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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Secondary School Teachers and the Emotional Abuse of Children: A Study of Three Secondary Schools in Gaborone, Botswana
Authors:Osei-Hwedie, KwakuISNI
Hobona, Alice K.ISNI
Periodical:Journal of Social Development in Africa (ISSN 1012-1080)
Notes:biblio. refs.
Geographic terms:Botswana
Southern Africa
Subjects:child abuse
secondary education
Education and Oral Traditions
Health and Nutrition
Labor and Employment
School community relationships
social problems
Gaborone (Botswana)
Abstract:In Africa child abuse is a serious problem although some societies do not want to acknowledge this. This paper focuses on how teachers view emotional abuse. More specifically, it examines some teachers' knowledge and understanding of emotional abuse and the extent of their skills in identifying such cases among their students; their personal feelings about, and experience of, emotional abuse in their own lives and their awareness of the existence of support and other services for emotionally abused children. The paper is based on a survey conducted in three junior secondary schools in Gaborone, Botswana. Thirty-five teachers from these schools participated. Most teachers knew of emotional abuse and its aspects. However, about a third of them had no knowledge of emotional abuse or how to identify signs of abuse. Most teachers did not feel that their jobs entailed providing support for abused children. From the data, it is evident that teacher training and in-service programmes must equip teachers with the skills to enable them to contribute effectively to the prevention and management of the emotional abuse of children. Bibliogr., note, sum.