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Search: ge=Tanzania
Found: 189 First Previous Record 101-189

BookChase, Ilka (American)(1905-1978) (1969)
The Varied Airs of Spring
New York: Doubleday. p. 63-167.

BookHart, Susanne (British) (1969)
Life with Daktari
London: Geoffrey Bles. 256p.

BookHolland, Ellen Morland (Bowie)(American) (1968)
Quiet Please!!
Fort Worth, Texas: Branch-Smith. 172p.

BookAmes, Evelyn Perkins (American)(1908-1990) (1967)
A Glimpse of Eden
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 208p.

BookBrown, Clara Lee (American) (1967)
Beating around the Bush
Boston: Christopher Publishing House. 136p.

BookBrown, Evelyn M. (1967)
Edel Quinn, Beneath the Southern Cross
New York: Farrar. 170p.

BookSpencer, Hope Rockefeller (American) (1967)
The Way to Rehema's House: An East African Diary
New York: Simon and Schuster. 288p.

Periodical articleImperato, Pascal J. (1966)
The Martin Johnsons in Africa
Africana. Volume 2 #9. September. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleLewis, R.W. (1966)
Vivienne De Watteville, Hemingway's Companion on Kilimanjaro
Texas Quarterly. Volume 9. Winter. p. 75-88.

BookJennings, Helen Macy (American) (1965)
Ask the Bedroom Boy!
Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Franklin Press. 231p.

Book chapterMiddleton, Dorothy (1965)
May French Sheldon, 1848-1936
In: Middleton, Dorothy. Victorian Lady Travellers. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. p. 90-103.

BookMiddleton, Dorothy (1965)
Victorian Lady Travellers
London: Routledge. 182p.

BookNolan, Cynthia (Australian)(1917- ) (1965)
One Traveller's Africa
London: Methuen. 254p.

BookDouglass, Lillie Bernard (American) (1964)
Cape Town to Cairo
Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers. 348p.

BookHahn, Emily (American)(1905-1997) (1964)
Africa to Me: Person to Person
Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 277p.

BookHuxley, Elspeth Joscelyn Grant (British)(1907-1997) (1964)
With Forks and Hope: An African Notebook
New York: Morrow. 398p.

BookWood, Susan (Buxton) (1964)
A Fly in Amber
London: Collins-Harvill. 222p.

BookChase, Ilka (American)(1905-1978) (1963)
Elephants Arrive at Half-Past Five
Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 269p.

BookHuxley, Juliette (Baillot) (British) (1963)
Wild Lives of Africa
New York; London: Harper and Row; Collins. 254p.

BookHallowell, Dorothy Saylor (American) (1962)
Letters from Africa
Kutztown, Pennsylvania: Kutztown Pub. Co. 123p.

BookStahl, Kathleen Mary (British)(1918- ) (1961)
Tanganyika; Sail in the Wilderness
The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton. 60p.

BookBarker-Benfield, Maud A. (British) (1960)
The Land and Peoples of East Africa
London; New York: A. and C. Black; Macmillan. 104p.

BookRogers, Mirabel (1960)
When Rivers Meet: The Story of the First Trans-African Waterway Expedition
London: Hutchinson. 191p.

BookDuff, Frank (1958)
Edel Quinn
Dublin: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland. 24p.

BookWordsworth, Jill (British) (1958)
Follow the Sun
London: Hale. 224p.

BookRogers, Dorothy (American)(1914-1986) (1957)
Jeopardy and a Jeep: Africa Conquered by Two Women Professors
Louis Ostberg. Rindge, New Hampshire: R.R. Smith. 301p.

BookCloete, Rehna Mildred E. (Ellison)(American) (1956)
The Nylon Safari
New York: Houghton. 276p.

BookRees, Coralie (Clarke)(Australian) (1956)
Westward from Cocos: Indian Ocean Travels
London: G.G. Harrap. 268p.

BookRyan, Margaret G. (American) (1956)
African Hayride
New York: Rand McNally. 255p.

BookSuenens, Leon-Joseph (1955)
Edel Quinn: Envoy of the Legion of Mary to Africa
Dublin, Ireland: C.J. Fallon. 275p.

Periodical articleGray, John M. (1954)
Memories of an Arabian Princess
Tanganyika Notes and Records. Volume 37. p. 49-70.

BookMorden, Irene (American)(1895-1978); Morden, William J. (1954)
Our African Adventure
London: Seeley Service. 255p.

BookThompson, Era Bell (American)(1905-1986) (1954)
Africa, Land of My Fathers
Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 281p.

BookKrippner, Monica (British) (1952)
African Way: Seven Months' Journey from Cape Town to Algiers
London: G. Bles. 224p.

BookReason, Joyce (British)(1894- ) (1952)
Laughter of the Desert: Among Sufferers from Leprosy in Uganda and Tanganyika
London: Mission to Lepers. 117p.

BookHuxley, Elspeth Joscelyn Grant (British)(1907-1997) (1948)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Journey through East Africa
London: Chatto and Windus. 365p.

BookMacdonald, Sheila Scobie (British)(1880-1971) (1948)
Tanganyika Safari
London: Argus and Robertson. 237p.

BookCaldwell, Elsie Noble (American) (1945)
Satin Skirts of Commerce
New York: Richard R. Smith. 204p.

BookMorse, Ira Herbert; Morse, Julie Burke; Morse, Philip M.; Morse, Daphna (1942)
Under African Skies: Including Stories of Our 1938 Trip
Privately printed. By The Morses. 83p.

BookJohnson, Osa Helen Leighty (American)(1894-1953) (1940)
I Married Adventure: The Lives and Adventures of Martin and Osa Johnson
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. 376p.

BookDower, Lavender (British)(1907-2003) (1939)
Epic Failure
Edinburgh: William Blackwood. 263p.

BookCrile, Grace (McBride)(American)(1876-1948) (1937)
Skyways to a Jungle Laboratory: An African Adventure
London; New York: Heinemann; Norton. 240p.

BookMorse, Ira Herbert; Morse, Julie Burke; Morse, Philip M.; Morse, Daphna (1937)
Under African Skies

BookNane (pseud.) (1937)
Safari, The Diary of a Novice: Big Game Hunting in Tanganyika
Privately printed. 80p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1936)
The Late Mrs. M. French Shelton
Journal of the African Society. Volume 35. p. 202-203.

BookSpringer, Eva Alice (American) (1936)
As I Saw Africa: Land of Tragedy and Triumph
Cincinnati: Powell and White. 240p.

BookDe Watteville, Vivienne (Swiss)(1900-1957) (1935)
Speak to the Earth: Wanderings and Reflections among the Elephants and Mountains
New York; London: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas; Methuen and Co. 335p.

BookLoomans, Blanche Cross (American) (1934)
Hither and Yon
Philadelphia: Dorrance. 165p.

BookBoyd, Joyce (British) (1933)
My Farm in Lion Country
New York: Frederick A. Stokes. 273p.

Periodical articleCunningham, Elsie (1933)
Daring African Explorer is Daughter of a Santa Fe Engineer
Santa Fe Magazine. Volume 27. January. p. 19-20.

BookAkeley, Mary Lee (Lenore) Jobe (American)(1886-1966) (1932)
Lions, Gorillas and Their Neighbors
New York: Dodd. 260p.

BookMordaunt, Elinor (British)(1872-1942) (1932)
Purely for Pleasure
Pseud. of Evelyn May Clowes Mordaunt Wiehe. American edition published as: 'Rich Tapestry'. London: Secker. 315p.

BookMorgan, Faith Cope (British) (1932)
The Stout Effort: An Account of a Motor Journey in Africa of 8500 Miles, Told in the Form of Letters to Her Daughter, Hilary
London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne. 312p.

BookAkeley, Mary Lee (Lenore) Jobe (American)(1886-1966) (1930)
Adventures in the African Jungle
New York: Dodd Mead. 275p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1930)
Across the World with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson
Time. Volume 15. February 3. p. 57-58.

BookCron, Gretchen (American) (1930)
The Roaring Veldt
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 286p.

BookMott-Smith, May (British)(1879-1952) (1930)
Africa from Port to Port
New York: Van Nostrand. 424p.

BookStuart-Watt, Eva (British)(1891- ) (1930)
Africa's Dome of Mystery: Comprising the First Descriptive History of the Wachagga People of Kilimanjaro, Their Evangelization, and a Girl's Pioneer Climb to the Crater of Their 19,000 Foot Snow Shrine
London; Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 241p.

BookAkeley, Mary Lee (Lenore) Jobe (American)(1886-1966) (1929)
Carl Akeley's Africa
New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 321p.

BookAnderson, Isabel Weld Perkins (American)(1876-1948) (1929)
Circling Africa
Boston: Marshall Jones. 270p.

BookFlandrau, Grace C. (American)(1889-1971) (1929)
Then I Saw the Congo
New York: Harcourt Brace. 308p.

BookNess, Elizabeth Wilhelmina (British)( -1962) (1929)
Ten Thousand Miles in Two Continents
London: Methuen. 278p.

BookSinger, Caroline (American)(1888-1963) (1929)
White Africans and Black
By Mrs. Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge. New York: W.E. Rudge or Norton. 120p.

BookCave, Ann Estella (British) (1928)
Three Journeys
London: T. Butterworth. 286p.

BookCourt Treatt, Stella (British) (1927)
Cape to Cairo: The Record of a Historic Motor Journey
Boston; London: Brown Little; G.G. Harrap. 250p.

BookBradley, Mary Hastings (American)( -1976) (1926)
Caravans and Cannibals
New York: Appleton. 320p.

BookDundas, Anne Louise Hay (British) (1924)
Beneath African Glaciers: The Humours, Tragedies and Demands of East African Government Station as Experienced by an Officers Wife: With Some Personal Views on Native Life and Customs
London: H.F. and G. Witherby. 238p.

BookMeikle, M.E. (British); Meikle, Robert S. (1917)
After Big Game: The Story of an African Holiday
London: T. Werner Laurie. 327p.

BookCameron, Charlotte (Wales-Almy) (British)( -1946) (1913)
A Woman's Winter in Africa, a 26,000 Mile Journey
London: Stanley Paul. 403p.

BookLowth, Alys (American) (1912)
Doreen Coasting
London: Longmans, Green. 294p.

BookWatt, Rachel S. (British) (1910-1913)
In the Heart of Savagedom: Reminiscences of Life and Adventure during a Quarter of a Century of Pioneering Missionary Labours in the Wilds of East Equatorial Africa
London: Marshall Brothers; Pickering and Inglis. 422p.

BookYounghusband, Ethel (British) (1910)
Glimpses of East Africa and Zanzibar
London: J. Long. 320p.

BookMills, Dora S. Yarnton (British) (1909)
Where We Live and What We Do
London: Office of Universities Mission to Central Africa. 340p.

BookHall, Mary (British)(1857-1912) (1907)
A Woman's Trek from the Cape to Cairo
London: Methuen. 424p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1901)
Mrs. French Sheldon, F.R.G.S., African Traveller
Womanhood. November. p. 392-395.

BookWard, Gertrude (British) (1899)
Letters from East Africa, 1895-1897
London: Universities Missions to Central Africa. 228p.

BookBalfour, Alice Blanche (British)( -1936) (1895)
Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon
London; New York: Arnold. 265p.

Periodical articleBalfour, Alice Blanche (British)( -1936) (1895)
A Short Account of a Journey through the British South Africa Company's Territory in 1894. Part Two
National Review (London). Volume 25. May. p. 351-373.

Periodical articleBalfour, Alice Blanche (British)( -1936) (1895)
A Short Account of a Journey through the British South Africa Company's Territory in 1894. Part One
National Review (London). Volume 25. April. p. 183-206.

Book chapterSheldon, May (Mary) French (American)(1846-1936) (1894)
An African Expedition
In: Eagle, Mary K.O. (ed.). The Congress of Women Held in the Woman's Building: World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A. Chicago: Louis Benham and Co. p. 131-134.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1893)
A Lady in Africa
The Critic. p. 193-194.

BookColville, Zelie Isabelle (Richaud De Preville) (French/British)( -1930) (1893)
Round the Black Man's Garden
Edinburgh; London: Blackwood and Sons. 344p.

BookSheldon, May (Mary) French (American)(1846-1936) (1892)
Sultan to Sultan: Adventures among the Masai and Other Tribes of East Africa
Also published as: 'Adventures in East Africa (or) Sultan to Sultan: The Narrative of a Woman's Adventure among the Masai and Other Tribes of East Africa'. London; Boston: Saxon; Arena. 435p.

BookMoir, Jane F. (Beith)(Scottish) (1891)
A Lady's Letters from Central Africa: A Journey from Mandala, Shire Highlands, to Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika and Back
Glasgow: J. Maclehose. 91p.

BookRuete, Emilie (Emily) (Tanzanian)(1844-1924) (1888)
Memoirs of an Arabian Princess: An Autobiography
New York: Appleton. 307p.

BookHore, Annie Boyle (British)(1853- ) (1886)
To Lake Tanganyika in a Bath Chair
London: Sampson, Low, Marsten, Searle and Rivington. 217p.

BookPringle, M.A. (Scottish) (1884)
Towards the Mountains of the Moon: A Journey in East Africa
Edinburgh; London: Blackwood. 386p.

BookWakefield, Rebecca (British)(1844-1873) (1876)
Memoirs of Rebecca Wakefield: Wife of the Rev. T. Wakefield, United Methodist Free Churches Missionary in Eastern Africa
Edited by Robert Brewin. London: Hamilton, Adams. 197p.

BookBarker, Mary Anne (Stewart) (British)(1831-1911) (1872)
Travelling about over New and Old Ground
Part Four: Africa. By Lady Barker. London; New York: G. Routledge. 353p.

Search: ge=Tanzania
Found: 189 First Previous Record 101-189

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