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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The impact of drama in the northern states of Nigeria
Author:Kofoworola, Ziky O.
Periodical:Nigeria Magazine
Geographic term:Sierra Leone
Subjects:folk drama
Abstract:It is not possible to measure the impact of drama in the northern states of Nigeria through the conventional methods of literary critics. Any attempt through that method will be frustatoed because of the inadequate published literature based on drama in the North. Any assessment of the impact of drama in the northern states of Nigeria on the basis of the modem western production system is bound to create the impression that play productions in that area are negligible. If drama in the North is examined from the Western literary critics' method which depends mainly on published or documented material then its true impact will be negligible. A new approach must be taken that brushes aside certain western concepts of drama in favour of the true nature and the growth of African drama. In this context drama is artistic human action, reproduced in the sociological, political and economic setting of ritual archetypes through dance, mimes, gestures, mimicri, songs and chorus. - Notes, photogr.