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DVD / video DVD / video Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:State Research Bureau
Editors:Bish, Matt
Masaba, Roger
City of publisher:Kampala
Publisher:Bish Films
Geographic term:Uganda
Subjects:national security
intelligence services
offences against human rights
feature films (form)
videos (form)
External link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7kqA2UuFA
Abstract:In 1985, the Uganda National Liberation Army, the force that ousted Idi Amin Dada, had also turned onto civilians, who were accused of supporting the National Resistance Army (NRA) rebels, who were fighting the UPC government of Milton Obote, killing them without trial. A couple that escapes a brutal massacre of civilians in Arua town miraculously reaches Kampala, and attempts to flee to Kenya. On their way through Jinja, they are intercepted at a road block mounted by men of the notorious Captain Yusuf, who runs a National Security Agency (Nasa) unit in Jinja. However, Capt. Yusuf, whose relatives perished at the hands of agents of Nasa's predecessor, the State Research Bureau (SRB) during Idi Amin's regime, is not impressed by the new name and wants to run 'an improved version' of the SRB. At his safe house, Capt. Yusuf is the law, the prosecutor, and judge. He has right over life - and of anyone under him. However, the captain has a soft spot for women and the prisoners use it to their advantage. [Abstract reproduced from DVD-video].