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Book Book Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue
Title:The Lord's Resistance Army: myth and reality
Editors:Allen, TimISNI
Vlassenroot, KoenISNI
City of publisher:London
Publisher:Zed Books
ISBN:1848135629; 9781848135628; 1848135637; 9781848135635
Geographic term:Uganda
offences against human rights
International Criminal Court
peace negotiations
About person:Joseph Kony
Abstract:This collective volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the Lord's Resistance Army, Africa's most persistent 'terrorist' group, from the roots of the violence to the oppressive responses of the Ugandan government and the failures of the international community. Contributions: Exploring the roots of LRA violence: political crisis and ethnic politics in Acholiland (Adam Branch); Uganda's politics of foreign aid and violent conflict: the political uses of the LRA rebellion (Andrew Mwenda); The spiritual order of the LRA (Kristof Titeca); An African hell of colonial imagination? The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, another story (Sverker Finnström); Chasing the Kony story (Mareike Schomerus); 'A terrorist is not a person like me': an interview with Joseph Kony (Mareike Schomerus); On the nature and causes of LRA abduction: what the abductees say (Christopher Blattman and Jeannie Annan); Between two worlds: former LRA soldiers in northern Ugana (Ben Mergelsberg); Encountering Kony: a Madi perspective (Ronald Iya); Northern Uganda: a 'forgotten conflict', again? The impact of the internationalization of the resolution process (Sandrine Perrot); 'The realists of Juba'? An analysis of the Juba peace talks (Ronald R. Atkinson); NGO involvement in the Juba peace talks: the role and dilemmas of IKV Pax Christi (Simon Simonse, Willemijn Verkoren and Gerd Junne); Bitter roots: the 'invention' of Acholi traditional justice (Tim Allen); The ICC investigation of the Lord's Resistance Army: an insider's view (Matthew Brubacher). Postscript: a kind of peace and exported war (Tim Allen, Frederick Laker, Holly Porter and Mareike Schomerus). [ASC Leiden abstract]