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DVD / video DVD / video Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:State of mind = Healing trauma
Editors:Munga, Djo Tunda WaISNI
Markovitz, Steven
Publisher:Suka! Production
Geographic term:Congo (Democratic Republic of)
civil wars
documentary films (form)
videos (form)
Abstract:In war-torn countries people will not be able to be productive and development will fail until they overcome their trauma. Is it possible for a country choked by the legacy of five million deaths to successfully move on? That is the underlying question in this documentary film about the use of psychotherapy to talk about loss, forgiving, and finding new memories to overlay the traumatic older ones. In 2009 the American dr. Albert Pesso, who co-founded PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor), was invited to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), by the German government's international aid agency GTZ and the DRC government. In the DRC many people suffer from years of post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Pesso had been asked to train health practitioners in symbolic interaction, a form of relatively short-term, group-session based, psychotherapy. In the training sessions the health care workers themselves, many of whom are also survivors of horrendous violence, work through the therapeutic process with Dr. Pesso. The film captures the sessions in a series of fly-on-the-wall scenes, and interviews with the participants. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video]