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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The participation of SADC and ECOWAS in military operations: the weight of national interests in decision-making
Author:Tavares, RodrigoISNI
Periodical:African Studies Review (ISSN 1555-2462)
Geographic term:Subsaharan Africa
Subjects:peacekeeping operations
External link:http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/african_studies_review/v054/54.2.tavares.pdf
Abstract:Over the last decade, African regional organizations have gained considerable scope in peacekeeping and peace enforcement. Two subregional organizations in particular, ECOWAS and SADC, have gathered significant experience in military interventions: ECOWAS in Liberia (1990-1998 and 2003), Sierra Leone (1997-2000), Guinea-Bissau (1998-1999), and Côte d'Ivoire (2003-2004), SADC in Lesotho (1998) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (1998). This article assesses the decisionmaking processes of both organizations ahead of the interventions and concludes that African States participate in military interventions for reasons of national and personal interests rather than humanitarian reasons or out of a primary interest in preserving regional stability. The article derives from semi-structured interviews conducted in 2007 and 2008 in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Zimbabwe, and South Africa with policymakers (attached to governmental departments or to regional organizations), journalists, scholars, and policy advisers. In total, forty-nine persons from twenty different African countries were interviewed. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract, edited]