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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The nationalization of the Zambian copper industry
Author:Ndulo, MunaISNI
Periodical:Zambia Law Journal
Geographic term:Zambia
copper mining
Abstract:On 11 August 1969, the government of Zambia announced that it was nationalizing the copper mining industry to the extent of 51% of its equity shares. This study embarks on a theoretical study of the international rules relating to the expropriation of property. The object is to show how far the Zambian government in its nationalization of the copper mining industry lived up to the generally accepted international rules with respect to the expropriation of private property and assured foreign investors that mining investments in Zambia were secure, or in case of loss from nationalization, that international rules would be observed. The discussion on the international rules for the nationalization of property includes a discussion of the problems of the developing countries in relation to the payment of compensation. Notes.