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Book Book Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Somali refugees in the Horn of Africa: state of the art literature review
Authors:Waldron, SidneyISNI
Hasci, Naima A.ISNI
Series:Studies on emergencies and disaster relief (ISSN 1400-3120)
City of publisher:Uppsala
Publisher:Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Geographic terms:Northeast Africa
External link:http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:272940/fulltext01.pdf
Abstract:This review of the literature on Somali refugees in the Horn of Africa covers analytic books and journal articles, UN documents, government reports, NGO material, journalistic accounts, and conference and seminar dicussions. It deals with the causes of the Somali refugee problem (the 1977/78 Somali/Ethiopian war, the bombing of Hargeisa in 1988, the overthrow of Siyaad in 1991), relief assistance and its consequences, refugees and development in Somalia, and refugee flows and repatriation policies in the period 1988-1994. It contains recommendations concerning research issues, the dissemination of information, the sponsorhip of research, the preservation of and access to research materials, Somali sources, aid policies, field research in crisis situations, and the participation of refugees in aid programmes.