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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Secondary technical and vocational education in underdeveloped countries: Ghana
Periodical:Educational Studies and Documents
Geographic term:Ghana
Subjects:vocational education
teacher education
Abstract:This study attempts to discover in what ways provision for secondary technical and vocational education can be measured against economic development with particular reference to manpower needs and other evolving demographical factors. The post-war development of education in Ghana is surveyed: Rapid expansion of free primary education - Slower expansion of secondary enronment - New secondary schools constructed - Weakness in upp upper reaches of secondary schools - Demand for teachers improved quality of teachers needed Low level still of technical education - Present difficulties in foreoastinh needs - Agricultural education - Steady rise in education expenditure Share of education in development expenditure - Less development funds likely in future for education - Conclusion: emphasis on technical education.