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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Traditional Politics in Nsaw
Author:Kaberry, Phyllis M.
Periodical:Africa: Journal of the International African Institute
Geographic term:British Cameroons
Subjects:traditional polities
Peoples of Africa (Ethnic Groups)
External links:https://www.jstor.org/stable/1157926
Abstract:The author has done fieldwork in the Tibar chiefdom of Nsaw in Bamenda (Southern Camerouns) for short periods during 1945 - 6, 1957 - 8, and again in 1958. From the Nsaw discussions of the details of a long-standing dispute between the Fon (Chief) of Nsaw and a succession of men who had held the title of Fai wo Ndzendzef, the most senior of the vibai (state councillois) she got an insight into the working of the political system and of the way in which the Nsaw viewed their own system of govem ment. What the Fon's rights anti what the special privileges of Fai wo Ndzendzef were is discussed in the following chapters: Traditions of settlement Rank and Status; argans of Government; The Fon; The Councillors; The succession Counci1; Appointment to office.