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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Water resources and biofuel production after the fast-track land reform in Zimbabwe
Authors:Mutopo, PatienceISNI
Chiweshe, Manase Kudzai
Periodical:African Identities (ISSN 1472-5851)
Geographic term:Zimbabwe
Subjects:water resources
land reform
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14725843.2013.868673
Abstract:Current discourse on the fast-track land reform programme in Zimbabwe has addressed the increase in biofuel production, which has been pioneered by different State and non-State actors. This has led to debates about understanding who wields more power in terms of the regulation of the agro-based fuel industry at a time of land redistributive reforms in the country. Little attention, however, has been given to the issue of water resources in the current biofuel production projects. By examining the large-scale production of jatropha and sugar cane in Chisumbanje and Mwenezi districts in Zimbabwe, the authors unravel how the new investors have accumulated land and water resources. They analyse how this leads to water competition between the communities, settled in Chisumbanje and Mwenezi, and the new biofuel actors. The following questions are addressed: What is the configuration of the new politics of water and post-land reform in Zimbabwe and how has it been impacted by biofuel production? How has competing water interests impacted principles of the Water Act (1998) in Zimbabwe as biofuel production requires the use of large volumes of water? How are water resources creating conflicts over access and use in these communities? What role do water institutions play in these circumstances? How are different smallholder farmers and new conglomerates sharing water in a tense environment especially after fast-track land reform? On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork in Mwenezi district and archival research in the case of Chisumbanje the paper demonstrates how water dispossession and grabbing by large-scale agricultural corporations is adversely affecting livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract, edited]