferroviárias e 'Modus Vivendi' (1920-1926) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #27. p. 127-148. |
Stewart, Paul (2016) | |
The Material Basis of Worker Subjectivity: Rock Drill Operators on the South African Platinum Mines in Historical Perspective | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 51 #2. p. 143-156. |
Alpers, Edward A. (2015) | |
Slavery, antislavery, political rivalry and regional networks in East African waters, 1877-1883 | |
Afriques. Volume 6. |
Barroso Junior, Reinaldo dos Santos (2015) | |
'Dos progressos que fazem a agricultura': produção de arroz e trabalhadores da África ocidental para o norte da América portuguesa (1770-1800) | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 28-29. p. 239-258. |
Fonseca, Jorge (2015) | |
Dom frei Lourenço Garro, bispo de Santiago, o verdadeiro autor de um texto antiesclavagista do século XVII | |
Lusitania Sacra. Volume 32. p. 181-198. |
Gomes, Lourenço (2015) | |
Rota da escravatura e cabo-verdianidade | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 28-29. p. 205-220. |
Hanserd, Robert (2015) | |
Okomfo Anokye formed a tree to hide from the Akwamu: priestly power, freedom, and enslavement in the Afro-Atlantic | |
Atlantic Studies: Global Currents. Volume 12 #4. p. 522-544. |
Jawando, Jubril Olayiwola; Adenugba, Adebimpe Adetutu (2015) | |
Assessing the Patterns of Temporary Employment in the Food Processing Industry in Lagos, Nigeria | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 50 #6. p. 732-749. |
Monnier, Jehanne-Emmanuelle (2015) | |
Litiges entre le Mozambique et La Réunion au sujet du recrutement de travailleurs, seconde moitié du XIXème siècle | |
Tsingy. Volume 18. p. 63-74. |
Ouaknine-Yekutieli, Orit (2015) | |
Narrating a Pending Calamity: Artisanal Crisis in the Medina of Fes, Morocco | |
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 47 #1. p. 109-129. |
Stanziani, Alessandro (2015) | |
L'immigration indentured à l'île Maurice, 1840-1870: conditions, abus et résistance | |
Afriques. Volume 6. |
Stolz, Daniel A. (2015) | |
Positioning the Watch-Hand: 'Ulama' and the Practice of Mechanical Timekeeping in Cairo, 1737-1874 | |
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 47 #3. p. 489-510. |
Amoako, Samuel (2014) | |
Teacher Unions in Political Transitions: The South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) and the Dying Days of Apartheid, 1990-1993 | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 49 #2. p. 148-163. |
Curli, Barbara (2014) | |
Dames employées at the Suez Canal Company: The Egyptianization of female office workers, 1941-56 | |
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 46 #3. p. 553-576. |
Friedman, Steven (2014) | |
From Classroom to Class Struggle: Radical Academics and the Rebirth of Trade Unionism in the 1970s | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 49 #5. p. 526-543. |
Djistera, Andrianasy A. (2013) | |
Evaluation du capital humain de l'île Maurice | |
Tsingy. Volume 16. p. 97-106. |
Silva, Filipa Ribeiro da (2013) | |
Relações Laborais em Moçambique, 1800 | |
Diálogos. Volume 17 #3. p. 835-868. |
Teixeira, Cátia; Tavares, Maria Augusta (2013) | |
Guiné-Bissau: o presente lança luz sobre o passado | |
Diálogos. Volume 17 #3. p. 869-908. |
Ayesu, Ebenezer (2012) | |
Billboards, Youth, Unemployment and Superstition in Mamfe-Akuapem, Ghana | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 47 #6. p. 634-651. |
Hayem, Judith (2012) | |
The 'Voucher Strike': Workers' Political Subjectivities in Post-Apartheid South Africa | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 47 #5. p. 516-529. |
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