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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Partnership, policy making, and conditionality in the gender field: the case of Tanzania
Authors:Lange, SiriISNI
Tjomsland, MaritISNI
Periodical:Africa Today (ISSN 1527-1978)
Geographic term:Tanzania
Subjects:development cooperation
External link:https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/africa_today/v060/60.4.lange.pdf
Abstract:Since the late 1990s, partnership among donors, governments in the South and NGOs has been the overarching framework for development cooperation, but it has been criticized for furthering priorities of the North, rather than those of the South. The power balance in development cooperation is gradually changing, however, especially because of the entrance of China as an important development partner, making aid-dependent African governments less reliant on the North. This article discusses partnership in Tanzania with a special focus on policymaking to enhance rights and gender equality. The late 1990s have been described as an era when successful partnerships ensured laws friendly to women, but the analysis of policymaking in the 2010s shows that the process consumes far more time now and is harder to accomplish. This is illustrated by three examples: revision of the existing gender policy, formulation of a new maternal health bill, and efforts to make Tanzania amend the law that prohibits same-sex sexual relations. The authors argue that the current issues are more controversial, challenging cultural norms. Furthermore, the government perhaps realistically envisages a future without aid and is less willing to let partners influence its policies. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract, edited]