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Periodical articleEffa, Allan (2006)
The Legacy of Paul and Clara Gebauer
International Bulletin of Missionary Research. Volume 30 #2. April. p. 92-96.

Dissertation / thesisFlowers, Megan (2006)
Wielding the Red Pen: Editorship, Knowledge and Identity in Mary Kingsley's 'Travels in West Africa'
M.A. Thesis: Radford University, Radford, Virginia. 56p.

Book chapterBirkett, Deborah J. (2004)
The Mysterious Miss Benham
In: Birkett, Deborah J. (ed.), Off the Beaten Track: Three Centuries of Women Travellers. London: National Portrait Gallery. 144p.

Book chapterCapstick, Fiona C. (2004)
Mary Henrietta Kingsley - A Woman Free in French Equatorial Africa
In: The Diana Files: The Huntress-Traveller Through History. p. 61-68.

BookCapstick, Fiona Claire (2004)
The Diana Files: The Huntress-Traveller through History
Johannesburg, South Africa: Rowland Ward Publications. 363p.

BookWoollcombe, Ann E. (Curtis)(American-Canadian)(1931- ) (2004)
Memories of Africa: My Years with the Peace Corps in Cameroon
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: A.E. Woollcombe. 201p.

Periodical articleAko, Edward O.; Fondo, Blossom N. (2003)
See this publicationAlterity and the Imperial Agenda: Mary Kingsley's 'Travels in West Africa' and Gerald Durrell's 'The Bafut Beagles'
Jouvert. Volume 7 #2. Winter/Spring.

Periodical articleBederman, Sanford H. (2003)
The British Lieutenant's Woman
Mercator's World. #8. January-February. p. 46-51.

BookFraney, Laura E. (2003)
Victorian Travel Writing and Imperial Violence: British Writing on Africa, 1855-1902
Basingstoke, Great Britain; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 220p.

Book chapterHerrera, Susana (American) (2003)
Ja, Bah Doo Nah? A Peace Corps Volunteer Learns to be 'in Her Skin'
In: A Woman's Path: Women's Best Spiritual Travel Writing. p. 32-39.

BookMcCauley, Lucy; Carlson, Amy G.; Leo, Jennifer (eds.) (2003)
A Woman's Path: Women's Best Spiritual Travel Writing
San Francisco: Travelers' Tales. 266p.

BookSchestokat, Karin U. (2003)
German Women in Cameroon: Travelogues from Colonial Times
New York: Peter Lang. Women in German Literature #7. 204p.

BookWilles, Olivia (British) (2003)
A Saharan Sketchbook: A Memoir of a Journey in an Africa of Yesterday
Suffolk, Great Britain: Wayfarer. 181p.

Book chapterBlanton, Casey (2002)
Victorian Women Travelers: Mary Kingsley
In: Blanton, Casey. Travel Writing: The Self and the World. New York/London: Routledge. p. 44-58.

Dissertation / thesisTata, Fabian T. (2002)
Blessed Mothers: African-American Missionary Women in English-Speaking Colonial Africa, 1850-1950. Their History, Their Work and Their Impact
Ph.D. dissertation: Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 510p.

BookYoungdale, Ingrid J. Trobisch (American); Stewart, Katrine (American) (2002)
On My Way Home
Bolivar, Missouri: Quiet Waters Publications. 188p.

Dissertation / thesisFondo, Blossom N. (2001)
Travel Literature and the Imperial Agenda: A Study of Mary Kingsley's 'Travels in West Africa' and Durrell's 'The Bafut Beagles'
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.

BookHarper, Lila M. (2001)
Solitary Travelers: Nineteenth-Century Women's Travel Narratives and the Scientific Vocation
Madison, New Jersey; London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 277p.

BookJones, Ann (American) (2001)
Looking for Lovedu: Days and Nights in Africa
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 268p.

BookBaxter, Joan (Canadian) (2000)
A Serious Pair of Shoes: An African Journal
East Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada: Pottersfield. 287p.

Dissertation / thesisWest-Burnham, Jocelyn (2000)
Victorian Religion and its Influence on Women Writers: A Study of Four Women: Grace Aguilar, Harriet Martineau, George Eliot and Mary Kingsley
Ph.D. dissertation: Open University, Milton Keynes, Great Britain. 190p.

Conference paperBrisson, Rike (1999)
West Africa on Stage: Travel Writing as Performance in Richard Burton's Two Trips to Gorilla Land and Mary Kingsley's Travels in West Africa
Paper presented at the Conference 'Writing the Journal: A Conference on American, British and Anglophone Travel Writers and Writing, June 10-13, 1999, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dissertation / thesisFraney, Laura E. (1999)
'The Devil's Own Tatoo': Violence, Sovereignty and Gender in Victorian Travel Narratives about Africa
Ph.D. dissertation: University of California, Los Angeles, California. 230p.

BookHerrera, Susana (American) (1999)
Mango Elephants in the Sun: How Life in an African Village Let Me Be in My Skin
New York: Shambhala; Random House. 270p.

BookWatson, Pamela (Australian) (1999)
Esprit de Battuta: Alone Across Africa on a Bicycle
London: Aurum Press. 342p.

BookSteele, Audrey (British) (1998)
Only Half Way: The Diary of an African Journey
Berkshire, Great Britain: Astel Publishing. 309p.

BookBlakemore, Christine Korol (German)(1943- ) (1997)
The People from the Pit: A Trans-African Journey
London: Minerva. 246p.

Book chapterEarly, Julie E. (1997)
The Spectacle of Science and Self: Mary Kingsley
In: Gates, Barbara T. and Shteir, Ann B. (eds.). Natural Eloquence: Women Reinscribe Science. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. p. 215-236.

BookJackson, Hazel (British) (1997)
Into Africa
London: Minerva. 281p.

Periodical articleKearns, Gerry (1997)
See this publicationThe Imperial Subject: Geography and Travel in the Work of Mary Kingsley and Halford Mackinder
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Volume 22 #4. December. p. 450-472.

BookResnick, Laura (1997)
A Blonde in Africa
Alexander, North Carolina: Alexander Books. 351p.

Book chapterTate, Joan; Lindqvist, Sven (1997)
The Miss Marple of Anthropology; Mary Kingsley
In: Tate, Joan and Lindqvist, Sven. The Skull Measurer's Mistake: And Other Portraits of Men and Women Who Spoke Out Against Racism. New York: New Press. p. 140-145.

Periodical articleMcEwan, Cheryl (1996)
Paradise or Pandemonium? West African Landscapes in the Travel Accounts of Victorian Women
Journal of Historical Geography. Volume 22 #1. January. p. 68-83.

Periodical articleNnoromele, Salome C. (1996)
Gender, Race and Colonial Discourse in the Travel Writings of Mary Kingsley
Victorian Newsletter. #90. Fall. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleEarly, Julie E. (1995)
Unescorted in Africa: Victorian Women Ethnographers Toiling in the Fields of Sensational Science
Journal of American Culture. Volume 18 #4. Winter. p. 67-75.

Dissertation / thesisMcEwan, Cheryl (1995)
How the 'Seraphic' Became 'Geographic': Women Travellers in West Africa, 1840-1915
Ph.D. dissertation: Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Geography, Loughborough, Great Britain.

Dissertation / thesisNnoromele, Salome C. (1995)
Mary Kingsley and West Africa: Race, Gender, and Colonial Discourse
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 306p.

Dissertation / thesisSchestokat, Karin U. (1995)
German Women in Cameroon: Travelogues from Colonial Times
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. 320p.

Book chapterWeeks, Bradley B. (1995)
Mary Kingsley and the Tradition of Orientalism
In: Weeks, Bradley B. The Voices of Exploration: Richard Burton, Mary Kingsley, and the African Native. M.A. Thesis: University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. p. 49-62.

Book chapterWeeks, Bradley B. (1995)
Mary Kingsley, Gender, and the Voice of the African Native
In: Weeks, Bradley B. The Voices of Exploration: Richard Burton, Mary Kingsley, and the African Native. M.A. Thesis: University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. p. 63-89.

BookBaxter, Joan (Canadian) (1994)
Graveyard for Dreamers: One Woman's Odyssey in Africa
Porters Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada: Pottersfield Press. 297p.

Book chapterBlunt, Allison (1994)
Mapping, Authorship and Authority: Reading Mary Kingsley's Landscape Descriptions
In: Blunt, Allison and Rose, Gillian (eds.). Writing Women and Space: Colonial and Post-Colonial Geographies. New York: Guilford Press. p. 51-72.

BookBlunt, Allison (1994)
Travel, Gender, and Imperialism: Mary Kingsley and West Africa
New York: Guilford Press. 190p.

BookCampbell, Ffyona (British)(1967- ) (1994)
On Foot through Africa
London: Orion Books Ltd. 349p.

BookFrawley, Maria H. (1994)
A Wider Range: Travel Writing by Women in Victorian England
Rutherford, New Jersey; London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; Associated University Presses. 237p.

BookGuest, Eugenie (British)(1907- ) (1994)
Experiences of Life in West Africa
London: Adelphi. 87p.

Book chapterLawrence, Karen R. (1994)
'The African Wanderers': Kingsley and Lee
In: Lawrence, Karen R. Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

BookBirkett, Deborah J. (1993)
Mary Kingsley (1862-1900): A Biographical Bibliography
Bristol, Great Britain: Bristol University Press, on Behalf of the Royal African Society. 30p.

Dissertation / thesisRyan, Julie D. (1993)
Gender, Race and Mary Kingsley
M.A. Thesis: DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois. 71p.

Periodical articleTiryakian, Edward A. (1993)
See this publicationWhite Women in Darkest Africa: Marginals as Observers in No-Woman's Land
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 41 #1-2. p. 209-238.

BookAscanio, Jennifer H. (1992)
White Men Don't Have Juju: An American Couple's Adventure through Africa
Chicago: Noble Press. 345p.

BookBirkett, Deborah J. (1992)
Mary Kingsley: Imperial Adventuress
Basingstoke, Great Britain: Macmillan. 213p.

Book chapterBurton, Rosemary (1992)
Pioneer Women Travellers - Mary Kingsley
In: Burton, Rosemary. Journeys of the Great Explorers. New York: Facts on File.

Book chapterMelchett, Sonia (1992)
Christina Dodwell
In: Melchett, Sonia. Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 89-133.

Book chapterMelchett, Sonia (1992)
Dervla Murphy
In: Melchett, Sonia. Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 7-55.

Book chapterNansen, Fridtjof (1992)
Pioneer Women Travellers - Mary Kingsley
In: Burton, Rosemary and Cavendish, Richard and Stonehouse, Bernard (eds.). Journeys of the Great Explorers. New York: Facts on File.

Book chapterPratt, Mary L. (1992)
From Victoria Nyanza to the Sheraton San Salvador: The Lady in the Swamp
In: Pratt, Mary L. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. London/New York: Routledge. p. 213-216.

Book chapterEarly, Julie E. (1991)
'I Foresee a Liability to Become Diffuse': Mary Kingsley's 'Travels in West Africa'
In: Early, Julie E. 'Monsters of the Deep': The Woman Traveller and Later Victorian Women's Travel Narrative. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. p. 152-227.

Book chapterEarly, Julie E. (1991)
'There is Much to be Said for Belonging to the Most Powerful Nation on Earth': Margaret Fountaine's Private Manuscript
In: Early, Julie E. 'Monsters of the Deep': The Woman Traveller and Later Victorian Women's Travel Narrative. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. p. 228-293.

Dissertation / thesisEarly, Julie E. (1991)
'Monsters of the Deep': The Woman Traveller and Later Victorian Women's Travel Narrative
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 316p.

Dissertation / thesisFrawley, Maria H. (1991)
A Wider Range: Travel Writing by Women in Victorian England
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. 334p.

Book chapterMills, Sara (1991)
Mary Kingsley: 'Travels in West Africa' (1897)
In: Mills, Sara. Discourses of Difference: An Analysis of Women's Travel Writing and Colonialism. London/New York: Routledge. p. 153-174.

Periodical articlePaulme, Denise (1991)
Mary Kingsley, 1862-1900
Gradhiva. #10. p. 85-88.

Book chapterBirkett, Deborah J. (1990)
Mary Kingsley and West Africa
In: Marsden, Gordon (ed.), Victorian Values: Personalities and Perspectives in Nineteenth-Century Society. London/New York: Longman.

Periodical articleGeary, Christraud M. (1990)
'On the Savannah': Marie Pauline Thorbecke's Images from Cameroon, West Africa (1911-1912)
Art Journal. Volume 49 #2. Summer. p. 150-158.

Periodical articleKroller, Eva-Marie (1990)
First Impressions: Rhetorical Strategies in Travel Writing by Victorian Women
Ariel. Volume 21 #4. October. p. 87-99.

BookPearce, Robert D. (1990)
Mary Kingsley: Light at the Heart of Darkness
Oxford: Kensal Press. 174p.

BookBirkett, Deborah J. (1989)
Spinsters Abroad: Victorian Lady Explorers
London: Basil Blackwell. 300p.

BookDodwell, Christina (British)(1951-) (1989)
Travels with Pegasus: A Microlight Journey Across West Africa
London: Hodder and Stoughton. 208p.

BookMurphy, Dervla (Irish)(1931-) (1989)
Cameroon with Egbert
London: Murray. 282p.

BookMyer, Valerie G. (1989)
A Victorian Lady in Africa: The Story of Mary Kingsley
Southampton, Great Britain: Ashford Press. 221p.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Dame Margery Freda Perham, 1895-1982
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 217-223.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Dervla Murphy, 1931--
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 189-195.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Mary Kingsley, 1862-1900
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 149-156.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Christina Dodwell, 1951--
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 113-118.

BookAdams, Evelyn Alice (American)(1907-2003) (1988)
First Woman Doctor to Cameroun: Autobiography of Evelyn A. Adams, M.D., Presbyterian Doctor to Cameroun, Africa, 1936-1974
Cincinnati, Ohio: Women's Society, Westwood First Presbyterian Church. 63p.

Periodical articlePearce, Robert D. (1988)
Missionary Education in Colonial Africa: The Critique of Mary Kingsley
History of Education. Volume 17 #4. p. 283-294.

Dissertation / thesisBirkett, Deborah J. (1987)
An Independent Woman in West Africa: The Case of Mary Kingsley
Ph.D. dissertation: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, Great Britain. 373p.

Periodical articleBirkett, Deborah J. (1987)
West Africa's Mary Kingsley
History Today. Volume 37 #5. May. p. 10-16.

Periodical articleSimpson, Donald (1987)
See this publicationMary Kingsley: A West African Group
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 86 #342. January. p. 5-6.

Periodical articleBirkett, Deborah J. (1986)
The Invalid at Home, the Samson Abroad
Women's Review. #6. April. p. 18-19.

Periodical articleEtherton, Michael; Etherton, Mary (1986)
See this publicationJourneys of the Mind: European Women in West Africa
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 56 #2. p. 229-235.

BookFountaine, Margaret (British)(1862-1940) (1986)
Butterflies and Late Loves: The Further Travels and Adventures of a Victorian Lady
Edited by W.F. Cater. London: Collins. 141p.

BookFrank, Katherine (1986)
A Voyager Out: The Life of Mary Kingsley
Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. 331p.

Book chapterKeay, John (1986)
Odd Jobs for Africa: Mary Kingsley
In: Keay, John. Explorers Extraordinary. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. p. 97-124.

BookRussell, Mary (1986)
The Blessings of a Good Thick Skirt: Women Travelers and Their World
London: Collins. 239p.

Book chapterSadji, Amadou B. (1986)
African Nature and German Culture: Colonial Women Writers on Africa
In: Grimm, Reinhold and Hermand, Jost (eds.). Blacks and German Culture. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. p. 22-34.

BookDeane, Shirley (Australian)(1920- ) (1985)
Talking Drums from a Village in Cameroon
London: John Murray. 180p.

Book chapterLloyd, Clare (1985)
Fishes and Fetish
In: Lloyd, Clare. The Travelling Naturalists. Seattle: University of Washington Press. p. 134-146.

BookPalmer, Helen D. (American) (1985)
Twenty-Eight Years in Africa
New York: Carlton Press. 159p.

Periodical articleStevenson, Catherine B. (1985)
Female Anger and African Politics: The Case of Two Victorian 'Lady Travellers'
Turn of the Century Women. Volume 2. p. 7-17.

BookAlexander, Joan (1983)
Voices and Echoes: Tales from Colonial Women
London: Quartet. 223p.

BookPerham, Margery Freda (British)(1895-1982) (1983)
West African Passage: A Journey through Nigeria, Chad, and the Cameroons, 1931-1932
London; Boston: Peter Owen. 245p.

Book chapterOliver, Caroline (1982)
Mary Kingsley: Explorer and Scientist
In: Oliver, Caroline. Western Women in Colonial Africa. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. p. 76-94.

BookOliver, Caroline (1982)
Western Women in Colonial Africa
Abstract presentWestport, CT: Greenwood Press. Contributions in comparative colonial studies #12. 201p.

BookStevenson, Catherine Barnes (1982)
Victorian Women Travel Writers in Africa
Boston: Twayne. 184p.

Book chapterLongford, Elizabeth (1981)
Mary Kingsley, 1862-1900
In: Longford, Elizabeth. Eminent Victorian Women. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. p. 205-226.

BookGordon, Rene (British) (1980)
Africa: A Continent Revealed
London; Cape Town: Country Life Books; C. Struik. 280p.

Dissertation / thesisLamb, Patricia A.F. (1977)
The Life and Writing of Mary Kingsley: Mirrors of the Self
Ph.D. dissertation: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 202p.

Book chapterWilcox, Desmond (1977)
Mary Kingsley, 1862-1900
In: Wilcox, Desmond. Ten Who Dared. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. p. 269-297.

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