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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:To patrol is to control: ensuring situational awareness in Africa's maritime exclusive economic zones
Author:Ibrahim, O.S.ISNI
Periodical:African Security Review
Geographic term:Africa
Subjects:regional security
territorial waters
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10246029.2009.9627549
Abstract:Contemporary threats in Africa's waters include piracy; organized crime, including gun-running, smuggling, human and drug trafficking; illegal exploitation of marine resources; and the destruction of marine resources through dumping and pollution. This paper argues that, to address these threats, situational awareness of the maritime domain is of utmost importance as it would provide the knowledge base required to advise African leaders in taking the right decisions that would enhance maritime security in the continent. At present, little is being done by African governments to protect their maritime interests and resources in the areas of adequate investment in systems and structures for effective maritime security, due to inadequate capacity to cover Africa's vast exclusive economic zones (EEZs), lack of political will by African governments, inadequate synergy between maritime security initiatives of various subregional organizations, and the increasing influence of extra-regional powers in Africa. Situational awareness in the maritime domain is a continuum that begins far beyond the borders of individual African nations and requires a critical blend of tangible resources such as equipment and personnel, along with intangible items such as useful intelligence and strong partnerships. Notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]