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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Community development and famine relief: international aid for self-help in Lesotho
Author:Botting, J.H.A.
Periodical:The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers
Geographic term:Lesotho
Subjects:community development
External link:http://search.proquest.com/pao/docview/1304153160
Abstract:To make independence (October 1966) something of a reality community development has been adopted as official government policy for the promotion of social economic development of Lesotho. Community development policy can be said to have started in 1965 under Chief Leabua Jonathan's National Party regime. The same year a U.N. Adviser arrived. Policy was then more clearly defined and the attempts more coordinated. A new dimension to community development, which had mainly concentrated on adult education and infrastructural efforts, was given in 1966 by the food shortages caused by the failure of the rains in 1964 and 1965. A Drought Relief Scheme was implemented as a Food for Work scheme. Food shortages continued into 1968, and seem to have become even worse. To meet this there are in fact two schemes, one backed by Catholic Relief Services (America) and the other by the World Food Programme (U.N.). One wonders to what extent these developmental projects are really promoting community development in terms of human relationships and processes.