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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Alternative Development Policies for Sudan
Author:Elnur, IbrahimISNI
Periodical:Review of African Political Economy
Geographic term:Sudan
Development and Technology
Economics and Trade
External links:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03056249908704418
Abstract:The crisis in contemporary Sudan is well known. The Group for Alternative Policies for Sudan (GAPS), hosted by the Office of African Studies at the American University in Cairo, was established in 1996 as an independent association of Sudanese professionals and academics. The rationale for the group's work is to bring together the expertise of Sudanese professionals (within Sudan and in the diaspora), and to provide for them a platform to develop their collective knowledge to draw up a sound and broadly-based framework for alternative policies to halt and reverse the process of increasing marginalization of the country and for its rehabilitation. GAPS' programme implicitly develops a certain sequence paving the way for a broad discussion on alternative development strategy. GAPS starts with social services (education and health), moving on to sectoral strategies and macro policy, war, regional development and rehabilitation, before embarking on the formulation of a broadly defined strategy for sustainable development. Building consensus on the main features and directions of such a strategy is the ultimate goal of GAPS.