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Dissertation / thesis Dissertation / thesis Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:No time for childhood: psychosocial interventions for children in war-town [i.e. war-torn] southern Sudan
Author:Kessel, Kiki vanISNI
Series:Occasional paper
City of publisher:Nijmegen
Publisher:Department of Development Studies, Third World Centre, Catholic University of Nijmegen
Geographic terms:Sudan
South Sudan
Subjects:child abuse
child care
theses (form)
Abstract:As a student in development studies at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, the author was attached to the South Sudan office of Save the Children Fund (UK) to investigate the effects of war on children and to investigate psychosocial interventions for children in southern Sudan. She interviewed people in 12 different locations in 4 provinces: Leer (Upper Nile Province), Akobo, Waat, Panyagor, Yuai, Ayod (Jonglei Province), Labone (Eastern Equatoria), Maker, Ayok, Ajiep, Mangol and Thiek Thou (Bahr el Ghazal). In this Masters thesis, the author describes the war in Sudan, the possibilities to intervene on behalf of the internally displaced people, Nuer and Dinka culture, the war experiences of southern Sudanese children and the impact of these traumata on their lives, and educational interventions in southern Sudan, especially teacher education. The thesis ends with a number of recommendations.