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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Why waste money on Quarterly Labour Force Surveys? Waste it on youth development instead!
Author:Meth, CharlesISNI
Periodical:Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (ISSN 0258-7696)
Geographic term:South Africa
Subjects:labour market
youth unemployment
government policy
External link:https://muse.jhu.edu/article/378411
Abstract:After a review of the old bi-annual South African Labour Force Surveys, Statistics South Africa decided that the survey would be conducted on a quarterly basis as of August 2008. One stated aim was to facilitate policy responses by providing more up-to-date, timely information. The hope was also expressed that the slimmed-down instrument would find the elusive workers the old LFSs allegedly missed. Reiterating a set of criticisms offered in advance of the publication of the first of the new Quarterly Labour Force Surveys, this article argues that the value of the information contained in the QLFSs for policymakers and business decisionmakers is zero. The second part of the article takes one of the many areas where statistics are vital for policy formation - youth development - and casts around for a niche within it into which to throw a pile of money in order that some good may be done. It spells out the dimensions of the problem of enforced idleness among youth that goes beyond the unemployment figures frequently cited, arguing that the National Youth Development Agency Act of 2008 is evidence of government paralysis. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]