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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Future of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Periodical:Commonwealth Survey: A Record of United Kingdom and Commonwealth Affairs
Geographic term:Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Abstract:Summary of the results of the Victoria Falls conference (28/6-3/7-1963), under chairmanship of the British 1st secretary of state, mr. Butler, of the representatives of the Govt. of the Federation, S. & N. Rhodesia and observers sent by the Govt. of Nyasaland, and of other developments. The principle of secession - Reaction of the Fed. Govt. - End of United Fed. Party - Acting Gov.-Gen. of the Federation - Southern Rhodesia: Request for independence and subsequent correspondence - Discussions in London - Mr. Field's statement - United Nations Committee on colonialism - Return of Mr. Mkomo - Leadership of ZAPU. Northern Rhodesia: Talks on Barotseland Nyasaland: Sir Roy Welensky's visit to S. Africa - Report of the Central Africa Conference, 1963: Machinery (2 committées) - Nyasaland - Guidance to committees - Fed. Public Service - Fed. assets & liabilities, including Public debt - Inter-Territorial collaboration - Transfer of money & taxation functions - Defence - Citizenship - The Fed. Supreme Court - Timetable - World Bank Offer. Rhodesia & Nyasaland Bill.