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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Epistemic pluralism for knowledge transformation
Author:Teffo, LesibaISNI
Periodical:International Journal of African Renaissance Studies (ISSN 1818-6874)
Geographic term:Africa
Subjects:indigenous knowledge
African studies
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/18186874.2011.592388
Abstract:Knowledge transformation, with a focus on indigenous knowledge systems, as advocated in this article, seeks to liberate the African voice and the African genius so that his/her existential experiences and conditions are incorporated and mainstreamed in the general corpus of scientific knowledge. The era of the marginalization of non-Western knowledge systems is past. Epistemological hegemony has to make room for epistemic pluralism. Research in African studies programmes and, more importantly, in African Renaissance studies, should emphasize the normative aspect of knowledge. Knowledge should have as one of its objectives a commitment to changing, for the better, the material conditions of the people. The author argues for the promotion of a holistic and normative epistemology oriented towards the development and happiness of the individual and society, while affirming the humanity of the African person. Bibliogr., note, sum. [ASC Leiden abstract]