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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Studying together, living apart: emerging geographies of school attendance in post-apartheid Cape Town
Authors:Lemon, AnthonyISNI
Battersby-Lennard, Jane
Periodical:African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society (ISSN 1468-2621)
Geographic term:South Africa
secondary education
External link:https://www.jstor.org/stable/41240171
Abstract:Desegregation of South African schools is creating new geographies of education. Parental choice of school in the context of continuing spatial inequalities of educational provision encourages considerable movement of pupils from outside traditional catchment areas, as parents send children to distant schools formerly intended for members of other racial groups. To explore the socioeconomic context of such choices, and the costs of making them, this article uses survey data from ten secondary schools in Cape Town with differing apartheid histories, in different socioeconomic neighbourhoods, and with differing racial compositions. The findings reveal both the progress made since the end of apartheid and the limitations of change. Pupils travelling to distant schools in white areas appear to be coping well with the potential pressures, but remain a small, largely middle-class minority of black and coloured children, while friendships still appear to be made mainly within rather than across racial groups. Genuine educational choice and class mobility will depend on more fundamental reduction of educational inequality. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]