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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Spirits - some thoughts on ancient Damara folk belief
Author:Schmidt, Sigrid
Periodical:Journal - Namibia Scientific Society (ISSN 1018-7677)
Geographic term:Namibia
popular beliefs
Abstract:The aim of this essay is to illustrate a neglected field of Damara folk belief and customs: the various kinds of spirits which, partly up to the present, influence the worldview of the Damara. The investigation revealed that there are basically two kinds of spirits, the spirits related to ancient deities connected with death and life, and the spirits connected with localities, especially certain roads, fountains or mining pits. The latter kind of spirits have to be addressed politely, to be spoken to and asked for permission. Fieldwork data were collected by the author in Namibia between 1960 and 1977. Bibliogr., sum. in English and German [Journal abstract]