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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The impact of donor support to basic education in Ghana since the 1987 education sector reforms
Author:Adams Achanso, Sulemana
Periodical:Ghana Journal of Development Studies (ISSN 0855-6768)
Geographic term:Ghana
Subjects:basic education
development cooperation
educational reform
Abstract:This paper examines the impact of donor support on Ghana's basic education sector since the 1987 education sector reforms. It explores the extent to which donor support has contributed to mitigating the challenges of basic education in Ghana. The paper argues that while donor support sought to contribute to the resolution of many of the challenges facing Ghana's basic education sector, many of the challenges remain. It finds that there have been positive impacts such as gender parity at the basic level, improvements in enrolment, attainment and completion rates, but also deterioration, such as management inefficiency, poor motivation and teacher commitment, within-sector challenges, weak supervision and ineffective sector coordination. The author suggests that much more collaboration between donors and the Ghanaian government is needed to effectively tackle the persistent basic education sector challenges. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited]