Title: | The introduction of a decimal coinage system in the union of South Africa |
Author: | Arndt, E.H.D. |
Year: | 1961 |
Periodical: | South African Journal of Economics |
Volume: | 29 |
Issue: | 2 |
Pages: | 89-102 |
Language: | English |
Geographic term: | South Africa |
Subject: | money |
External link: | https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1813-6982.1961.tb02359.x |
Abstract: | This contribution deals with the history of the new monetary system in South Africa. The early fathers; The Becklake Committee of Inquiry; The Bureau of Standard Inquiry; The decimal coinage Commission; The decimal coinage Act; Planning for the Introduction of the Rand/cent System; D-day and After. |