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Search: su=Jesuits
Found: 17 Record 1-17

Periodical articleChilufya, C. (2007)
The implications of our mission of faith and justice: carrying on Arrupe's dream
Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 10 #2. December. p. 3-11.

Periodical articleEkeno, A. (2007)
Fr. Pedro Arrupe's humanism: a dynamic approach to the social justices of the 21st Century
Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 10 #2. December. p. 12-23.

Periodical articleOrobator, A.E. (2007)
Ignatius and leadership: a portrait of an Ignatian leader
Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 10 #1. May. p. 99-107.

Periodical articleBurrett, Robert S. (2006)
Two early Jesuit relics in Botswana
Abstract presentHeritage of Zimbabwe. #25. p. 75-82.

Periodical articleNatsoulas, Theodore (2003)
See this publicationA failure of early French expansionism in Africa: the French-Jesuit effort in Ethiopia at the turn of the 18th century
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 36 #1. June. p. 5-18.

Periodical articleBurrett, Rob S. (2002)
The Zambezi Mission: the first steps: the second Jesuit attempt at Roman Catholic evangelisation in South Central Africa
Abstract presentHeritage of Zimbabwe. #21. p. 37-71.

Periodical articleBurrett, Rob S. (2000)
See this publicationThe Zambezi Mission and the Residences of Good Hope and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Old Tati
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 32. p. 25-38.

Periodical articleWhelan, G.K. (1999)
Jesuits, apostolates and theology
Hekima Review. #21. May. p. 46-57.

Periodical articleChisemphere, J.M. (1998)
My personal impressions on the Jesuit Apostolate International Congress in Naples
Religion in Malawi. #8. April. p. 23-27.

Periodical articleNgembe, G.L. (1997)
The Jesuits and colonial power: the Congo Free State and the Belgian Congo
Hekima Review. #16. January. p. 57-66.

Periodical articleCongregation générale des Jésuites. (1995)
Les Jésuites et la condition des femmes
Telema. Volume 21 #83-84. juil.-déc.. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleSaint Moulin, Léon de (1993)
Cent ans de présence jésuite en Afrique centrale
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 33 #279. novembre. p. 545-574.

Periodical articleSima, K. (1992)
Centenaire de l'oeuvre des Jésuites au Kwango et au Kwilu
Pistes et recherches. Volume 7 #1. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleSaint Moulin, L. de (1991)
Histoire des Jésuites en Afrique
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 31 #258. octobre. p. 443-458.

Periodical articleTurine, M. (1991)
Ignace, la compagnie de Jésus et les Jésuites d'Afrique centrale - propos a l'occasion d'un anniversaire
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 31 #256. juin-juillet. p. 277-280.

Periodical articleWermter, O. (1991)
Jesuits in Zimbabwe: on the move since 1561
Moto. #98. March. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleJudic, B. (1987)
Ecce ego, mitte me: la formation des missionnaires jésuites et Madagascar au XIXème siècle
Abstract presentOmaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #25-26. p. 169-181.

Search: su=Jesuits
Found: 17 Record 1-17

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