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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:'Just another day': the North Kivu security predicament after the 2006 Congolese elections
Author:Bøås, MortenISNI
Periodical:African security
Geographic term:Congo (Democratic Republic of)
Subjects:political violence
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19362200802285807
Abstract:Elections produce winners and losers, but not necessarily reconciliation. In fact, the 2006 elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo cemented several of the cleavages that led to the war in the first place. In North Kivu, the situation is still tense and uncertain, and the North Kivu security predicament is situated in the conflict nexus between migration, land rights, and identity issues. The Congo crisis is neither an international conspiracy nor a 'resource war' merely about pillage and plunder. Its causes must be located in the complex web of uncertainties concerning citizenship and land rights questions that have become an integral part of people's livelihoods in North Kivu. This has important ramifications for the levels of attachment and disattachment between armed insurgencies and local populations. The conflict in North Kivu is deeply entrenched in history, and here as elsewhere in Africa the past and the present are connected in complicated ways. The only way we can understand the North Kivu security predicament is to consider how the current conflict is an integral part of the full history of this part of Congo. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]